Mayorkas: Americans’ Priorities Are Subordinate to ‘Nation of Immigrants’

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Mayorkas is a traitor to the United States of America, and he should be tried, convicted, sentenced, and publicly sent to the gallows. He swore an oath to the Constitution. He’s violated that oath... then again, again, and again. If not, deport him to Cuba, his rotten birthplace.

The Cuban-born, pro-migration border chief took a few procedural questions from picked journalists when he presented part of his new plans to import more migrants into Americans’ workplaces and neighborhoods. “Our president has led the largest expansion of legal pathways ever,” Mayorkas said to a mostly empty press room.

But Breitbart News asked about the fairness of Mayorkas’s maximum-migration policies for ordinary Americans at a time of sliding wages, rising rents, and expanding civic chaos:

BBN: How do Americans gain from the immigration paths you are opening, sir? No [journalists] ever asks, “Do Americans gain from all the immigrants who you bring in — [even though] wages get pushed down, rents get pushed up.”
Mayorkas: Sir, we are a nation of immigrants. And we are a nation of laws. Individuals who qualify for relief under our laws have a basis to remain in the United States. The contributions of immigrants to this country is quite clear.
The Biden migration has added at least six million people — including four million workers — to the nation’s population. That inflow is roughly three migrants for every four American births. Millions more are expected after Mayorkas lifts the Title 42 border barrier on May 11.

Mayorkas’ “Nation of Immigrants” claim refers to the Cold War lobbyist narrative that the United States is a homeland for migrants, not for Americans. The narrative was created by Democratic-linked advocacy groups and business interests, despite enduring Americans’ primary concerns for their fellow citizens.

The narrative has no basis in law and had little in 20th-century history. Moreover, many polls show that pluralities and majorities of diverse Americans want to welcome fewer migrants.
A lot of these far-left extremist Democrats such as Mayorkas loath the Wasps who founded America.
This is why Left Wingers have such disdain for American traditions, holidays, culture and patriotism.
They see Wasps as the world's ultimate oppressors.
This is why the far-left brags about "changing demographics" and say racist extremist things like "demographics is destiny".
This is why the Democrats want open borders and mass immigration.
It is because of their cultural hatred.
They will eventually turn America into far left one party police state with the help of third world voters.
Mayorkas should be impeached and prosecuted for violating oath of office.

Mayorkas said we are a nation of laws. What about this one?
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He should have been asked where in the US Code, Constitution or Bill of Rights is it written that we are a nation of immigrants? And that we must take in every dirty, broken, unwanted, disheveled 3rd worlder and criminal until out cities bust and the nation goes bankrupt with debt and crime?

Then he needs his smug ass impeached and kicked all the way back to Cuba.
He needs to learn the difference between an immigrant and a illegal then I suppose. Because they are not the same thing at all.
Americans colluding with the Chinese brings SARS2 depopulation. Hunter Biden is linked to this virology. Next, his psycho father allows a debauch of humans over the border to fill in the gaps. To remove Biden sewage slime from the White House is thus an intelligent thing to do.
Mayorkas said we are a nation of laws. What about this one?
View attachment 784382
He should have been asked where in the US Code, Constitution or Bill of Rights is it written that we are a nation of immigrants? And that we must take in every dirty, broken, unwanted, disheveled 3rd worlder and criminal until out cities bust and the nation goes bankrupt with debt and crime?

Then he needs his smug ass impeached and kicked all the way back to Cuba.
Wasn't this fucker sleeping with the Chinese hooker-spy?
Every country in the World is a nation of immigrants.

The USA, cannot be the only nation that allows people Freedom, Liberty, and Justice.

It is time, that we force these nations to be just like us. Obviously, that is what millions upon millions, if not billions of people want. Immigration, illegal immigration is the proof.

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