McCain Campaign Solution: Call everything towards Sarah Palin Sexist!


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Fiorina calls SNL impersonation of Palin ’sexist’ - Blogs from


That was Sexist? With the rate they throw the word out, it's going to become Sarah's middle name.

The former Hewlett-Packard CEO is among McCain's most high profile surrogates and earlier this month was the first member of the Arizona senator's campaign to suggest Democrats were launching sexist attacks at the Republican VP candidate.

:lol: they just keep diggin that hole deeper and deeper don't they?

SNL makes fun of EVERYONE! do they think they weren't making fun of Hillary too?

I love how whiny the GOP has gotten...

this is going to blow up in their faces...

it's clear they picked Palin just for this reason and this reason alone....
Imagine if they had an Obama impersonator as a pimp.

I'd find that funny. That way Sarah Palin can be one of his working girls.


Oh wait, I may not be able to say that or I'll be called sexist.

I'd find that funny. That way Sarah Palin can be one of his working girls.


Oh wait, I may not be able to say that or I'll be called sexist.


Just like anyone who attacks Obama is called a racist?

Now you guys know how it feels to be unable to attack someone for fear of being labeled.

2 can play at that game.
Holy hell.................................

How many times have I heard...."You're a racist if you don't vote obama"

or what was the other one........"You're a sexist if you don't vote for her Thighness Hillary"

Or how about all the times that Obama and Clinton called each other and their supporters a "racist" or "sexist" respectively.

What is sexist from the left is people saying Palin isn't qualified because she has kids?

NOW says she is a man and not a woman because of her beliefs

I guess a woman is only independent if they're a liberal............god forbid a woman be (oh the horror)...........and above all else strong in their convictions.
Just like anyone who attacks Obama is called a racist?

Now you guys know how it feels to be unable to attack someone for fear of being labeled.

2 can play at that game.

Hello, are you seeing what comments they are calling sexist?

The racist comments against Obama are usually well racist slurs or comments.

Least you admit however that it's BS.
I'd find that funny. That way Sarah Palin can be one of his working girls.


Oh wait, I may not be able to say that or I'll be called sexist.

Why would a conservative mother of five be a working girl? Humor should have at least some element of truth to be funny. :cuckoo:
Why would a conservative mother of five be a working girl? Humor should have at least some element of truth to be funny. :cuckoo:

If you don't see the irony in what I posted, that's your fault.

Hyper sensitive and reaching pretty far? Sure. But who did they learn THAT particular trick from? I think we all know.
Hyper sensitive and reaching pretty far? Sure. But who did they learn THAT particular trick from? I think we all know.

DarkHalo, don't try to spin this.

Since Day 1 since she was named the Republican VP Nominee, the McCain Campaign has been calling Sexism in any opposition towards her.

I feel sorry for any reporter trying to get some real answers out of her. They'll probably be a branded a sexist and might get fired from their job.

You don't call SNL sexist though and get away with it. You can bet that the next SNL (with Barack Obama perhaps) will have a skit that involves Sarah Palin.

And I doubt Sarah Palin or even John McCain maybe will get any offers to return to SNL anytime soon. And they shouldn't since they are allowing this top aide to call the show Sexist.
DarkHalo, don't try to spin this.

Since Day 1 since she was named the Republican VP Nominee, the McCain Campaign has been calling Sexism in any opposition towards her.

I feel sorry for any reporter trying to get some real answers out of her. They'll probably be a branded a sexist and might get fired from their job.

You don't call SNL sexist though and get away with it. You can bet that the next SNL (with Barack Obama perhaps) will have a skit that involves Sarah Palin.

And I doubt Sarah Palin or even John McCain maybe will get any offers to return to SNL anytime soon. And they shouldn't since they are allowing this top aide to call the show Sexist.

Quit dodging and answer my question. Who did McCains peopel learn that trick from?
Quit dodging and answer my question. Who did McCains peopel learn that trick from?

I'm not dodging your question. Your changing the topic.

But do tell me? I'd like to know since I can't remember any certain people crying any certain thing like this at any chance.
I'm not dodging your question. Your changing the topic.

But do tell me? I'd like to know since I can't remember any certain people crying any certain thing like this at any chance.

The hell you say! Democrats don't whine about the slightest imagined insult or slight no matter how big a stretch it is every chance they get?!


In an earlier post I said that global warming and environmentalism is the new religion of the left. Totally true. And political correctness is the alter upon which they make their sacrifices.

Are you so blind that you can not even SEE the hyper sensitivity of the lefts political correctness?
The hell you say! Democrats don't whine about the slightest imagined insult or slight no matter how big a stretch it is every chance they get?!


In an earlier post I said that global warming and environmentalism is the new religion of the left. Totally true. And political correctness is the alter upon which they make their sacrifices.

Are you so blind that you can not even SEE the hyper sensitivity of the lefts political correctness?

That's being ignorant right there.

"Global Warming and environmentalism" is the new religion of the left? :cuckoo:

I believe I missed the memo on that one. I'm not blind and I can see how the Left wants to be politically correct. You act like being politically correct is a bad thing.

And do tell me, what has Barack Obama "whined" about? Give me a link too along with that and your whole new religion.

Oh and your invoking Modbert's Law.

"As a USMB discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Barack Obama increases."

I tend to notice on here no matter what the subject is on for the GOP, someone will drag Obama into it.

That's not whining, that's the truth.

The McCain Campaign has tried to scare people into thinking Barack Obama is different so therefore he's bad.

And btw:

Using Fox News as a source? Not Credible.

If Huffington Post and NY Times is not Credible to the Right Wing then Fox News isn't to least me at the Left Wing.

Oh and Laura Ingraham is a conservative political commentator. So therefore she already has a bias.
That's not whining, that's the truth.

The McCain Campaign has tried to scare people into thinking Barack Obama is different so therefore he's bad.

And btw:

Using Fox News as a source? Not Credible.

If Huffington Post and NY Times is not Credible to the Right Wing then Fox News isn't to least me at the Left Wing.

Oh and Laura Ingraham is a conservative political commentator. So therefore she already has a bias.

not credible?

did they hire actors and pretend it was yo-bama saying what he said?

if you really want ill find a clip from msnbc with yo-bama saying the same thing.
not credible?

did they hire actors and pretend it was yo-bama saying what he said?

if you really want ill find a clip from msnbc with yo-bama saying the same thing.

Not saying they faked it. I'm saying that's not whining. That's the truth.

If you want a good example, look at certain members of this board who are both racist and members of the GOP. Look at the stuff they spew about Obama at times, it's called hate speech for a reason.
Not saying they faked it. I'm saying that's not whining. That's the truth.

If you want a good example, look at certain members of this board who are both racist and members of the GOP. Look at the stuff they spew about Obama at times, it's called hate speech for a reason.

it's only the truth because you support yo-bama. that's fine, no surprise you would see it that way.

yes, anything said against yo-bama is racist and everyone who does not support him must be a racist a well.

you are the one supporting a man who sat and listened to racist sermons for 20 years, that make you a racist as well?

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