McCain thinks Bill Clinton could broker cease fire in Gaza


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Is Bill Clinton now the PRESIDENT--lol

It''s fair game now. I am not saying this with joy. But unless Israel smokes them, this shit is not going to stop.

Now Hamas can reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with their rockets.

I hope they smoke Gaza. Time to lay waste to Hamas. Kill everyone. Teach a lesson.
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Graham to Romney: Stop Digging; McCain Wants Clinton to Lead Israel Peace Talks - Yahoo! News

When I first heard that I asked myself...."Self, why didn't John ask the last two term GOP President to be a cease fire broker in Gaza?"

Then it suddenly dawned on me that maybe McCain doesn't want the US building another nation at this point. We haven't totally gotten out of the two wars that the Chimp started, now have we? W, the two term GOP embarrassment...:clap2:

Hey it's your arab spring.

Embrace it you idiot.
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So in other words McCain feels that the current administration is far too incompetent to lead any peace talks with Israel.

That's saying something coming from McCain.
It''s fair game now. I am not saying this with joy. But unless Israel smokes them, this shit is not going to stop.

Now Hamas can reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with their rockets.

I hope they smoke Gaza. Time to lay waste to Hamas. Kill everyone. Teach a lesson.

Depending on how the Gaza turns out, Israel may be conducting dress rehearsal for Iran. I think the Iron Dome has caught Hamas by surprise.
Graham to Romney: Stop Digging; McCain Wants Clinton to Lead Israel Peace Talks - Yahoo! News

When I first heard that I asked myself...."Self, why didn't John ask the last two term GOP President to be a cease fire broker in Gaza?"

Then it suddenly dawned on me that maybe McCain doesn't want the US building another nation at this point. We haven't totally gotten out of the two wars that the Chimp started, now have we? W, the two term GOP embarrassment...:clap2:

Hey it's your arab spring douche bag.

Embrace it you ****.

You need to let the November 6th depression go...
Personally, I think he is right. The US is depending on Egypt to broker a cease fire, but who can trust them? The US needs to stay arms length while making sure a fair deal is brokered. Bill Clinton could do that.

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