McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy

Bull, they lost leadership because of Hillary and her own form of Commie Care.

Not really... but you guys tell yourself that.

Republicans have always said that Mitt had the right to have state insurance care. All our social programs should be run by the state and not the federal government. Our federal government is guided by the US Constitution. It allows states to have any program they desire--not so with the federal government.

Distinction without a difference. Sorry, I wouldn't trust state government to catch a cold.
Bull, they lost leadership because of Hillary and her own form of Commie Care.

Not really... but you guys tell yourself that.

Republicans have always said that Mitt had the right to have state insurance care. All our social programs should be run by the state and not the federal government. Our federal government is guided by the US Constitution. It allows states to have any program they desire--not so with the federal government.

Distinction without a difference. Sorry, I wouldn't trust state government to catch a cold.
Only a fool would trust the federal government
Distinction without a difference. Sorry, I wouldn't trust state government to catch a cold.

Well our founders did and that's why they listed what the feds were supposed to do and what the states were to do. You have a much better chance controlling your local politicians than the federal ones.
You leftists are so FOS:

The former GST Steel plant shut down and about 750 workers lost their jobs and their health insurance. By this point, Romney was running the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and from all indications, played no direct role in the final decision to close the Kansas City plant.

Romney created the mentality at Bain that led to the closing of that plant... so, yeah, still responsible.

Oh, is that kind of like "It's Bush's fault" type of thinking?
You leftists are so FOS:

The former GST Steel plant shut down and about 750 workers lost their jobs and their health insurance. By this point, Romney was running the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and from all indications, played no direct role in the final decision to close the Kansas City plant.

Romney created the mentality at Bain that led to the closing of that plant... so, yeah, still responsible.

It's amazing that no liberal minded businessmen have ever downsized.
Well our founders did and that's why they listed what the feds were supposed to do and what the states were to do. You have a much better chance controlling your local politicians than the federal ones.

well, the founders shit in chamber pots and thought that bleeding people was a good medical practice. I don't think I'll take how THEY thought health care should be done very seriously.

No, you really can't control your local politicians, because they aren't in the news often enough to keep track of.

Quick, name your state reps! Without googling them or looking them up.

I know my district is represented by a nasty woman with a mole on her face who stuffs shitloads of stuff in my mailbox because I'm on some Republican mailing list somewhere.
Well our founders did and that's why they listed what the feds were supposed to do and what the states were to do. You have a much better chance controlling your local politicians than the federal ones.

well, the founders shit in chamber pots and thought that bleeding people was a good medical practice. I don't think I'll take how THEY thought health care should be done very seriously.

No, you really can't control your local politicians, because they aren't in the news often enough to keep track of.

Quick, name your state reps! Without googling them or looking them up.

I know my district is represented by a nasty woman with a mole on her face who stuffs shitloads of stuff in my mailbox because I'm on some Republican mailing list somewhere.

Oh, and you think some federal politician that serves hundreds of thousands or millions of people give a crap about what you think?

The founders didn't make a peep about healthcare because it was never supposed to be a federal issue. Just like retirement and marriage were never mentioned in the Constitution. Those people laid out the foundation that hatched the greatest country on earth, so I would say they were brilliant. In just a couple hundred years, we produced the wealthiest and strongest country on the entire planet surpassing societies that were around thousands of years.
Oh, is that kind of like "It's Bush's fault" type of thinking?

No, it's kind of like...

Mitt Romney created a company that basically bought out other companies, stripped them for the assets, borrowed a shitload of money against them and then declared bankruptcy.

Guys like Joe Soptic were caught in the wreckage.

What Romney's company did was get into companies that were just about ready to close and save them from that fate. Sometimes it cost people their jobs, and other times it produced jobs. But many of the times they did save the company from going out of business.

As the Politafact article showed, Romney had nothing to do with Joe's wife. She lost her healthcare because of an injury and not because her husband lost his job five years earlier.
Oh, and you think some federal politician that serves hundreds of thousands or millions of people give a crap about what you think?

I think most federal programs run pretty well, thanks. At least when Democrats are in charge.

The founders didn't make a peep about healthcare because it was never supposed to be a federal issue.

No, they didn't make a peep about it because medical care was non-existent in 1787. They thought mercury was a treatment for syphilis.

Just like retirement and marriage were never mentioned in the Constitution.

They lived at a time when no on lived long enough TO retire. People were dead by age 55.

Those people laid out the foundation that hatched the greatest country on earth, so I would say they were brilliant. In just a couple hundred years, we produced the wealthiest and strongest country on the entire planet surpassing societies that were around thousands of years.

Okay, couple of things here. The only reason why we were breifly on top is because the other countries knocked themselves silly in two world wars. Now the rest of the world is passing us up, mostly because the Wingnuts don't want to be teaching no science in Schools, Cleetus. It might contradict the bible.

What Romney's company did was get into companies that were just about ready to close and save them from that fate. Sometimes it cost people their jobs, and other times it produced jobs. But many of the times they did save the company from going out of business.

But that wasn't the case with GS Steel. GS STeel had a perfectly good business model, and they used the value of the company to leverage other acquisitions before looting it.

Seriously, guy, Wall Street Looting what used to cause the American greatness you stupid rednecks miss has not been a good thing.

As the Politafact article showed, Romney had nothing to do with Joe's wife. She lost her healthcare because of an injury and not because her husband lost his job five years earlier.

If Romney hadn't looted her husband's company, he'd have had that sweet, sweet Union health care plan, and what happened on her other job would be irrelevant.
I think most federal programs run pretty well, thanks. At least when Democrats are in charge.

Oh really? You think the VA is run pretty well with people dying because they can't get an appointment? You think SS is running well when it's running out of money, or Medicare that's also on the path for a brick wall? Medicaid, the program responsible for many states being in the red? Some doctors and facilities won't even accept any new government patients because the government doesn't pay the full bill for their members. Amtrak? The US Post Office? HUD, destroying neighborhood after neighborhood?

No, they didn't make a peep about it because medical care was non-existent in 1787. They thought mercury was a treatment for syphilis.

No, they didn't make a peep out of it because they created a federal government that was only supposed to govern--not be a charity.

They lived at a time when no on lived long enough TO retire. People were dead by age 55.

The retirement age was not drafted until they came out with Social Security. If the federal government were to be in charge of a retirement plan and people only lived to 55, the retirement age would have been 50.

Okay, couple of things here. The only reason why we were breifly on top is because the other countries knocked themselves silly in two world wars. Now the rest of the world is passing us up, mostly because the Wingnuts don't want to be teaching no science in Schools, Cleetus. It might contradict the bible.

How do you contradict something that's not allowed to be taught in public schools? We are not briefly on top, we are still on top and have been for a long time now. What country has more wealth than ours? What country has a stronger military than ours? We were not part of two world wars?

But that wasn't the case with GS Steel. GS STeel had a perfectly good business model, and they used the value of the company to leverage other acquisitions before looting it.

Seriously, guy, Wall Street Looting what used to cause the American greatness you stupid rednecks miss has not been a good thing.

If GS steel was in such good hands, they wouldn't have had a need to hire Bain. And if you read the link I provided (which you obviously didn't) you would have learned that Romney had nothing to do with GS's misfortunes. It had to do with foreign steel moving into the US.

If Romney hadn't looted her husband's company, he'd have had that sweet, sweet Union health care plan, and what happened on her other job would be irrelevant.

Maybe that's because the union was the problem with the company in the first place. Overpaying employees and providing benefits the company couldn't afford. But keep kidding yourself by saying it was Romney's fault. Nobody hires a company that will close their industry down while they get rich.
Oh really? You think the VA is run pretty well with people dying because they can't get an appointment?

Every time I've worked with the VA, it's been fine.

You think SS is running well when it's running out of money, or Medicare that's also on the path for a brick wall?

People have been saying that for years, you can only cry wolf so many times before we stop believing you. But your side's solution is to slash it so you can give tax cuts to millionaires, so I'm not sure how that works, exactly?

The retirement age was not drafted until they came out with Social Security. If the federal government were to be in charge of a retirement plan and people only lived to 55, the retirement age would have been 50.

Yes, that's an idea. We should make people work until they fucking DIE!!! Says the perpetual victim who can't get health coverage at work.

If GS steel was in such good hands, they wouldn't have had a need to hire Bain. And if you read the link I provided (which you obviously didn't) you would have learned that Romney had nothing to do with GS's misfortunes. It had to do with foreign steel moving into the US.

They didn't "hire" Bain. Bain took the place over. They probably came in with a whole lot of promises about how they were going to bring in all this new capital, and then they looted the place.

Maybe that's because the union was the problem with the company in the first place. Overpaying employees and providing benefits the company couldn't afford. But keep kidding yourself by saying it was Romney's fault. Nobody hires a company that will close their industry down while they get rich.

Nobody "hired" Bain. They took over. Not the same thing.
Can you point out the part in this Graham/Cassidy bill that will help you out?

The part that eliminates penalties for not having insurance.

Actually the mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation.

Really? And how many seats in the Congress does the Heritage Foundation occupy? How many Senators are representing the Heritage Foundation?

Given the fact that Commie Care is a total failure the liberals now try to pass the buck to the Republicans--none of which voted for it.

The fact is that the individual mandate has a history of being supported by conservatives. Obama's plan did not pull this out of thin air.

The Tortuous History of Conservatives and the Individual Mandate

The fact is that Republicans are responsible for Obamacare and will suffer the consequences for it if it fails. Trump has told federal agencies to do everything they can to undermine Obamacare. It is Trump that is playing games with payments. Then you have Trump illegally telling the IRS not to require 1095s with tax returns.

One more time: NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR COMMIE CARE! Republicans had nothing to do with it and in fact, fought against it. If they wanted a mandate, they could have easily instituted one during the Bush years when he had the Congress and Senate. Not one mention of it.......not even a peep.

Sorry, the left owns this mess. They created it, they are responsible for it. Don't try to push this off on Republicans because history is on our side--not yours.

Oh, is that kind of like "It's Bush's fault" type of thinking?

No, it's kind of like...

Mitt Romney created a company that basically bought out other companies, stripped them for the assets, borrowed a shitload of money against them and then declared bankruptcy.

Guys like Joe Soptic were caught in the wreckage.

What Romney's company did was get into companies that were just about ready to close and save them from that fate. Sometimes it cost people their jobs, and other times it produced jobs. But many of the times they did save the company from going out of business.

As the Politafact article showed, Romney had nothing to do with Joe's wife. She lost her healthcare because of an injury and not because her husband lost his job five years earlier.

That is not 100% true. In some cases, Bain Capital practiced greenmail. They would buy up large shares of the company and force them to pay a premium buy their shares back. Companies had to go deep in debt to raise enough cash. That is what happened to Toys R'Us. The interest payments forced the company into bankruptcy.
Every time I've worked with the VA, it's been fine.

Read the paper sometime. Many others didn't share in that experience.

People have been saying that for years, you can only cry wolf so many times before we stop believing you. But your side's solution is to slash it so you can give tax cuts to millionaires, so I'm not sure how that works, exactly?

Sure seems like you don't know how that works. Why do you think they are trying to raise retirement age before you can collect anything? They're running out of money because it was a Ponzi scheme right from the beginning. Look at all the money you poured into the program, and remember, your employers doubled what you put in. Then there is FICA which is a fancy acronym for Social Security. It's still going broke. What a scam.

Yes, that's an idea. We should make people work until they fucking DIE!!! Says the perpetual victim who can't get health coverage at work.

If you took all the money you and your employer put into SS, gave that to a reputable investment firm, you would not only retire with more money, you could probably retire earlier than you could under SS. Believe it or not, there are things people can do without government.

They didn't "hire" Bain. Bain took the place over. They probably came in with a whole lot of promises about how they were going to bring in all this new capital, and then they looted the place.

Yeah, they just came in there blazing guns.
Sure seems like you don't know how that works. Why do you think they are trying to raise retirement age before you can collect anything? They're running out of money because it was a Ponzi scheme right from the beginning. Look at all the money you poured into the program, and remember, your employers doubled what you put in. Then there is FICA which is a fancy acronym for Social Security. It's still going broke. What a scam.

But the point is, if I retire at 65, I will get everything I put into back by the time I'm 72.

Now, there are reasons why the fund is having issues. First, people are living longer... fucking old people, not dying obediently when big corporations are done with them, the bastards!

Secondly, after 1965, the birth rate did drop. Which means less warm bodies replacing the ones that are retiring. and those folks can't get the good union jobs Dad have. I mean, Mitt's Dressage Horse isn't going to buy itself!!!

But even with that, the fund isn't going ot run out of money until 2043 and will still be able to pay 80% of benefits.

If you took all the money you and your employer put into SS, gave that to a reputable investment firm, you would not only retire with more money, you could probably retire earlier than you could under SS. Believe it or not, there are things people can do without government.

I keep a copy of my 2009 401K statement pinned to a bulliten board. The one where I had 60% losses when the stock market crashed even though I picked "conservative" funds.

Yeah, they just came in there blazing guns.

Naw, man, when the poor steal, it's called crime.
When the rich steal, it's called Profits....
But the point is, if I retire at 65, I will get everything I put into back by the time I'm 72.

Now, there are reasons why the fund is having issues. First, people are living longer... fucking old people, not dying obediently when big corporations are done with them, the bastards!

Secondly, after 1965, the birth rate did drop. Which means less warm bodies replacing the ones that are retiring. and those folks can't get the good union jobs Dad have. I mean, Mitt's Dressage Horse isn't going to buy itself!!!

But even with that, the fund isn't going ot run out of money until 2043 and will still be able to pay 80% of benefits.

Which they can't prove because it's all based on the economy. During many of DumBama's years, the fund was paying out more than it brought in. Then the the big-eared genius tried to jump start the economy by having people put even less into the fund, and those few bucks we got in our paychecks didn't do squat.

Yeah, IF you retire at 65. If you croak off before then, all that money you put in is gone. Your family doesn't see one red cent of it. And who is to say they won't raise the retirement age like they still talk about today? They raised my retirement age to 67.

I keep a copy of my 2009 401K statement pinned to a bulliten board. The one where I had 60% losses when the stock market crashed even though I picked "conservative" funds.

Shouldn't have been so cheap choosing an investment company. The crash was the best thing that happened to my retirement fund.

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