McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy

The answer is simple:

Any senate members voting against repeal to KEEP Obamacare immediately lose their present healthcare and get Obamacare as well for a minimum of ten years. After all, if you think it is THAT GOOD, you ought to have it for yourself.

Why? Most of us don't have ObamaCare. and most of the people who have it are happy with it. That's why they aren't repealing it.

Jethro Tull.
I guess it depends on who you are. I talked with an insurance agent and according to her, everything is Obama Care now whether they are a Commie Care provider or not. Because of preexisting conditions, no insurance company outside of Commie Care would even consider touching me. The preexisting condition law only applies to companies that are in the exchange.

So what you are saying is that you are kind of a wreck, physically, and no private insurer would touch you. But it's all the black guys fault.

Yep, because until the black guy came along, I was insured my entire adult life most of which I had a preexisting condition.
Can you point out the part in this Graham/Cassidy bill that will help you out?

The part that eliminates penalties for not having insurance.

Actually the mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation.
IF you believe anything, any number out of that dotards mouth you're nutz
The correlation between the collapse of Trump’s legislative agenda & his heightened interest in Twitter culture war fights is pretty strong.

I would prefer he show more discretion in his tweets.
How Narcissists Use Twitter

It's pretty obvious that Trump has an enormous ego.

As does Hillary. As does Barry. As does almost anyone in an elected position.

Well I think you kind of need to in order to be President. You can't have thin skin.

Look at what the MSM does to their family. Look at what they do to their personal lives past and present. Look at all the fake news about people that never happened.

I mean, people always ask why we are so limited on your choices for office of President. I'm sure there are a lot of great people out there, but they are not going to subject themselves and their family to the constant insults, lies and downright personal attacks that come with the job. So you do need an enormous ego, you do need to be thick skinned, you do need to be able to handle being attacked nearly every day, and that goes double for your family.
BUT it sure doesn't mean you have to answer every slur thrown your way
The part that eliminates penalties for not having insurance.

Wait, buddy. So you can't afford insurance, your boss won't give it to you, but not having to pay a pittance for not having it would help you how?

That pittance could be several hundred dollars depending on your tax return. That could be three or four car payments, that could be an extra month mortgage payment, it could be a great dent in your credit card bills or perhaps your child's college loan.

Here is the stupidity of liberal thinking: We have 40 million people without health insurance; most of whom can't afford it. So I'm going to create a law that states you must buy insurance you can't afford, and when you can't afford it, we will take away more of your badly needed money.

This is why Democrats should never have leadership again in our country.
Lyin John McCain is the perfect representation of the Swamp. He has such disdain for the America people.
I guess it depends on who you are. I talked with an insurance agent and according to her, everything is Obama Care now whether they are a Commie Care provider or not. Because of preexisting conditions, no insurance company outside of Commie Care would even consider touching me. The preexisting condition law only applies to companies that are in the exchange.

So what you are saying is that you are kind of a wreck, physically, and no private insurer would touch you. But it's all the black guys fault.

Yep, because until the black guy came along, I was insured my entire adult life most of which I had a preexisting condition.
Can you point out the part in this Graham/Cassidy bill that will help you out?

The part that eliminates penalties for not having insurance.

Actually the mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation.

Really? And how many seats in the Congress does the Heritage Foundation occupy? How many Senators are representing the Heritage Foundation?

Given the fact that Commie Care is a total failure the liberals now try to pass the buck to the Republicans--none of which voted for it.
The part that eliminates penalties for not having insurance.

Wait, buddy. So you can't afford insurance, your boss won't give it to you, but not having to pay a pittance for not having it would help you how?

That pittance could be several hundred dollars depending on your tax return. That could be three or four car payments, that could be an extra month mortgage payment, it could be a great dent in your credit card bills or perhaps your child's college loan.

Here is the stupidity of liberal thinking: We have 40 million people without health insurance; most of whom can't afford it. So I'm going to create a law that states you must buy insurance you can't afford, and when you can't afford it, we will take away more of your badly needed money.

This is why Democrats should never have leadership again in our country.
Let those 40 million visit the ER and let your taxes pay for them
The Maverick is angry over Trump's jabs during the campaign and he is going to sulk and behave like a democrat rather than do the job the citizens of Arizona sent him to Washington to do. . Thank God it's his last term as senator. Keep in mind that the senate exempted themselves from Obamacare so he is free to seek any exotic therapy for his cancer that he wants while the rest of us struggle with a deductible that costs more than a new car while the insurance coverage is dwindling as we speak as companies opt out of the system.

Exactly. He is using his political position for revenge instead of doing what's best for the people of his state and the people of this country. This year insurance rates increased over 100% in his state and all he can think about is Trump.

He is doing what is best for the people of Arizona. It is the Governor that is ignoring the people of Arizona. Arizona would be a net loser under the Republican plan. That means that the state would have to either kick low income people off of Medicare or take away their subsidies. That is if they decide to continue the programs.

Why so focused on lower income people all the time? Lower income people contribute nothing to our society. Maybe if they concentrated on working middle-class people getting coverage instead, we might actually get somewhere.

The entire plan of Commie Care was to cater to likely Democrat voters. If you make french fries for a living or stock shelves at Walmart, Commie Care is great because the subsidy is so huge anybody could afford insurance. However if you are a middle-income earner, you get screwed because you either can't afford that insurance, or it costs so much you end up living check to check. However, middle-income earners likely vote Republican.
Actually the mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation.


For seven years we were told there was a great replacement plan ready to go. Then when it comes time a plan is hastily thrown together....what were the pubs in dc doing?
The part that eliminates penalties for not having insurance.

Wait, buddy. So you can't afford insurance, your boss won't give it to you, but not having to pay a pittance for not having it would help you how?

That pittance could be several hundred dollars depending on your tax return. That could be three or four car payments, that could be an extra month mortgage payment, it could be a great dent in your credit card bills or perhaps your child's college loan.

Here is the stupidity of liberal thinking: We have 40 million people without health insurance; most of whom can't afford it. So I'm going to create a law that states you must buy insurance you can't afford, and when you can't afford it, we will take away more of your badly needed money.

This is why Democrats should never have leadership again in our country.
Let those 40 million visit the ER and let your taxes pay for them

So it's better that I go to the ER and end up having the taxpayers pay for it?
IF you believe anything, any number out of that dotards mouth you're nutz
The correlation between the collapse of Trump’s legislative agenda & his heightened interest in Twitter culture war fights is pretty strong.

I would prefer he show more discretion in his tweets.
How Narcissists Use Twitter

It's pretty obvious that Trump has an enormous ego.

As does Hillary. As does Barry. As does almost anyone in an elected position.

Well I think you kind of need to in order to be President. You can't have thin skin.

Look at what the MSM does to their family. Look at what they do to their personal lives past and present. Look at all the fake news about people that never happened.

I mean, people always ask why we are so limited on your choices for office of President. I'm sure there are a lot of great people out there, but they are not going to subject themselves and their family to the constant insults, lies and downright personal attacks that come with the job. So you do need an enormous ego, you do need to be thick skinned, you do need to be able to handle being attacked nearly every day, and that goes double for your family.

The nature of the beast definitely prevents the best and brightest and most ethical from running for elected office.
The correlation between the collapse of Trump’s legislative agenda & his heightened interest in Twitter culture war fights is pretty strong.

I would prefer he show more discretion in his tweets.
How Narcissists Use Twitter

It's pretty obvious that Trump has an enormous ego.

As does Hillary. As does Barry. As does almost anyone in an elected position.

Well I think you kind of need to in order to be President. You can't have thin skin.

Look at what the MSM does to their family. Look at what they do to their personal lives past and present. Look at all the fake news about people that never happened.

I mean, people always ask why we are so limited on your choices for office of President. I'm sure there are a lot of great people out there, but they are not going to subject themselves and their family to the constant insults, lies and downright personal attacks that come with the job. So you do need an enormous ego, you do need to be thick skinned, you do need to be able to handle being attacked nearly every day, and that goes double for your family.

The nature of the beast definitely prevents the best and brightest and most ethical from running for elected office.

I would say that's not true all the time. Look at Mitt Romney. Now while I think he's a RINO and not a supporter of his, look what the MSM did to him!

They blamed the death of a woman's husband on him because he cut her medical benefits. They dug into his past to find out he tied a dog carrier on the top of his car; as if that was cruelty to an animal. They went back to the 60's where he played a high school prank on a fellow classmate. They soiled themselves because he has a car lift in his house!

Mitt only had one wife and still married to her today. He never touched a cigarette in his life, never touched a drop of alcohol, never used any recreational narcotics, is a religious man and dedicated his time to that religion. He's as clean as a whistle, and look at how they tried to demonize him.
I would prefer he show more discretion in his tweets.
How Narcissists Use Twitter

It's pretty obvious that Trump has an enormous ego.

As does Hillary. As does Barry. As does almost anyone in an elected position.

Well I think you kind of need to in order to be President. You can't have thin skin.

Look at what the MSM does to their family. Look at what they do to their personal lives past and present. Look at all the fake news about people that never happened.

I mean, people always ask why we are so limited on your choices for office of President. I'm sure there are a lot of great people out there, but they are not going to subject themselves and their family to the constant insults, lies and downright personal attacks that come with the job. So you do need an enormous ego, you do need to be thick skinned, you do need to be able to handle being attacked nearly every day, and that goes double for your family.

The nature of the beast definitely prevents the best and brightest and most ethical from running for elected office.

I would say that's not true all the time. Look at Mitt Romney. Now while I think he's a RINO and not a supporter of his, look what the MSM did to him!

They blamed the death of a woman's husband on him because he cut her medical benefits. They dug into his past to find out he tied a dog carrier on the top of his car; as if that was cruelty to an animal. They went back to the 60's where he played a high school prank on a fellow classmate. They soiled themselves because he has a car lift in his house!

Mitt only had one wife and still married to her today. He never touched a cigarette in his life, never touched a drop of alcohol, never used any recreational narcotics, is a religious man and dedicated his time to that religion. He's as clean as a whistle, and look at how they tried to demonize him.
LOL But Alabama home of LOL patriots voted 65% for him

It's pretty obvious that Trump has an enormous ego.

As does Hillary. As does Barry. As does almost anyone in an elected position.

Well I think you kind of need to in order to be President. You can't have thin skin.

Look at what the MSM does to their family. Look at what they do to their personal lives past and present. Look at all the fake news about people that never happened.

I mean, people always ask why we are so limited on your choices for office of President. I'm sure there are a lot of great people out there, but they are not going to subject themselves and their family to the constant insults, lies and downright personal attacks that come with the job. So you do need an enormous ego, you do need to be thick skinned, you do need to be able to handle being attacked nearly every day, and that goes double for your family.

The nature of the beast definitely prevents the best and brightest and most ethical from running for elected office.

I would say that's not true all the time. Look at Mitt Romney. Now while I think he's a RINO and not a supporter of his, look what the MSM did to him!

They blamed the death of a woman's husband on him because he cut her medical benefits. They dug into his past to find out he tied a dog carrier on the top of his car; as if that was cruelty to an animal. They went back to the 60's where he played a high school prank on a fellow classmate. They soiled themselves because he has a car lift in his house!

Mitt only had one wife and still married to her today. He never touched a cigarette in his life, never touched a drop of alcohol, never used any recreational narcotics, is a religious man and dedicated his time to that religion. He's as clean as a whistle, and look at how they tried to demonize him.
LOL But Alabama home of LOL patriots voted 65% for him

No, it was 60.5, but what is your point here?
It's pretty obvious that Trump has an enormous ego.

As does Hillary. As does Barry. As does almost anyone in an elected position.

Well I think you kind of need to in order to be President. You can't have thin skin.

Look at what the MSM does to their family. Look at what they do to their personal lives past and present. Look at all the fake news about people that never happened.

I mean, people always ask why we are so limited on your choices for office of President. I'm sure there are a lot of great people out there, but they are not going to subject themselves and their family to the constant insults, lies and downright personal attacks that come with the job. So you do need an enormous ego, you do need to be thick skinned, you do need to be able to handle being attacked nearly every day, and that goes double for your family.

The nature of the beast definitely prevents the best and brightest and most ethical from running for elected office.

I would say that's not true all the time. Look at Mitt Romney. Now while I think he's a RINO and not a supporter of his, look what the MSM did to him!

They blamed the death of a woman's husband on him because he cut her medical benefits. They dug into his past to find out he tied a dog carrier on the top of his car; as if that was cruelty to an animal. They went back to the 60's where he played a high school prank on a fellow classmate. They soiled themselves because he has a car lift in his house!

Mitt only had one wife and still married to her today. He never touched a cigarette in his life, never touched a drop of alcohol, never used any recreational narcotics, is a religious man and dedicated his time to that religion. He's as clean as a whistle, and look at how they tried to demonize him.
LOL But Alabama home of LOL patriots voted 65% for him

No, it was 60.5, but what is your point here?
that's where trump chose to give his last speech ,,,in the land of white supremacy
So what you are saying is that you are kind of a wreck, physically, and no private insurer would touch you. But it's all the black guys fault.

Yep, because until the black guy came along, I was insured my entire adult life most of which I had a preexisting condition.
Can you point out the part in this Graham/Cassidy bill that will help you out?

The part that eliminates penalties for not having insurance.

Actually the mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation.

Really? And how many seats in the Congress does the Heritage Foundation occupy? How many Senators are representing the Heritage Foundation?

Given the fact that Commie Care is a total failure the liberals now try to pass the buck to the Republicans--none of which voted for it.

The fact is that the individual mandate has a history of being supported by conservatives. Obama's plan did not pull this out of thin air.

The Tortuous History of Conservatives and the Individual Mandate

The fact is that Republicans are responsible for Obamacare and will suffer the consequences for it if it fails. Trump has told federal agencies to do everything they can to undermine Obamacare. It is Trump that is playing games with payments. Then you have Trump illegally telling the IRS not to require 1095s with tax returns.
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The Maverick is angry over Trump's jabs during the campaign and he is going to sulk and behave like a democrat rather than do the job the citizens of Arizona sent him to Washington to do. . Thank God it's his last term as senator. Keep in mind that the senate exempted themselves from Obamacare so he is free to seek any exotic therapy for his cancer that he wants while the rest of us struggle with a deductible that costs more than a new car while the insurance coverage is dwindling as we speak as companies opt out of the system.

Exactly. He is using his political position for revenge instead of doing what's best for the people of his state and the people of this country. This year insurance rates increased over 100% in his state and all he can think about is Trump.

He is doing what is best for the people of Arizona. It is the Governor that is ignoring the people of Arizona. Arizona would be a net loser under the Republican plan. That means that the state would have to either kick low income people off of Medicare or take away their subsidies. That is if they decide to continue the programs.

Why so focused on lower income people all the time? Lower income people contribute nothing to our society. Maybe if they concentrated on working middle-class people getting coverage instead, we might actually get somewhere.

The entire plan of Commie Care was to cater to likely Democrat voters. If you make french fries for a living or stock shelves at Walmart, Commie Care is great because the subsidy is so huge anybody could afford insurance. However if you are a middle-income earner, you get screwed because you either can't afford that insurance, or it costs so much you end up living check to check. However, middle-income earners likely vote Republican.

And what would you do with low-income people? Let them die? You are not a human being, you are a monster. I am sure you will have a penthouse suite in hell. The fact is that one of the most popular features of Obamacare is the assistance to low income people. Americans are compassionate not inhuman like you. You are the Commie.
That pittance could be several hundred dollars depending on your tax return. That could be three or four car payments, that could be an extra month mortgage payment, it could be a great dent in your credit card bills or perhaps your child's college loan.

Here is the stupidity of liberal thinking: We have 40 million people without health insurance; most of whom can't afford it. So I'm going to create a law that states you must buy insurance you can't afford, and when you can't afford it, we will take away more of your badly needed money.

except that if you are REALLY poor, you get a subsidy. And if you are really poor, you shouldn't have a credit card. Or a new Car.

you know, the argument you make when you see a poor person buy food with an EBT and then buy a bag of dog food.

This is why Democrats should never have leadership again in our country.

Again, if Democrats had their way, we'd have single payer, but you guys didn't want that. You enjoy being raped by your employer and big insurance.

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