McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy

And what would you do with low-income people? Let them die? You are not a human being, you are a monster. I am sure you will have a penthouse suite in hell. The fact is that one of the most popular features of Obamacare is the assistance to low income people. Americans are compassionate not inhuman like you. You are the Commie.

Shhhh.... Ray thinks a few hundred on his tax return will break him and he can't get health insurance himself... but he looks down on people who are poorer than he is.

I would say that's not true all the time. Look at Mitt Romney. Now while I think he's a RINO and not a supporter of his, look what the MSM did to him!

Um, they went easy on Romney. They didn't even mention that he belonged to a whacky cult.

They blamed the death of a woman's husband on him because he cut her medical benefits. They dug into his past to find out he tied a dog carrier on the top of his car; as if that was cruelty to an animal. They went back to the 60's where he played a high school prank on a fellow classmate. They soiled themselves because he has a car lift in his house!

Okay, except these were all fair criticisms. When you cut benefits and buy yourself a car elevator for your fourth mansion, that's kind of everything that's wrong with America today.

I should also point out that you guys dug into Obama's and Hillary's past with just as much glee, and when you couldn't find any dirt, you just made shit up. (Obama was born in Kenya!!!! Hillary killed Vince Foster!!!!)

Mitt only had one wife and still married to her today. He never touched a cigarette in his life, never touched a drop of alcohol, never used any recreational narcotics, is a religious man and dedicated his time to that religion. He's as clean as a whistle, and look at how they tried to demonize him.

Yes, when your religion is a racist cult that didn't allow black people to even join until 1978 and thinks that a woman's main function is to make babies to get your man into the Celestial Heaven, that's kind of messed up.
Um, they went easy on Romney. They didn't even mention that he belonged to a whacky cult.

People who believe in God are not a whacky cult. People who believe that man can control the temperature of the earth are.

Okay, except these were all fair criticisms. When you cut benefits and buy yourself a car elevator for your fourth mansion, that's kind of everything that's wrong with America today.

I should also point out that you guys dug into Obama's and Hillary's past with just as much glee, and when you couldn't find any dirt, you just made shit up. (Obama was born in Kenya!!!! Hillary killed Vince Foster!!!!)

What does one have to do with the other? Do you make this shit up as you go along?
except that if you are REALLY poor, you get a subsidy. And if you are really poor, you shouldn't have a credit card. Or a new Car.

you know, the argument you make when you see a poor person buy food with an EBT and then buy a bag of dog food.

Not being able to afford healthcare insurance means you're poor? Insurance costs as much as a house payment every month or more. It costs more than a SUV payment. Who has that kind of extra cash laying around after the bills are paid?

And you're right, the poor get a huge subsidy. That's the way Commie Care works. Take care of your likely voters and screw your unlikely voters. This way the low producing people get taken care of and the middle-income people get screwed. But of course many of those are Republican voters.

Again, if Democrats had their way, we'd have single payer, but you guys didn't want that. You enjoy being raped by your employer and big insurance.

Bull. They got Commie Care passed, they could have passed single-payer. Not one Republican voted for Commie Care, or do I have to keep reminding you on the left about this?
And what would you do with low-income people? Let them die? You are not a human being, you are a monster. I am sure you will have a penthouse suite in hell. The fact is that one of the most popular features of Obamacare is the assistance to low income people. Americans are compassionate not inhuman like you. You are the Commie.

So what religion do you belong to that says if somebody isn't paying for something you want, they go to hell?

Millions of us lost our employer healthcare when Commie Care started. I think the people who supported it are the ones that should go to hell. So what are we supposed to do, die? I guess the Commies could care less. What monsters!
Yep, because until the black guy came along, I was insured my entire adult life most of which I had a preexisting condition.
Can you point out the part in this Graham/Cassidy bill that will help you out?

The part that eliminates penalties for not having insurance.

Actually the mandate was created by the conservative Heritage Foundation.

Really? And how many seats in the Congress does the Heritage Foundation occupy? How many Senators are representing the Heritage Foundation?

Given the fact that Commie Care is a total failure the liberals now try to pass the buck to the Republicans--none of which voted for it.

The fact is that the individual mandate has a history of being supported by conservatives. Obama's plan did not pull this out of thin air.

The Tortuous History of Conservatives and the Individual Mandate

The fact is that Republicans are responsible for Obamacare and will suffer the consequences for it if it fails. Trump has told federal agencies to do everything they can to undermine Obamacare. It is Trump that is playing games with payments. Then you have Trump illegally telling the IRS not to require 1095s with tax returns.

One more time: NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR COMMIE CARE! Republicans had nothing to do with it and in fact, fought against it. If they wanted a mandate, they could have easily instituted one during the Bush years when he had the Congress and Senate. Not one mention of it.......not even a peep.

Sorry, the left owns this mess. They created it, they are responsible for it. Don't try to push this off on Republicans because history is on our side--not yours.
Well I think you kind of need to in order to be President. You can't have thin skin.

Look at what the MSM does to their family. Look at what they do to their personal lives past and present. Look at all the fake news about people that never happened.

I mean, people always ask why we are so limited on your choices for office of President. I'm sure there are a lot of great people out there, but they are not going to subject themselves and their family to the constant insults, lies and downright personal attacks that come with the job. So you do need an enormous ego, you do need to be thick skinned, you do need to be able to handle being attacked nearly every day, and that goes double for your family.

The nature of the beast definitely prevents the best and brightest and most ethical from running for elected office.

I would say that's not true all the time. Look at Mitt Romney. Now while I think he's a RINO and not a supporter of his, look what the MSM did to him!

They blamed the death of a woman's husband on him because he cut her medical benefits. They dug into his past to find out he tied a dog carrier on the top of his car; as if that was cruelty to an animal. They went back to the 60's where he played a high school prank on a fellow classmate. They soiled themselves because he has a car lift in his house!

Mitt only had one wife and still married to her today. He never touched a cigarette in his life, never touched a drop of alcohol, never used any recreational narcotics, is a religious man and dedicated his time to that religion. He's as clean as a whistle, and look at how they tried to demonize him.
LOL But Alabama home of LOL patriots voted 65% for him

No, it was 60.5, but what is your point here?
that's where trump chose to give his last speech ,,,in the land of white supremacy

So what? You on the left now hate an entire state? Geeze, the hate never stops on the left, does it?
People who believe in God are not a whacky cult. People who believe that man can control the temperature of the earth are.

Um, yeah, if you think that Joseph Smith was talking to God, and they told Joe Smith to marry 35 women, and to give him all their money, that's whacky cult.

On the other hand, it's a proven scientific fact that if you increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, more heat will be trapped. This is science, buddy, not superstition.

What does one have to do with the other? Do you make this shit up as you go along?

Have your reading comprehension skills declined? There were things in Romney's past that came up. He did cut Joe Soptic's health insurance. He did buy a car elevator for him mansion. He did strap his poor doggie to his roof, and he did brutalize that gay kid in high school.

On the other hand, Obama was not born in Kenya and Hillary did not kill Vince Foster.
One more time: NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR COMMIE CARE! Republicans had nothing to do with it and in fact, fought against it. If they wanted a mandate, they could have easily instituted one during the Bush years when he had the Congress and Senate. Not one mention of it.......not even a peep.

Sorry, the left owns this mess. They created it, they are responsible for it. Don't try to push this off on Republicans because history is on our side--not yours.

Um, Republicans did establish a mandate during the Bush years when Romney was governor of Massachusetts.

Then all the REpbulicans said, "Isn't this awesome? We should do that for the whole country!"

Then The Black Guy Did It.
One more time: NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR COMMIE CARE! Republicans had nothing to do with it and in fact, fought against it. If they wanted a mandate, they could have easily instituted one during the Bush years when he had the Congress and Senate. Not one mention of it.......not even a peep.

Sorry, the left owns this mess. They created it, they are responsible for it. Don't try to push this off on Republicans because history is on our side--not yours.

Um, Republicans did establish a mandate during the Bush years when Romney was governor of Massachusetts.

Then all the REpbulicans said, "Isn't this awesome? We should do that for the whole country!"

Then The Black Guy Did It.

Those weren't Republicans, those were the voices in your head. Republicans were smart enough to see what happened when Hillary's husband was in charge and because of her healthcare suggestion, he lost the leadership of Congress for the first time in decades. So once again, this is your mess--not ours.
Have your reading comprehension skills declined? There were things in Romney's past that came up. He did cut Joe Soptic's health insurance. He did buy a car elevator for him mansion. He did strap his poor doggie to his roof, and he did brutalize that gay kid in high school.

On the other hand, Obama was not born in Kenya and Hillary did not kill Vince Foster.

He had his own policy from his job. Mitt had nothing to do with that. So who cares if he bought a car elevator? If you were wealthy, you might do the same. This might surprise you, but dogs like being outside. That's why they always try to stick their heads out of the car window while the car is moving. Nobody knew that kid was gay in school. He didn't come out with that until later. Plus pranks like that were played all the time in school. He gave the kid a hair cut. Brutalized.........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Those weren't Republicans, those were the voices in your head. Republicans were smart enough to see what happened when Hillary's husband was in charge and because of her healthcare suggestion, he lost the leadership of Congress for the first time in decades. So once again, this is your mess--not ours.

Um, no, guy, those were Republicans. In 2008, Romney did suggest RomneyCare on a national level, and he got no disagreement from the other GOP candidates. Most of them praised the idea.

also, Democrats lost Congress in 1994 because the Inbred Rednecks in Jesusland realized they didn't have a home there anymore.
He had his own policy from his job. Mitt had nothing to do with that.

well, yeah, he did because Romney bought out his company, closed down his job and cancelled his health insurance. So his wife couldn't get treatment in a timely manner.

So who cares if he bought a car elevator? If you were wealthy, you might do the same.

I might. But when you realize that money was earned putting thousands of guys like Joe Soptic out of a job, it becomes kind of obscene in a "let them eat cake" kind of way.

This might surprise you, but dogs like being outside. That's why they always try to stick their heads out of the car window while the car is moving.

Um this dog was so terrified it emptied its bowels...

Nobody knew that kid was gay in school. He didn't come out with that until later. Plus pranks like that were played all the time in school. He gave the kid a hair cut. Brutalized

I never gave a smaller weaker kid a haircut. The bullies did shit like that, but why would you want to vote for a bully.

Mitt Romney was simply an awful person. Donald Trump is simply an awful person. why do you admire this sort of thing?
I really don't think a politician can be blamed for not wanting to have his or her name attached to a massive, bloated, inefficient, politically disastrous law that was slapped together in abject desperation after his or her party lied to the country for eight years saying it had the answer to the ACA.

That seems more like rational common sense to me.
well, yeah, he did because Romney bought out his company, closed down his job and cancelled his health insurance. So his wife couldn't get treatment in a timely manner.

You leftists are so FOS:

The former GST Steel plant shut down and about 750 workers lost their jobs and their health insurance. By this point, Romney was running the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and from all indications, played no direct role in the final decision to close the Kansas City plant.

Is Romney responsible?

Joe Soptic said in the ad that when the plant closed, "my family lost their health care." Yet Soptic’s wife had insurance for about a year or two after that through her own employer, according to CNN, a fact that Burton's group acknowledges.

Soptic said, "A short time after that (the closing of the plant), my wife became ill." But that's collapsing the time frame. The illness took place in 2006, some five years after Soptic lost his job, according to POLITICO.

The connection between Soptic’s job, his wife’s lack of insurance and her illness is complicated. She had no insurance because a shoulder injury caused her to leave a job that provided coverage. That was the immediate reason for her being uninsured, not the plant closure.

Other fact-checkers have examined the ad and found little if any evidence to support the suggestion that Romney is to blame. called it misleading. CNN said it was "not accurate." Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post FactChecker, gave it four Pinocchios saying it "stretches the bounds of common sense and decency."

Pro-Obama group blames Romney in woman's death

I might. But when you realize that money was earned putting thousands of guys like Joe Soptic out of a job, it becomes kind of obscene in a "let them eat cake" kind of way.

See above.

Um this dog was so terrified it emptied its bowels...

Oh, you were there to witness that?

I never gave a smaller weaker kid a haircut. The bullies did shit like that, but why would you want to vote for a bully.

Mitt Romney was simply an awful person. Donald Trump is simply an awful person. why do you admire this sort of thing?

Yeah, Mitt is an awful person. Well if Mitt is an awful person, who in your opinion is a good person, Obama? The doper that hung around with domestic terrorists, real estate crooks and racist preachers?
Those weren't Republicans, those were the voices in your head. Republicans were smart enough to see what happened when Hillary's husband was in charge and because of her healthcare suggestion, he lost the leadership of Congress for the first time in decades. So once again, this is your mess--not ours.

Um, no, guy, those were Republicans. In 2008, Romney did suggest RomneyCare on a national level, and he got no disagreement from the other GOP candidates. Most of them praised the idea.

also, Democrats lost Congress in 1994 because the Inbred Rednecks in Jesusland realized they didn't have a home there anymore.

Bull, they lost leadership because of Hillary and her own form of Commie Care.

Republicans have always said that Mitt had the right to have state insurance care. All our social programs should be run by the state and not the federal government. Our federal government is guided by the US Constitution. It allows states to have any program they desire--not so with the federal government.

What the federal government is to provide the people IS IN the US Constitution, and healthcare isn't one of them.
These Washington lifers need to be voted out of Congress.

Thanks for nothing, McCain.

This was a surprise? McCain ain't working, he is posing for cameras so his story is cool during the inevitable 3 month morning period the media will inflict on us. John McCain is Legacy building. Any plans should be made without him even being a thought. Hopefully he hurries up and dies so stuff can calm down.
Graham-Cassidy STILL doesn't allow us to buy insurance across state lines. Everyone in the world understands the free market, except in Washington.
McCain is a creepy old idiot.
You leftists are so FOS:

The former GST Steel plant shut down and about 750 workers lost their jobs and their health insurance. By this point, Romney was running the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and from all indications, played no direct role in the final decision to close the Kansas City plant.

Romney created the mentality at Bain that led to the closing of that plant... so, yeah, still responsible.

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