McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

So your problem is with your employer
Tell that to all the freeloaders that don't want to pay for their own healthcare.
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:
We all hate the barking dog you have in the presidency
I understand that and my point still stands.
Real funny but McCain is one of the only Repubs calling for bipartisanship and THAT is the ONLY way to make us greater
Funny you lib douchebags were singing a different tune when Obama was in office.
Sorry ginhead,,your AH's wouldn't help they refused to help All they wanted was to make things worse for Obama Repubs really do suck
The Maverick is angry over Trump's jabs during the campaign and he is going to sulk and behave like a democrat rather than do the job the citizens of Arizona sent him to Washington to do. . Thank God it's his last term as senator. Keep in mind that the senate exempted themselves from Obamacare so he is free to seek any exotic therapy for his cancer that he wants while the rest of us struggle with a deductible that costs more than a new car while the insurance coverage is dwindling as we speak as companies opt out of the system.

Exactly. He is using his political position for revenge instead of doing what's best for the people of his state and the people of this country. This year insurance rates increased over 100% in his state and all he can think about is Trump.
So your problem is with your employer

Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.
Of course he could. Before Obamacare. He could slash or drop your insurance at will

Your employer was cheap. Blame him

No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him

I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Did Obama call your employer and order him to drop your health insurance?
Or is your employer just cheap?

Back in the days of strong unions, you would have had someone to stand up for your benefits
The Maverick is angry over Trump's jabs during the campaign and he is going to sulk and behave like a democrat rather than do the job the citizens of Arizona sent him to Washington to do. . Thank God it's his last term as senator. Keep in mind that the senate exempted themselves from Obamacare so he is free to seek any exotic therapy for his cancer that he wants while the rest of us struggle with a deductible that costs more than a new car while the insurance coverage is dwindling as we speak as companies opt out of the system.

Exactly. He is using his political position for revenge instead of doing what's best for the people of his state and the people of this country. This year insurance rates increased over 100% in his state and all he can think about is Trump.
This HC bill has been labeled a huge mistake by everyone but repub congress and Trumpettes
The Maverick is angry over Trump's jabs during the campaign and he is going to sulk and behave like a democrat rather than do the job the citizens of Arizona sent him to Washington to do. . Thank God it's his last term as senator. Keep in mind that the senate exempted themselves from Obamacare so he is free to seek any exotic therapy for his cancer that he wants while the rest of us struggle with a deductible that costs more than a new car while the insurance coverage is dwindling as we speak as companies opt out of the system.

Exactly. He is using his political position for revenge instead of doing what's best for the people of his state and the people of this country. This year insurance rates increased over 100% in his state and all he can think about is Trump.
This HC bill has been labeled a huge mistake by everyone but repub congress and Trumpettes

At this point I'll take anything in exchange. It's only a start and can be improved as time goes on. Being I'm one of the millions that get fined every year for not having insurance that the government is partially responsible for me losing, it's a step in the right direction.
Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.
Of course he could. Before Obamacare. He could slash or drop your insurance at will

Your employer was cheap. Blame him

No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him

I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Did Obama call your employer and order him to drop your health insurance?
Or is your employer just cheap?

Back in the days of strong unions, you would have had someone to stand up for your benefits

We don't need unions anymore than we need horses and carriages. Those days are long gone and responsible for chasing millions of jobs overseas. What we do need is government staying out of the private sector and not making things worse for many of us.
Of course he could. Before Obamacare. He could slash or drop your insurance at will

Your employer was cheap. Blame him

No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him

I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Did Obama call your employer and order him to drop your health insurance?
Or is your employer just cheap?

Back in the days of strong unions, you would have had someone to stand up for your benefits

We don't need unions anymore than we need horses and carriages. Those days are long gone and responsible for chasing millions of jobs overseas. What we do need is government staying out of the private sector and not making things worse for many of us.
We don't need unions if we are wiling to throw ourselves at the mercy of our employers
Of course he could. Before Obamacare. He could slash or drop your insurance at will

Your employer was cheap. Blame him

No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him

I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Did Obama call your employer and order him to drop your health insurance?
Or is your employer just cheap?

Back in the days of strong unions, you would have had someone to stand up for your benefits

We don't need unions anymore than we need horses and carriages. Those days are long gone and responsible for chasing millions of jobs overseas. What we do need is government staying out of the private sector and not making things worse for many of us.
If you read up on this HC bill you'd find it's far worse than obamacare Too many medicade people ,doctors say so for it to be false
No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him

I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Did Obama call your employer and order him to drop your health insurance?
Or is your employer just cheap?

Back in the days of strong unions, you would have had someone to stand up for your benefits

We don't need unions anymore than we need horses and carriages. Those days are long gone and responsible for chasing millions of jobs overseas. What we do need is government staying out of the private sector and not making things worse for many of us.
If you read up on this HC bill you'd find it's far worse than obamacare Too many medicade people ,doctors say so for it to be false

The thing is you have to find something that has a chance of passing. Baby steps, baby steps. Unless we somehow get 60 Senate seats that will stick together, nothing will get done because you won't find one Democrat that will repeal Commie Care. If not for McShame and a few others, it would have been repealed months ago.
No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him

I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Did Obama call your employer and order him to drop your health insurance?
Or is your employer just cheap?

Back in the days of strong unions, you would have had someone to stand up for your benefits

We don't need unions anymore than we need horses and carriages. Those days are long gone and responsible for chasing millions of jobs overseas. What we do need is government staying out of the private sector and not making things worse for many of us.
We don't need unions if we are wiling to throw ourselves at the mercy of our employers

No, we don't need unions if we are willing to try and keep jobs here. Put unions back in charge and the same thing would happen; jobs leaving the state or country, or otherwise more investments in automation. We lost plenty of customers at the end of the union days. They packed their bags and headed for higher grounds. I don't want to lose anymore work because of unions. Quite frankly, I don't want to deal with union assholes either. They don't care about their company, they don't care about inflicting them with more expense, and I don't want to work the extra hours because of the lazy bastards.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him

I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Did Obama call your employer and order him to drop your health insurance?
Or is your employer just cheap?

Back in the days of strong unions, you would have had someone to stand up for your benefits

We don't need unions anymore than we need horses and carriages. Those days are long gone and responsible for chasing millions of jobs overseas. What we do need is government staying out of the private sector and not making things worse for many of us.
If you read up on this HC bill you'd find it's far worse than obamacare Too many medicade people ,doctors say so for it to be false

The thing is you have to find something that has a chance of passing. Baby steps, baby steps. Unless we somehow get 60 Senate seats that will stick together, nothing will get done because you won't find one Democrat that will repeal Commie Care. If not for McShame and a few others, it would have been repealed months ago.
You'll need 60 votes on Sept 30th
Under Commie Care, they wanted over 25% of my net pay. I don't call that reasonable in the least way.

Then you probably suck at negotiating...

I've been insurance shopping on the possibility of doing my side business full time, and most of the plans I've been offered have been pretty reasonable.

I guess it depends on who you are. I talked with an insurance agent and according to her, everything is Obama Care now whether they are a Commie Care provider or not. Because of preexisting conditions, no insurance company outside of Commie Care would even consider touching me. The preexisting condition law only applies to companies that are in the exchange.
I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Did Obama call your employer and order him to drop your health insurance?
Or is your employer just cheap?

Back in the days of strong unions, you would have had someone to stand up for your benefits

We don't need unions anymore than we need horses and carriages. Those days are long gone and responsible for chasing millions of jobs overseas. What we do need is government staying out of the private sector and not making things worse for many of us.
If you read up on this HC bill you'd find it's far worse than obamacare Too many medicade people ,doctors say so for it to be false

The thing is you have to find something that has a chance of passing. Baby steps, baby steps. Unless we somehow get 60 Senate seats that will stick together, nothing will get done because you won't find one Democrat that will repeal Commie Care. If not for McShame and a few others, it would have been repealed months ago.
You'll need 60 votes on Sept 30th

Understood. That's why I said we should take anything now that can get passed and hopefully improve things as time goes on.
I guess it depends on who you are. I talked with an insurance agent and according to her, everything is Obama Care now whether they are a Commie Care provider or not. Because of preexisting conditions, no insurance company outside of Commie Care would even consider touching me. The preexisting condition law only applies to companies that are in the exchange.

So what you are saying is that you are kind of a wreck, physically, and no private insurer would touch you. But it's all the black guys fault.
I guess it depends on who you are. I talked with an insurance agent and according to her, everything is Obama Care now whether they are a Commie Care provider or not. Because of preexisting conditions, no insurance company outside of Commie Care would even consider touching me. The preexisting condition law only applies to companies that are in the exchange.

So what you are saying is that you are kind of a wreck, physically, and no private insurer would touch you. But it's all the black guys fault.

Yep, because until the black guy came along, I was insured my entire adult life most of which I had a preexisting condition.
These Washington lifers need to be voted out of Congress.

Thanks for nothing, McCain.

The answer is simple:

Any senate members voting against repeal to KEEP Obamacare immediately lose their present healthcare and get Obamacare as well for a minimum of ten years. After all, if you think it is THAT GOOD, you ought to have it for yourself.

ITMT, the need is increasingly clear that the REAL problem isn't that jackass RINO prick McCain, it isn't the GOP, it is MITCH McConnell.

The guy couldn't get cloture on a bill declaring hurricanes bad for the economy. Just looking at that repugnant, pathetic face makes me want to beat the crap out of him. I wish I had gone to school with him as a kid, I would have kicked his ass every day.

The only thing worse than his frown


is when he SMILES.


I bet all his teeth are yellow-green.

He actually almost makes Harry Reid look good. At least Reid was successful at what he wanted to accomplish!

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