McCain will not vote for Graham-Cassidy

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

So your problem is with your employer

Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.
And you bought his story?
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

So your problem is with your employer

Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.
Of course he could. Before Obamacare. He could slash or drop your insurance at will

Your employer was cheap. Blame him

No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him
These Washington lifers need to be voted out of Congress.

Thanks for nothing, McCain.
Blaming McCain is so stupid.

We have the majority in both houses of Congress. We have a filibuster proof procedural device until September 30. We have the presidency. We have any number of prior repeal bills that WERE PASSED easily while Obama was in office.

And it's McCain's fault? Puh leeze.

And this bill is still Obamacare by the way, just watered down some. Diluted Obamacare.

I agree. It's not hard RINOs...repeal & replace. No Obamacare Lite
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
You lost your insurance?


My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

Well, that's on your employer group rates, for the most part, have been stable. Some of mine had rate decreases in the past couple years. The ones that had an increase were only single digit.
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
CommieCare is funny. There are no government provided healthcare or health insurance for regular people. There was no public option. The only commie care you have is the veterans administration. Obamacare is 100% private insurance and private healthcare; for profit and price gouging.
But, dont forget that prior to obamacare, some 40,000 at least were dying due to lack of healthcare. And i'm sure you'd like to return to that just to give the wealthy a little tax cut, which is all graham-cassidy is.

That is exactly why it should not be block granted to the states. You have Governors who are more interested in playing politics than in helping people. This Governor shows that he is more interested in politics. He has no compassion for people who are low income or people with pre-existing conditions or older people. He is as bad as Pelosi or Schumer except he is a far right extremist instead of a far left extremist.
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.
CommieCare is funny. There are no government provided healthcare or health insurance for regular people. There was no public option. The only commie care you have is the veterans administration. Obamacare is 100% private insurance and private healthcare; for profit and price gouging.
But, dont forget that prior to obamacare, some 40,000 at least were dying due to lack of healthcare. And i'm sure you'd like to return to that just to give the wealthy a little tax cut, which is all graham-cassidy is.

Really? Because I don't know of anybody who died because they didn't have healthcare.

If government made a law all households must have a firearm, you wouldn't call that a government firearm law? If government regulated how the firearm companies were allowed to use their own money, you wouldn't call that government firearm laws? Because that's what they did with Commie Care.

There is no government provided healthcare insurance? Ever hear of a thing called Medicaid expansion?

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007
My employer dropped it for us when Commie Care started. He found a way to get out of providing insurance without losing too many employees. So millions of us lost our employer sponsored healthcare because of Commie Care. But that didn't bother the Democrats in the least bit.

So your problem is with your employer

Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.
Of course he could. Before Obamacare. He could slash or drop your insurance at will

Your employer was cheap. Blame him

No he couldn't because he would have lost too many employees. They would have left and got jobs that provided coverage.

You can't do that today thank to Commie Care because even if you switched jobs, your new company might do the exact same as your previous company, and in fact, many have already.

Before Commie Care, company provided insurance was almost a must for those seeking to get good employees. It was pretty much a standard benefit. But the Democrats destroyed all that for us, and that's why they should never have leadership in this country again.
You are not getting your insurance through Obamacare
Your employer is providing your insurance

If he screws you is on him

I would still have it today if not for that big-eard creep that snuck into the White House. You can't light the fuse to a stick of dynamite and then blame the dynamite for the damage it caused. The Commies came in, ruined our healthcare, and then blamed everybody else except them.
Only partially. He could have never dropped coverage if not for Commie Care. The Commies initiated the movement.

You keep telling yourself that.

I actually started looking into buying my own insurance, and frankly, most of the pricing I got was pretty reasonable. And I'm not a young guy.

Under Commie Care, they wanted over 25% of my net pay. I don't call that reasonable in the least way.
He just saved millions of Americans from losing their healthcare

He also continued charging Americans who can't afford Commie Care over a billion dollars a year. Charging people for not buying something they can't afford or want is the most anti-American thing that's ever happened in this country.

McCain is also a showman who voted to repeal Commie Care multiple times, and yet because Trump is in charge, he's going to screw millions of us out of revenge for a personal vendetta.

Hopefully something happens to him where he cannot vote on this bill. I don't like to wish ill on a fellow American, but his personal selfishness is beyond my ability to wish him nothing more.

You are the selfish one. Your message to people with low incomes who can't afford insurance or have pre-existing conditions is drop dead. Why don't you drop dead instead.

Yeah, well that's about the same attitude the leftists had when we lost our healthcare because of Commie Care. Those "poor people" just laughed at us because they got what we worked for, and when we lost it, nobody on the left gave a shit about us.

But now we are supposed to feel some guilt by taking OUR money back. We're supposed to feel guilty about not paying for somebody else's healthcare when we working people can't afford it for ourselves.

But yeah, I'm the selfish one.

Going back to the way is not the answer either. Obamacare does need major work. That is where Republicans should be going. Not hastily written bills that are politically motivated. Yes they should bring at least moderate Democrats aboard.

They can't bring in Democrats no matter what they write. You have to understand that the main goal of Commie Care was to create as many new government dependents as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Do you really think the Democrats gave a shit whether you had health insurance or not? They could care less.

So unless Republicans forward the Democrat goal, they are not going to sign onto anything. And the only way that's possible is if they came out with a plan that created yet even more government dependents, and the Republicans are not about to do that.
Look at all these hacks wanting to put his wrinkly old pecker in their mouth because he is biased :lol:
We all hate the barking dog you have in the presidency
I understand that and my point still stands.
Real funny but McCain is one of the only Repubs calling for bipartisanship and THAT is the ONLY way to make us greater
Funny you lib douchebags were singing a different tune when Obama was in office.
The Maverick is angry over Trump's jabs during the campaign and he is going to sulk and behave like a democrat rather than do the job the citizens of Arizona sent him to Washington to do. . Thank God it's his last term as senator. Keep in mind that the senate exempted themselves from Obamacare so he is free to seek any exotic therapy for his cancer that he wants while the rest of us struggle with a deductible that costs more than a new car while the insurance coverage is dwindling as we speak as companies opt out of the system.
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