McCarthy likely short of Speaker votes...

From the letter tendered by nine hard-line Conservatives...none of which were Matt Gaetz...

“It cannot be a surprise that expressions of vague hopes reflected in far too many of the crucial points still under debate are insufficient. This is especially true with respect to Mr. McCarthy’s candidacy for speaker because the times call for radical departure from the status quo — not a continuation of past, and ongoing, Republican failures,” the group of nine wrote in their response.

They added that “Mr. McCarthy bears squarely the burden to correct the dysfunction he now explicitly admits across that long tenure.”


The Nine hardline Republicans — Reps. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Chip Roy of Texas, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Dan Bishop of North Carolina, Andy Harris of Maryland, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, and Rep.-elects Andy Ogles of Tennessee, Anna Paulina Luna of Florida and Eli Crane of Arizona — rejected McCarthy’s proposed rules changes as “insufficient.”

Hope springs eternal. Ditch McCarthy.
So If he fails the vote, you guys could get a Democrat minority member as speaker for the Republican majority house, if all the Dems get behind one guy? That would be hilarious.:auiqs.jpg:
So If he fails the vote, you guys could get a Democrat minority member as speaker for the Republican majority house, if all the Dems get behind one guy? That would be hilarious.:auiqs.jpg:
I suspect that The Turtle (who helped install him) has a hand in his reluctance to change the rules to get the needed hardliner votes.....The RINOs be skeered.
So If he fails the vote, you guys could get a Democrat minority member as speaker for the Republican majority house, if all the Dems get behind one guy? That would be hilarious.:auiqs.jpg:
They need 218 votes. There's only 212 Dems...but with their track record you're right...they might produce 760 votes with at least one from John Winston Jones.
They need 218 votes. There's only 212 Dems...but with their track record you're right...they might produce 760 votes with at least one from John Winston Jones.
You mean they are going to dig up dead Democrat members from the past and vote their asses like to good old Chicago days?
So If he fails the vote, you guys could get a Democrat minority member as speaker for the Republican majority house, if all the Dems get behind one guy? That would be hilarious.:auiqs.jpg:
It wouldn't change the majority status of the House so it would just guarantee gridlock or that the Speaker's leadership would be thwarted at every turn. It would be embarrassing but the reality is that a RINO like McCarthy wouldn't be any better than a Democrat when it comes to passing legislation that matters to Americans who are suffering under this illegitimate regime.
It wouldn't change the majority status of the House so it would just guarantee gridlock or that the Speaker's leadership would be thwarted at every turn. It would be embarrassing but the reality is that a RINO like McCarthy wouldn't be any better than a Democrat when it comes to passing legislation that matters to Americans who are suffering under this illegitimate regime.
I am an independent, so gridlock is not altogether a bad thing. Doesn't the speaker decide what committees bills go to, to live or die and have some control in committee assignments?
I ask that as a serious question, not knowing the answer.
Problem for Republicans is they don’t have ANYONE who can get 218 votes

The RW extreme says they won’t accept McCarthy but they don’t have anyone they support


Republicans can’t lead
Problem for Republicans is they don’t have ANYONE who can get 218 votes
The RW extreme says they won’t accept McCarthy but they don’t have anyone they support
Republicans can’t lead
So who do the democrats have in 2024? Royal Clusterfuck? Democrats are a disaster.
Problem for Republicans is they don’t have ANYONE who can get 218 votes

The RW extreme says they won’t accept McCarthy but they don’t have anyone they support


Republicans can’t lead
Don't tell anyone...but I expect McCarthy will eventually get the votes...but the price will be steep.

Watch for the Freedom Caucus to extract more concessions and for McCarthy to remain in constant jeopardy of losing the Speakership.

As long as we can strong-arm him onto the straight and narrow, he may be palatable.

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