McCarthy: Schiff Is The Very First Person We Should Be Questioning In This Impeachment Inquiry (CBS)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | November 3, 2019

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Margaret Brennan, the host of "Face the Nation" on CBS, that the very first person he would want to question in the Democrats' bogus impeachment probe would be House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA).

"Well, the very first person I think we should bring is Adam Schiff and his staff. He is the only individual in America–" McCarthy said.

"For a public hearing?" a confused Brennan asked. "You want to question the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee?"

"Yes, I would, because he's the only person who knows who this whistleblower is. He refers to himself as a Ken Starr. Ken Starr testified," McCarthy said.

There are numerous questions McCarthy has for Schiff.

"How many times did he meet with the whistleblower? What did he talk to the whistleblower about?" McCarthy asked. "Because even when the whistleblower went to the inspector general, he never mentioned that he met with Adam Schiff."

According to the House Minority Leader, the American public should have all the facts about the whistleblower's complaint and the chain of events.

"The public deserves the facts, not something that's leaked," he said. "We're three weeks since the very first hearing inside there, the deposition. We still do not have the transcripts."

McCarthy reminded Brennan of one important tidbit: the House's formal impeachment vote was a way for them to "justify what has already happened without ever reading one word of what's gone on."

Schiff received the whistleblower's complaint a month before turning it over to the full House Intelligence Committee. We know he received his information second and third-hand. He wasn't even on President Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The White House released the full transcript, which showed no quid pro took place. Trump simply asked Zelensky to look into the Bidens' business dealings in Ukraine. After all, Joe Biden's son, Hunter, was being paid $50,000 a month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas company despite having no natural energy experience. And Joe was handling international relations with Ukraine on behalf of the Obama administration.

Face The Nation


Who does @GOPLeader want to hear from in the #impeachment probe? "We should bring in Adam Schiff and his staff," McCarthy tells @facethenation


7:43 AM - Nov 3, 2019


Exactly...Schiff is trying to pull off what DiFi tried to pull off in the Senate with the Justice Kavanaugh hearings, only this is about the presidency.
What did Schitt know, when did he coach the whistleblower about what to say and what other lawyers wrote the BLOWERS letter, and was the BLOWER NOT a DemonRAT operative working for the CIA under orders from many questions about how this started....too bad no. Dossier yet!!!
Wow, youse guys got the Process Diversion down pat. When do you suppose you'll get around to commenting about the activities being questioned? That's probably hypothetical, since you seem to be able to hold that blind spot indefinitely. But it is so hard to believe you actually defend corruption. I am reminded of the jury that saw video clips of a gang of cops beating the living crap out of Rodney King, and found an excuse they could live with to exonerated them. They didn't believe their lying eyes!
I would pay dearly to watch Schiff lie like a dog under oath....and then I'd pay even more to watch him frogged marched into a federal prison.... ^ | November 3, 2019

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Margaret Brennan, the host of "Face the Nation" on CBS, that the very first person he would want to question in the Democrats' bogus impeachment probe would be House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA).

"Well, the very first person I think we should bring is Adam Schiff and his staff. He is the only individual in America–" McCarthy said.

"For a public hearing?" a confused Brennan asked. "You want to question the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee?"

"Yes, I would, because he's the only person who knows who this whistleblower is. He refers to himself as a Ken Starr. Ken Starr testified," McCarthy said.

There are numerous questions McCarthy has for Schiff.

"How many times did he meet with the whistleblower? What did he talk to the whistleblower about?" McCarthy asked. "Because even when the whistleblower went to the inspector general, he never mentioned that he met with Adam Schiff."

According to the House Minority Leader, the American public should have all the facts about the whistleblower's complaint and the chain of events.

"The public deserves the facts, not something that's leaked," he said. "We're three weeks since the very first hearing inside there, the deposition. We still do not have the transcripts."

McCarthy reminded Brennan of one important tidbit: the House's formal impeachment vote was a way for them to "justify what has already happened without ever reading one word of what's gone on."

Schiff received the whistleblower's complaint a month before turning it over to the full House Intelligence Committee. We know he received his information second and third-hand. He wasn't even on President Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The White House released the full transcript, which showed no quid pro took place. Trump simply asked Zelensky to look into the Bidens' business dealings in Ukraine. After all, Joe Biden's son, Hunter, was being paid $50,000 a month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas company despite having no natural energy experience. And Joe was handling international relations with Ukraine on behalf of the Obama administration.

Face The Nation


Who does @GOPLeader want to hear from in the #impeachment probe? "We should bring in Adam Schiff and his staff," McCarthy tells @facethenation

7:43 AM - Nov 3, 2019


Exactly...Schiff is trying to pull off what DiFi tried to pull off in the Senate with the Justice Kavanaugh hearings, only this is about the presidency.

The guy that admitted on national television the only reason the Benghazi hearings were started was to hurt Clintons campaign numbers?

He's next on the list to either be censured or expelled from Congress.

You nitwits actually think your safe don't you?
What did Schitt know, when did he coach the whistleblower about what to say and what other lawyers wrote the BLOWERS letter, and was the BLOWER NOT a DemonRAT operative working for the CIA under orders from many questions about how this started....too bad no. Dossier yet!!!

Actually it should be the Potus.
Between Jan. 20, 2017, and July 25, 2019, Trump's support for Ukraine was extensive, robust, and positively distinguished from that of Obama — at least the known knowns of Trump's policy, that is. In contrast, the July 25 call appears to have involved a quid pro quo threat to withhold appropriated aid to Ukraine in lieu of Zelensky's agreement to find dirt on Joe Biden.

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