McConnell and Reid may have just set a 51-vote threshold for passing Obamacare repeal

Washington Examiner ^

Next week, Senate Republicans could pass Obamacare repeal with a simple 51-vote majority as part of the long-term highway bill, according to Sen. Mike Lee. The Utah Republican laid out the argument in a press release after party leaders set the sequencing of votes: "The first Obamacare vote on Sunday will have a 60 vote threshold, and Democrats will likely block it," Lee continued. "But thanks to the sequencing of the votes we just locked in, Republicans will have the opportunity resurrect that Obamacare amendment later on in the process, and put it back before the Senate in a manner...
This would be fantastic...just before the 2016 election. They DO have an alternative plan to take it's place, right?
Washington Examiner ^

Next week, Senate Republicans could pass Obamacare repeal with a simple 51-vote majority as part of the long-term highway bill, according to Sen. Mike Lee. The Utah Republican laid out the argument in a press release after party leaders set the sequencing of votes: "The first Obamacare vote on Sunday will have a 60 vote threshold, and Democrats will likely block it," Lee continued. "But thanks to the sequencing of the votes we just locked in, Republicans will have the opportunity resurrect that Obamacare amendment later on in the process, and put it back before the Senate in a manner...
This would be fantastic...just before the 2016 election. They DO have an alternative plan to take it's place, right?
Cruz says, Republicans will go after Obamacare provisions “one at a time.”
Duh. Much of the supposed increase in individual enrollment is due to people losing their plans and being forced to purchase ObamaCare (at a far higher cost than their previous plans).

I'll ask you the same question Vigilante's apparently unable or unwilling to answer: Can you prove that? Or is it just "Well, like, my sister-in-law's cousin said..."?

I see you are persistently incurious and unable to obtain any information via a simple search.

Here you go: only 1/3 of ObamaCare enrollees were previously uninsured. 2/3 already had insurance (perhaps even insurance they liked) before they were forced into ObamaCare.

Survey Estimates Net Gain of 9.3 Million American Adults with Health Insurance RAND
I see you are persistently incurious and unable to obtain any information via a simple search.

What you see is the expectation that if you make a claim, you're able to support it.

So, let's see what you've got here:

Here you go: only 1/3 of ObamaCare enrollees were previously uninsured. 2/3 already had insurance (perhaps even insurance they liked) before they were forced into ObamaCare.

Survey Estimates Net Gain of 9.3 Million American Adults with Health Insurance RAND

“Using a survey fielded by the RAND American Life Panel, we estimate a net gain of 9.3 million in the number of American adults with health insurance coverage from September 2013 to mid-March 2014.

The survey, drawn from a small but nationally representative sample…”

So let's deconstruct this paragraph by paragraph:

(A) How small is “small”? One hundred people, a thousand, ten?
(B) The survey yields an *estimate*
(C) The period surveyed was September 2013 to mid-March 2014

You do realize that it’s July 2015 now, right?
I see you are persistently incurious and unable to obtain any information via a simple search.

What you see is the expectation that if you make a claim, you're able to support it.

So, let's see what you've got here:

Here you go: only 1/3 of ObamaCare enrollees were previously uninsured. 2/3 already had insurance (perhaps even insurance they liked) before they were forced into ObamaCare.

Survey Estimates Net Gain of 9.3 Million American Adults with Health Insurance RAND

“Using a survey fielded by the RAND American Life Panel, we estimate a net gain of 9.3 million in the number of American adults with health insurance coverage from September 2013 to mid-March 2014.

The survey, drawn from a small but nationally representative sample…”

So let's deconstruct this paragraph by paragraph:

(A) How small is “small”? One hundred people, a thousand, ten?
(B) The survey yields an *estimate*
(C) The period surveyed was September 2013 to mid-March 2014

You do realize that it’s July 2015 now, right?

You do realize it takes time to collect data?

Given the drop in the Labor Force participation rate since this study was done, the problem has likely gotten worse.
How about providing the trends for employer provided health care?

Please do. You'll note they've been plummeting since the 1970s.

Duh. Much of the supposed increase in individual enrollment is due to people losing their plans and being forced to purchase ObamaCare (at a far higher cost than their previous plans).

If you call that a success, you're goal must be to destroy the health care system.
That is total nonsense

The poll is of total people who have healthcare not who has recently gotten healthcare
How about providing the trends for employer provided health care?

Please do. You'll note they've been plummeting since the 1970s.

Duh. Much of the supposed increase in individual enrollment is due to people losing their plans and being forced to purchase ObamaCare (at a far higher cost than their previous plans).

If you call that a success, you're goal must be to destroy the health care system.
That is total nonsense

The poll is of total people who have healthcare not who has recently gotten healthcare

I'm sorry you don't understand the research; but it's not fair to expect you to grok anything that doesn't conform to your programming.
Washington Examiner ^

Next week, Senate Republicans could pass Obamacare repeal with a simple 51-vote majority as part of the long-term highway bill, according to Sen. Mike Lee. The Utah Republican laid out the argument in a press release after party leaders set the sequencing of votes: "The first Obamacare vote on Sunday will have a 60 vote threshold, and Democrats will likely block it," Lee continued. "But thanks to the sequencing of the votes we just locked in, Republicans will have the opportunity resurrect that Obamacare amendment later on in the process, and put it back before the Senate in a manner...
This would be fantastic...just before the 2016 election. They DO have an alternative plan to take it's place, right?

Don't get sick.
You do realize it takes time to collect data?

Precisely. But if you're going to try to make a point using outdated figures that have been supplanted by newer data that don't fit your agenda, it doesn't make you look smart.

Given the drop in the Labor Force participation rate since this study was done, the problem has likely gotten worse.

I didn't realize you weren't American. In this country, unemployment is the lowest it's been since the subprime debacle.
And tens of millions that did have health care DON'T!

You can prove this, of course. Using facts?

Meanwhile, taking the humans out of the equation, you're cool with adding $137 billion to the federal deficit?

Taz just answered you, but you can show me where TENS OF MILLIONS were NEWLY covered!

From the Kaiser Foundation:


Now, is this the part where you claim "The [whatever source I post] is a soshulist-librul conspiracy and it's ALL LIES!!!11!" or can you show your data?

How about the numbers for those who are subsidized?
Or all the one's that never paid yet are listed anyway?
Before the ACA the poor could still get healthcare,now the poor get healthcare at the expense of people who now cant afford healthcare because they make too much for subsidies.
Fuck obamacare,I see no reason why hardworking tax payers should be put out for the benefit of those who contribute nothing.
If you cant see how wrong that is I have to question your sanity...or your motive.
You do realize it takes time to collect data?

Precisely. But if you're going to try to make a point using outdated figures that have been supplanted by newer data that don't fit your agenda, it doesn't make you look smart.

Given the drop in the Labor Force participation rate since this study was done, the problem has likely gotten worse.

I didn't realize you weren't American. In this country, unemployment is the lowest it's been since the subprime debacle.

Oh my goodness. I see that you don't understand the stats from the BLS (unsurprising given your Lo Info Voter status). The reason why UE3 figure is so low is because we are at the lowest LFPR since the mid 70s. Millions have GIVEN UP because the economy is not creating jobs.
How about the numbers for those who are subsidized?

Your question seems to suggest you know what those breakdowns are. Provide them, and we can discuss them.

Or all the one's that never paid yet are listed anyway?

Again, do you know what those numbers are? Present them and w can discuss them.

Before the ACA the poor could still get healthcare,now the poor get healthcare at the expense of people who now cant afford healthcare because they make too much for subsidies.

So you're defending people for being unable to manage their money? Hokay.

Fuck obamacare,I see no reason why hardworking tax payers should be put out for the benefit of those who contribute nothing.
If you cant see how wrong that is I have to question your sanity...or your motive.

I can see that you have a very bizarre perspective on your fellow citizens. How has the PPACA victimized you personally?
How about the numbers for those who are subsidized?

Your question seems to suggest you know what those breakdowns are. Provide them, and we can discuss them.

Or all the one's that never paid yet are listed anyway?

Again, do you know what those numbers are? Present them and w can discuss them.

Before the ACA the poor could still get healthcare,now the poor get healthcare at the expense of people who now cant afford healthcare because they make too much for subsidies.

So you're defending people for being unable to manage their money? Hokay.

Fuck obamacare,I see no reason why hardworking tax payers should be put out for the benefit of those who contribute nothing.
If you cant see how wrong that is I have to question your sanity...or your motive.

I can see that you have a very bizarre perspective on your fellow citizens. How has the PPACA victimized you personally?

First of all,yes I know the you?
Dont talk to me about managing money when the people we're paying for cant manage to make any money.

It wont effect me personally because I actually pay my own way.
At least until the taxes start kicking in.
How about providing the trends for employer provided health care?

Please do. You'll note they've been plummeting since the 1970s.

Funny,i've never in my life worked for a company that didnt provide healthcare or pay part of it.
How does that help people who work for companies that don't?

Maybe they should consider applying themselves and improving their situation through hard work and dedication?
How about providing the trends for employer provided health care?

Please do. You'll note they've been plummeting since the 1970s.

Funny,i've never in my life worked for a company that didnt provide healthcare or pay part of it.
How does that help people who work for companies that don't?

Maybe they should consider applying themselves and improving their situation through hard work and dedication?
What does that have to do with the availability of health insurance?

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