McConnell and Reid may have just set a 51-vote threshold for passing Obamacare repeal

Oh my goodness. I see that you don't understand the stats from the BLS (unsurprising given your Lo Info Voter status).

No, you really don't.

No, you really don't. It's clear you don't even know what the BLS is.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

From their data, if the LFRP were at the same levels now as when Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 9.76%, an increase of 1.94 pts. The Labor Force would be 10M greater. In reality, while there have been 16M new entrants to the Labor Force during the Obama Era, the economy created jobs for only 40% of them. That is an APPALLING statistic.

How about providing the trends for employer provided health care?

Please do. You'll note they've been plummeting since the 1970s.

Funny,i've never in my life worked for a company that didnt provide healthcare or pay part of it.
How does that help people who work for companies that don't?

Maybe they should consider applying themselves and improving their situation through hard work and dedication?
What does that have to do with the availability of health insurance?

If you cant figure that're a liberal.
I see you are persistently incurious and unable to obtain any information via a simple search.

What you see is the expectation that if you make a claim, you're able to support it.

So, let's see what you've got here:

Here you go: only 1/3 of ObamaCare enrollees were previously uninsured. 2/3 already had insurance (perhaps even insurance they liked) before they were forced into ObamaCare.

Survey Estimates Net Gain of 9.3 Million American Adults with Health Insurance RAND

“Using a survey fielded by the RAND American Life Panel, we estimate a net gain of 9.3 million in the number of American adults with health insurance coverage from September 2013 to mid-March 2014.

The survey, drawn from a small but nationally representative sample…”

So let's deconstruct this paragraph by paragraph:

(A) How small is “small”? One hundred people, a thousand, ten?
(B) The survey yields an *estimate*
(C) The period surveyed was September 2013 to mid-March 2014

You do realize that it’s July 2015 now, right?

You do realize it takes time to collect data?

Given the drop in the Labor Force participation rate since this study was done, the problem has likely gotten worse.

NO. Collating the data cannot take more than 2 weeks, more like 3 days. The answers to that survey were already done by the beginning of April, 2014.

It is cold :coffee:
You do realize it takes time to collect data?

Precisely. But if you're going to try to make a point using outdated figures that have been supplanted by newer data that don't fit your agenda, it doesn't make you look smart.

Given the drop in the Labor Force participation rate since this study was done, the problem has likely gotten worse.

I didn't realize you weren't American. In this country, unemployment is the lowest it's been since the subprime debacle.

Oh my goodness. I see that you don't understand the stats from the BLS (unsurprising given your Lo Info Voter status). The reason why UE3 figure is so low is because we are at the lowest LFPR since the mid 70s. Millions have GIVEN UP because the economy is not creating jobs.

Yes, we have heard this fable before, too.
How about providing the trends for employer provided health care?

Employer-Sponsored Insurance Continues to Remain Stable under the ACA: Findings from June 2013 through March 2015
Similar to the findings published in Health Affairs, we continue to find no change in ESI offer rates, take-up rates, or overall ESI coverage under the ACA.


I don't trust surveys done by the Urban Institute - it's purpose is to justify Big Government programs.
How about providing the trends for employer provided health care?

Employer-Sponsored Insurance Continues to Remain Stable under the ACA: Findings from June 2013 through March 2015
Similar to the findings published in Health Affairs, we continue to find no change in ESI offer rates, take-up rates, or overall ESI coverage under the ACA.


I don't trust surveys done by the Urban Institute - it's purpose is to justify Big Government programs.

Mercer has found the same thing. As has KFF. Everyone that's looked at the question has found no decrease in ESI under the ACA.
How about providing the trends for employer provided health care?

Employer-Sponsored Insurance Continues to Remain Stable under the ACA: Findings from June 2013 through March 2015
Similar to the findings published in Health Affairs, we continue to find no change in ESI offer rates, take-up rates, or overall ESI coverage under the ACA.


I don't trust surveys done by the Urban Institute - it's purpose is to justify Big Government programs.

Mercer has found the same thing. As has KFF. Everyone that's looked at the question has found no decrease in ESI under the ACA.

It's a 7 quarter study. You're also ignoring the drop in the Labor Force Participation Rate - there are fewer workers today as a ratio of the population. These people aren't counted at all. They are the biggest victims of ObamaCare - people who have given up looking for jobs because the Obama Economy is an epic fail.
The problem I see with Obama's healthcare plan is that many companies are now only hiring part-time and temporary employees, so they can avoid having to buy the required insurance for these employees and save themselves money. I really don't understand why we needed this huge bill which doesn't even really take care of the underlying problem, when we could have probably just made some rules for insurance companies and employers, and without forcing people to have to purchase insurance policies. Although I can understand why they want to force everyone to buy an insurance policy, that is way overstepping their bounds, IMO.
Employers' cutting worker hours and relabeling employees as "contractors" occurred long before passage of the PPACA. The original purpose of providing employee health insurance plans was in lieu of pay raises. IOW, it's always been about the Benjamins.

And, no, the crybabies are not going to get their own way this time either.

The next time anyone wants to complain about a "do-nothing Congress," think about how many hours and your tax dollars they've squandered on this petulant little exercise.

Then tell yourself you're for "smaller government," but you're willing to add $137 billion to the deficit just because you hate the sitting President.
I don't trust surveys done by the Urban Institute - it's purpose is to justify Big Government programs.

But you trust the BLS. That's adorable!

It has more reliable data gathering with which one can do one's own analysis. The latter bit is clearly beyond your capabilities.
It has more reliable data gathering with which one can do one's own analysis.

Prove it.

Here, see if you can find any data here:

About Heath Policy Urban Institute

And then compare to here:

Databases Tables Calculators by Subject

So you're unable to address the data in Post #46 and #48?

I already did in Post #50, you dense twit.

Leaving out Non-Workers is intellectually dishonest.

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