McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan

McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan​

November 29,2012

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, says he “burst into laughter” Thursday when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner outlined the administration proposal for averting the fiscal cliff. He wasn’t trying to embarrass Geithner, McConnell says, only responding candidly to his one-sided plan, explicit on tax increases, vague on spending cuts.

Geithner’s visit to his office left McConnell discouraged about reaching a “balanced” deal on tax hikes and spending reductions designed to prevent a shock to the economy in January. “Nothing good is happening” in the negotiations, McConnell says, because of Obama’s insistence on tax rate hikes for the wealthy but unwillingness to embrace serious spending cuts

Geithner suggested $1.6 trillion in tax increases, McConnell says, but showed “minimal or no interest” in spending cuts. When congressional leaders went to the White House three days after the election, Obama talked of possible curbs on the explosive growth of food stamps and Social Security disability payments. But since Geithner didn’t mention them, those reductions appear to be off the table now, McConnell says.


Read more:
McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan | The Weekly Standard

The Republicans should continue to laugh, sneer, insult, and in general be asses. It will ensure their election to the White House in 2016.
and the OTHER half doesn't...Just like with Bush..Obama doesn't become King because half the voters want whatever the hell it is he wants

Fuzzy math, it was millions more than half who voted for Obama plus it was another electoral landslide. They won the senate too. Face it, your side lost on your agenda, you lost.

No shit.

Are you done gloating now?

They think since a shitload of racist dumbass nationwide voted for the man because of his skin color that their policies are the shiznay.

Gloating is all they have because their choices for leadership are a G-damn joke!
McConnell has his back against the wall on taxes and has no cards left to play

I guess laughter is the best he can do

raising people's taxes seems to be the most important thing to you ObamaBots
when they see this tax on the wealthy isn't enough, I hope they come after you next

Are you one of the 49% (or whatever) that pays no federal income tax? Or do you not have a real job? Cause you seem pretty sure YOUR taxes won't go up.

But I do hope the Rethugs stand tall and collapse the talks. Even go over the cliff, of hill or curb. Or what ever.

Cause then when the Dems propose a cut for everyone but the ultra rich, then what will they do? Vote against a tax cut for 98% of the country? Priceless in 2014.
McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan​

November 29,2012

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, says he “burst into laughter” Thursday when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner outlined the administration proposal for averting the fiscal cliff. He wasn’t trying to embarrass Geithner, McConnell says, only responding candidly to his one-sided plan, explicit on tax increases, vague on spending cuts.

Geithner’s visit to his office left McConnell discouraged about reaching a “balanced” deal on tax hikes and spending reductions designed to prevent a shock to the economy in January. “Nothing good is happening” in the negotiations, McConnell says, because of Obama’s insistence on tax rate hikes for the wealthy but unwillingness to embrace serious spending cuts

Geithner suggested $1.6 trillion in tax increases, McConnell says, but showed “minimal or no interest” in spending cuts. When congressional leaders went to the White House three days after the election, Obama talked of possible curbs on the explosive growth of food stamps and Social Security disability payments. But since Geithner didn’t mention them, those reductions appear to be off the table now, McConnell says.


Read more:
McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan | The Weekly Standard

The Republicans should continue to laugh, sneer, insult, and in general be asses. It will ensure their election to the White House in 2016.

again, that is all you people think about...not a comment on this piece of garbage that was presented by Obama and his comrades in arms
raising people's taxes seems to be the most important thing to you ObamaBots
when they see this tax on the wealthy isn't enough, I hope they come after you next

They will, then they will go after our 401's as well.

I've been reading that is already being talked about

That is "revenue" they would love to get their hands on.
I'm not sure I know what to do with mine just yet, but I'll be damned if I lose that too!
McConnell has his back against the wall on taxes and has no cards left to play

I guess laughter is the best he can do

raising people's taxes seems to be the most important thing to you ObamaBots
when they see this tax on the wealthy isn't enough, I hope they come after you next

We pay the lowest tax rates in 30 years

Where are the jobs that were promised?

An yes, I am willing to pay more taxes if it is used to pay off debt. Are you?

First they ask for a plan. Then the laugh when they get one.

Gotta love it.

Go go go fiscal cliff.
We pay the lowest tax rates in 30 years

Where are the jobs that were promised?

An yes, I am willing to pay more taxes if it is used to pay off debt. Are you?

Has that EVER actually happened?

They promise cuts yet never deliver, taxing us more will not reduce the debt.
We need serious spending cuts across the board, but Obama Claus can't do that. He is too busy wrecking America by his wealth redistribution plans.

First they ask for a plan. Then the laugh when they get one.

Gotta love it.

Go go go fiscal cliff.

Kind of like the "we need to pass the bill to see what's in it"

Whatever dude...

The Republicans have been asked what they want to cut.

Nothing has been put on the table yet. Instead..they said "Show us your plan".

And they are like, "pwned!"..

Yeah..that works.
The Republicans are demanding spending cuts, but refuse to say what cuts they're demanding.
The Republicans are demanding spending cuts, but refuse to say what cuts they're demanding.

Republicans have already said what cuts they want

Big Bird
Planned Parenthood

Did I miss anything?
Sure thing Shitting Bull, as soon as YOU provide ONE credible source for anything you type.

Please give us some "credible" examples of your claims...

1990. Bush agreed to increase taxes, though he had promised he wouldn't, in return for spending cuts...which never came about.

It cost him the election. You people are lying cheats.

Can you give us some "credible" proof of your claim?
Yep, everything is funny to the obstructionist NaziCons. Keep laughing until the 2014 elections...

If we get to use Geitner's license of tax software, I will not laugh at any proposed increase in taxes.
McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan​

November 29,2012

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, says he “burst into laughter” Thursday when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner outlined the administration proposal for averting the fiscal cliff. He wasn’t trying to embarrass Geithner, McConnell says, only responding candidly to his one-sided plan, explicit on tax increases, vague on spending cuts.

Geithner’s visit to his office left McConnell discouraged about reaching a “balanced” deal on tax hikes and spending reductions designed to prevent a shock to the economy in January. “Nothing good is happening” in the negotiations, McConnell says, because of Obama’s insistence on tax rate hikes for the wealthy but unwillingness to embrace serious spending cuts

Geithner suggested $1.6 trillion in tax increases, McConnell says, but showed “minimal or no interest” in spending cuts. When congressional leaders went to the White House three days after the election, Obama talked of possible curbs on the explosive growth of food stamps and Social Security disability payments. But since Geithner didn’t mention them, those reductions appear to be off the table now, McConnell says.


Read more:
McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan | The Weekly Standard

The Republicans should continue to laugh, sneer, insult, and in general be asses. It will ensure their election to the White House in 2016.

again, that is all you people think about...not a comment on this piece of garbage that was presented by Obama and his comrades in arms

Keep calling us all Commies. That's worked really great for you guys. More insults please.
They will, then they will go after our 401's as well.

I've been reading that is already being talked about

That is "revenue" they would love to get their hands on.
I'm not sure I know what to do with mine just yet, but I'll be damned if I lose that too!

Before such a law ever went into effect everyone would raid their 401Ks, and the result would be the worst financial panic of the last two centuries.

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