McConnell did indeed block defunding planned parenthood

So much for your dalliance here. These are the facts-
Paul said he was pursuing several strategies, including a so-called discharge petition requiring the support of at least 16 additional senators to force a vote on Planned Parenthood funding.
He earlier sought to attach a defunding amendment to transportation legislation. But on Sunday he said, "they may block me today on a vote on an amendment to the highway bill," and if so, he would pursue separate legislation. (Reporting by Alina Selyukh; Editing by Lisa Lambert and Howard Goller)
And from McConnell's spokesperson-
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.
A ridiculous waste of time by equally ridiculous Congressional republicans concerning a non-issue the social right is trying to contrive into a 'controversy.'

'Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.'

Rand Paul plans to keep pushing to defund U.S. Planned Parenthood - Yahoo News


At least McConnell in this case is displaying some degree of understanding as to what responsible governance is.

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