McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage

One wonders how some people....who clearly lack the intelligence needed to fully understand complex issues....come to the decision to side with the left or the right? Is there a common trigger?
Don't miss the other message here...

...Notice how eagerly the Right, the GOP are leaping at the chance to put the focus on something other than the economy?
By Sahil Kapur

Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday.

“If we end up having to try to overcome the President’s opposition by legislation, of course I’d be happy to support it, and intend to support it,” McConnell said. “We’ll be voting on that in the Senate and you can anticipate that that would happen as soon as possible.”

The Blunt amendment he was specifically referring to would “ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions” under the Affordable Care Act. Similar legislation was introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) before the White House announced Friday that it would allow religious nonprofits such as charities, hospitals and universities to opt out of paying for contraception coverage and force the insurance company to do so instead.

More: McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage | TPMDC

well, there's a winning political strategy. :rolleyes:

Fox's Gutfeld Dismisses Struggles Of Women Who Can't Afford Birth Control | Media Matters for America
Don't miss the other message here...

...Notice how eagerly the Right, the GOP are leaping at the chance to put the focus on something other than the economy?

why should they, it's not their economy. It's Obama's.

but that will be next, don't worry.
right now they are looking out for the PEOPLE against this assult by Obama and his comrades in arms.
Wow, that should get the GOP a lot of votes!

So there position is, no help for women getting birth control to prevent a pregnancy and no help in raising the child should the woman choose to keep it.

What's next? No breast cancer screenings?

Oh wait ...

sorry to burst you little bubble, but NONE of those things are the jobs of OTHERS...It is the persons Responsiblity..which it seems a lot of you don't know what that means or how to do it.

Well Staph, I happen to agree with you. And in the line of personal responsibility we should vote in a Universal Health Care system that let's each citizen decide whether he or she would like access to birth control. And, since it is a preventive measure that saves everybody a good deal of money, it should be free.
Don't miss the other message here...

...Notice how eagerly the Right, the GOP are leaping at the chance to put the focus on something other than the economy?

I didn't miss it. All blame/no praise for Obama. It's funny...
Republicans have a strong interest in babies which they lose shortly after birth.
Fox News Poll, 2/9:

Overall, do you approve or disapprove of requiring employer health plans to cover birth control for women?"

Approve 61%

Disapprove 34%

Unsure 5%

lol, the GOP walking into another buzz saw.


It will be 80% approval once the GOP gets done fucking things up.
By Sahil Kapur

Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday.

“If we end up having to try to overcome the President’s opposition by legislation, of course I’d be happy to support it, and intend to support it,” McConnell said. “We’ll be voting on that in the Senate and you can anticipate that that would happen as soon as possible.”

The Blunt amendment he was specifically referring to would “ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions” under the Affordable Care Act. Similar legislation was introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) before the White House announced Friday that it would allow religious nonprofits such as charities, hospitals and universities to opt out of paying for contraception coverage and force the insurance company to do so instead.

More: McConnell: GOP Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage | TPMDC

Only tyrants force the people to do anything.

forcing employers to get insurance that covers birthcontrol or abortions is tyranny.

And liberals just love that tyranny.
Did Obama rewrite the Constitution while we weren't looking? Why should a small or big businesses have to pay for birth control for their employees? Negotiate the item in a benefit package if you have a union or buy the crap yourselves.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it prohibit the government from telling a business what to do.

And here's a proud tyrant.

It's ok to force insurance, employers, citizens to what you want, as long as you can say it's for their own good.

but don't regulate or restrict abortion!!!!! that's different somehow.
Let me see if I understand you guys correctly. You think forcing your will on others is good and that the GOP is going to lose votes because they want to give people more liberty to make their own contracts?

Are you freaking dumbasses?

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