McConnell offers Obama temporary deal on Bush tax cuts

read 2000 pages of BS and learn for yourself. Your lawmakers decided that they had to pass it to see what was in it.

excise tax on “Cadillac plans”

Republicans call these 'fees'. You are not required to have a Cadillac plan, therefore it's not a tax.


You'll have to show me that one.

Are you a medical-device manufacturer? No.

Also want to see that one.

Don't use them, then. It's only a fee if you decide to tan indoors. This is the Republican argument.

And of course others........
Uh huh.

Doesn't affect you so it doesn't count?????

And the supreme court calls it all a tax...Either it is a tax or it is unconstitutional, can't have it both ways....

You're a tool........


If you already have health insurance you will not be penalized for not buying health insurance.

Just like if you don't drive you won't be penalized for not buying auto insurance.
Okay, so why do the Republicans want to tax the middle class and poor, but keep the cuts for the wealthy.

Who said to tax the middle class? Other than the additional taxes in Obamacare?
Do you have health insurance?

the comment at the bottom of ur posts, since the dems are so PC and im sure ud claim the same are you saying since that seat is usually where the girl sits tht you are refering to females as bitches, if so thats quite un pc for the libs man.
Or....we could use the brains we have in our heads and do what works in other nations. Our rates are too low. Period.

Ok, well in the US, so far even 50% of our income isn't doing enough to satisfy the left. How much more would you like to have stripped from my wallet before you're happy?

You need to get your numbers straight. Let's talk FEDERL income tax. WHAT RATE DO YOU PAY?

Don't lie.....I know how to catch people who lie about that.

Why only talk about Federal? Most of what you get in society that you call "the commons" comes from state and local taxes so why wouldn't I include them in this discussion?

If we take all our taxes from federal on down, it comes out to be about 50% in taxation give or take. You would like to have MORE taken to somehow get us to a perfect spot where all our dreams will come true...its ridiculous.
Republicans call these 'fees'. You are not required to have a Cadillac plan, therefore it's not a tax.


You'll have to show me that one.

Are you a medical-device manufacturer? No.

Also want to see that one.

Don't use them, then. It's only a fee if you decide to tan indoors. This is the Republican argument.

Uh huh.

Doesn't affect you so it doesn't count?????

And the supreme court calls it all a tax...Either it is a tax or it is unconstitutional, can't have it both ways....

You're a tool........


If you already have health insurance you will not be penalized for not buying health insurance.

Just like if you don't drive you won't be penalized for not buying auto insurance.

Why should I be penalized for not buying something? And btw... I can be penalized for having plates on a car that is not insured regardless of whether I drive it or not.
Liberals believe all the money in the USA belongs to the govt because they print it.
Ok, well in the US, so far even 50% of our income isn't doing enough to satisfy the left. How much more would you like to have stripped from my wallet before you're happy?

You need to get your numbers straight. Let's talk FEDERL income tax. WHAT RATE DO YOU PAY?

Don't lie.....I know how to catch people who lie about that.

Why only talk about Federal? Most of what you get in society that you call "the commons" comes from state and local taxes so why wouldn't I include them in this discussion?

If we take all our taxes from federal on down, it comes out to be about 50% in taxation give or take. You would like to have MORE taken to somehow get us to a perfect spot where all our dreams will come true...its ridiculous.

Because LOLberoidals are in love with consolidated powers. That, and LOLberals believe only the government can provide services. Which is partly true. Govt. is the only one that can provide services by sttealing the money from others to make it happen. IN the real world of work, capital and service, it is humans that provide these things and is the govt. that is the parasite that takes them over, drains them and the citizens of their wealth and the best part? IT NEVER ENDS! Never. More, more, more, more, more....

Giive a LOLberal a snadwich, they want a soda. Give them a soda, they want dessert. Give them that, they want to spend the night. Let them stay the night and they fucking move in.
You need to get your numbers straight. Let's talk FEDERL income tax. WHAT RATE DO YOU PAY?

Don't lie.....I know how to catch people who lie about that.

Why only talk about Federal? Most of what you get in society that you call "the commons" comes from state and local taxes so why wouldn't I include them in this discussion?

If we take all our taxes from federal on down, it comes out to be about 50% in taxation give or take. You would like to have MORE taken to somehow get us to a perfect spot where all our dreams will come true...its ridiculous.

Giive a LOLberal a snadwich, they want a soda. Give them a soda, they want dessert. Give them that, they want to spend the night. Let them stay the night and they fucking move in.

Sounds like my present girlfriend.
the comment at the bottom of ur posts, since the dems are so PC and im sure ud claim the same are you saying since that seat is usually where the girl sits tht you are refering to females as bitches, if so thats quite un pc for the libs man.
Tough shit.

Liberal mentality good enough for me but not for thy. Well i hope the women take note of it.
Your broad-brushing is amateurish, at best.
McConnell offers Obama temporary deal on Bush tax cuts

Deal? What's the deal.

The Senate's top Republican renewed an offer today to President Obama over the George W. Bush-era tax cuts, due to expire at the end of the year.

"What we ought to be doing is extend the current tax rates for another year with a hard requirement to get through comprehensive tax reform one more time," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., speaking on CNN's State of the Union.

President Obama and aides have shown little interest in a one-year extension, saying the Bush tax rates should be extended for middle-class Americans but ended this year for the wealthiest.

Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, also on CNN, said the Bush tax cuts "disproportionately impact millionaires and billionaires," and should be preserved only for the middle class.

Yes, let's take more money out of the economy, but continue the break for the wealthy.

Well yeah, cuz look at the all the jobs the wealthy are "creating".

Wanna bet the gullible rw's will fall for this?
The government doesn't need damn near 50% of my hard earned money to provide me with "the commons".

wow ... We seem to have a one percenter in our midst.

Actually, of course, not even the wealthiest pay that much so your post is just silly.

OTOH, most of the rw's posting on this board must have incomes of well over $250K a year. Otherwise only an idiot would believe the R line about giving higher tax cuts to the one percent producing jobs because the one percent does not produce jobs and has not produced jobs and will not produce jobs.

McConnell offers Obama temporary deal on Bush tax cuts

Deal? What's the deal.

The Senate's top Republican renewed an offer today to President Obama over the George W. Bush-era tax cuts, due to expire at the end of the year.

"What we ought to be doing is extend the current tax rates for another year with a hard requirement to get through comprehensive tax reform one more time," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., speaking on CNN's State of the Union.

President Obama and aides have shown little interest in a one-year extension, saying the Bush tax rates should be extended for middle-class Americans but ended this year for the wealthiest.

Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, also on CNN, said the Bush tax cuts "disproportionately impact millionaires and billionaires," and should be preserved only for the middle class.

Yes, let's take more money out of the economy, but continue the break for the wealthy.

Well yeah, cuz look at the all the jobs the wealthy are "creating".

Wanna bet the gullible rw's will fall for this?

why hire when campaign contributions pay for themselves ...
I'm sure you know me enough to know that I'd make drastic military cuts if it were up to me.

Yeah..I do.

But even if you widdled down military spending by's a still a huge expense.

I'd widdle down a lot more than just military. You know damn well there's plenty to widdle down across the board without losing programs you hold dear.

We could widdle our budget down to a more reasonable tax burden and you KNOW it.

Actually..I don't "know it".

We have people on one end of the spectrum that have more money then it's possible to spend in a thousand lifetimes and people on the other end of the spectrum that are living in squalor, starving and dying early due to lack of basic medical care.

There is something terribly wrong with that.

And I don't get how that happens. I don't get how someone who essentially bundles things that other people worked to create into a bright shiny package is somehow entitled to accrue more wealth then anyone can count. I don't get how someone who pisses their life away in the bowels of the earth, subjecting themselves to all sorts of diseases while working their asses off can barely feed their families or send them to school.

Don't get me wrong..there's nothing wrong with inequity. But there should be limits.
The government doesn't need damn near 50% of my hard earned money to provide me with "the commons".

wow ... We seem to have a one percenter in our midst.

Actually, of course, not even the wealthiest pay that much so your post is just silly.

OTOH, most of the rw's posting on this board must have incomes of well over $250K a year. Otherwise only an idiot would believe the R line about giving higher tax cuts to the one percent producing jobs because the one percent does not produce jobs and has not produced jobs and will not produce jobs.


I suppose a poor man signs your paycheck...........
There are far too many people in America who DON'T have a rich man to sign their paycheck to trot out that tired old answer.

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