$10 Trillion In Added Debt Shows Bush And Trump Tax Cuts Broke Our Modern Tax Structure

The U.S. Treasury Department on Friday released new figures related to the 2023 budget that showed a troubling drop in the nation's tax revenue compared to GDP—a measure which fell to 16.5% despite a growing economy—and an annual deficit increase that essentially doubled from the previous year.

After record U.S. government spending in 2020 and 2021" due to programs related to the economic fallout from the Covid-19 crisis, the Washington Post reports, "the deficit dropped from close to $3 trillion to close to $1 trillion in 2022. But rather than continue to fall to its pre-pandemic levels, the deficit unexpectedly jumped this year to roughly $2 trillion."

While much of the reporting on the Treasury figures painted a picture of various and overlapping dynamics to explain the surge in the deficit—including higher payments on debt due to interest rates, tax filing waivers related to extreme weather events, the impact of a student loan forgiveness program that was later rescinded, or a dip in capital gains receipts—progressive tax experts say none of those complexities should act to shield what's at the heart of a budget that brings in less than it spends: tax giveaways to the rich.

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Queer Barry did $10 trillion in debt in just his administration. Ole Potatohead is working hard to out do Queer Barry.

How come you didn't mention those Democrat shitheads?
One of, if not, the stupidest post I've ever seen here on USMB. All you cite is discretionary spending, do we not have mandatory spending? Why, yes we do.

Everything you cite is paid for by my withholding taxes, income taxes, and state and local taxes. For quite some years I paid over $15,000 a year toward my Social Security and Medicare. My gas taxes go towards the roads I use. My property taxes pay for the schools, fire, police, etc.

Here my good friend is the real world.


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The U.S. Treasury Department on Friday released new figures related to the 2023 budget that showed a troubling drop in the nation's tax revenue compared to GDP—a measure which fell to 16.5% despite a growing economy—and an annual deficit increase that essentially doubled from the previous year.

After record U.S. government spending in 2020 and 2021" due to programs related to the economic fallout from the Covid-19 crisis, the Washington Post reports, "the deficit dropped from close to $3 trillion to close to $1 trillion in 2022. But rather than continue to fall to its pre-pandemic levels, the deficit unexpectedly jumped this year to roughly $2 trillion."

While much of the reporting on the Treasury figures painted a picture of various and overlapping dynamics to explain the surge in the deficit—including higher payments on debt due to interest rates, tax filing waivers related to extreme weather events, the impact of a student loan forgiveness program that was later rescinded, or a dip in capital gains receipts—progressive tax experts say none of those complexities should act to shield what's at the heart of a budget that brings in less than it spends: tax giveaways to the rich.

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Excessive dpending drives debt, lying asshole.
Rerpublicants are just as guilty of pissing away truckloads of money....Just look at their insanely bloated Pentagon budgets alone.
Damn straight, Those GOP fuckers LIE as much as the Democrats do. These politicians are ADDICTED to spending. The most wealthy, econimically powerful country in all of human history...is $33 trillion in debt WTF!!!!!!!!!!
Potatohead is on target to add $2 trillion to the debt just this year alone.

All we are getting for that $2 trillion is massive inflation, millions more more Illegals, worthless Environmental Wacko subsidies, high energy prices and a military that is so fucked up with wokism and incompetence that it is missing recruitment goals by 30%.
BUT.......Teabaggers want to know about Biden's son's financials?
Who has never run for office, nor any government office?


Joe Biden Received $200,000 From James Biden Through Healthcare Firm, New House Oversight Evidence Shows


Joe Biden Received $200,000 From James Biden Through Healthcare Firm, New House Oversight Evidence Shows

OF course from the nutjob...........TUCKER.
Who printed it from accusations, from other nutjobs...........COMER.

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