Me: Communism has killed 94 million people...

In fact within memory -- early-mid 1960s -- racists and other conservatives opposing civil rights, including the Klan,

You contradict yourself, was it the racist democrats or was it conservatives? Oh wait, you're just fucking lying, as always.

You of the left have and will always be the perpetrators of racism. From your "Trail of Tears" when Andrew Jackson formed your filthy party, to armed resistance of allowing blacks in school as leftist FDR democrat Orval Faubus did in Arkansas.

As always, you blatantly and shameless lie, while pretending to bring an intellectual aspect to the argument.

The first aspect of intellect is integrity, which we all know you are devoid of.

were denigrating Martin Luther King as a "communist". They, like the OP, were simply tossing a word-grenade dressed up for them by Joe McCarthy, oblivious to actual definitions of their own terms. It's supposed to be assumed as a negative, and "you don't need to know why, it just is". They played the same game with "Liberal" .

Say Comrade Goebbels, who was the right had man of McCarthy?


Well fuck, how does that fit in to the slander and libel you spew?

Such was the narrow mindset -- common 'prevailing wisdom' was not to be questioned. It was to be swallowed whole without hesitation and whoever hesitated was a traitor. Exactly the same dance going on right now with football players and the national anthem.

That is in fact why just a couple of years later the sentiment/meme of the time "Question Authority" came out. Because questioning the conventional was a radical idea. It was "subversive". And it truly was, because you can't run a nation of robots if those robots are going to start questioning things and examining the fact that they are robots. And then voilà, "The Sixties", with its counterculture and radical ideas that maybe the government wasn't in the right place with its military escapades and maybe the old puritan moralities weren't so healthy and maybe the 'standard' materialist path wasn't all there is and maybe the various authoritarians enforcing conformity, and racism, had their heads up their ass.

The existence of the OP tells us there still walk among us even now those who haven't figured out that Joe McCarthy and his entire ilk right down to the Orange Maniac are lying sacks-of-shit demagogues whose only interest is in manipulating mob mentality for their own personal gain. And who haven't figured out that it's not only their capability but their responsibility to question them.

That's why he's still using "communist" as a word-bomb. He's still stuck in the McCarthy daze and he doesn't dare question why he is where he is.

You lie a great deal and lack any hint of integrity. One cannot view what you post as anything more than the psychopathic ranting of a vile demagogue, because in fact that is precisely what you are.
Darn! I thougt I was a Christian saying and doing the things Jesus would do. But I guess you could confuse real Christian behavior with Communism...YOU evil money worshipping konservatives have even labeled the Pope a Communist. Satan Is your master.

Jesus would beat people in the street to silence conservative views the way you Stalinists do? Burning cars and businesses to crush civil rights is "real Christian behavior?" :eek:

You follow Marx, not Christ. You model your life after Pol Pot, not Mother Teresa.
I've done none of the things you mention. Not only have I served my country as a soldier. I have served in civil law enforcement. My values are as Conservative as those of any true Christian can be. That's who I am and I won't allow you or anyone else to label me by your rules. Would I stand for the flag at a sporting event? Probably. But I would do it because I felt like it...not because i felt I had to please my fellow Americans by doing it.

There might be instances where I might kneel
depending on what i saw on the news. just before attending a sporting event. But for me, kneeling for the NA isn't's a public recognition of those unarmed black souls who were murdered by agents of the system the flag and NA represents.

Kaepernick's movement would not have caught the medias eye if he hadn't done it in a public place. The unblinking eye of the camera was sure to record him during a game. He made a great sacrifice to bting attention to his brothers whose lives were lost
so callously by those sworn to protect and serve.

My question now is why hasn't anyone asked
Kaepernick what he wants? What would it take for him to stand and salute the flag again? Perhaps the media has no interest in the answer.
1. Your No True Scotsman Fallacy is noted, laughed at and dismissed.
I would expect no less from a kool-aid drinking puppet like you. But I dare not laugh at or dismiss the RW white populist threat your ilk presents to all of mankind. For me to do so would be foolhardy indeed. History has shown that White capitalists and White socialists have never lost sight of their Whiteness.. Neither idelogy has been a friend to the global majority loosely known as people of color...including the Jews. Muder and exploitation has almost always been
the rule when whiteness goes abroad seeking whom it shall devour.

. Your attempt to equate Imperialism and Capitalism and Communism
ATTEMPT?The deed is done...not by my hand but by the emissaries of whiteness. Putin and Trump understand that... And in your do too.

2b. So I take it that you are also, not ready to give up on communism either?
I am an idealists...a believer in equality for all American citizens. I believe in having universal health care and a decent standard of living for every American. Ideally I want peace and happiness for matter the cost. Does using the word " all" make me a socialist? If so what would I be if i used the word "I" or "for myself

Your racism and crazy talk it noted and held against you, you crazy racist.

Your desire for communism despite it's blood soaked history is utterly insane and vile.

Like all leftists, he believes he will be a master and get revenge against his betters.

Leftists are stupid, no question about it; BUT the driving motivator is the lust for vengeance against those who are smarter and more ambitious. Leftists like JQ seethe with rage at those who do better, who have more, who know more. It is what drives him to seek to end this nation.
I have no "betters." Souds like your inferiority complex is kicking in. Insecure people start to project their insecurities onto others when they feel overwhelmed.
Here is why:

You contradict yourself, was it the racist democrats or was it conservatives?
The bastion of American conservatism originated among the ante bellum Southern Democrats. You are correct in ascribing much of the slavery, racism, genocide and hate to them...but. Conservatism is the true culprit...nott party affiliations. Wherever conservatives go...murder, hegemony and White supremacy follows... Looks like most of them became Republicans.
I've done none of the things you mention.

You promote a party which does those things each and every day.

You promote a political philosophy that has cause more misery and human suffering than any system since the Roman Empire.

Not only have I served my country as a soldier. I have served in civil law enforcement. My values are as Conservative as those of any true Christian can be. That's who I am and I won't allow you or anyone else to label me by your rules. Would I stand for the flag at a sporting event? Probably. But I would do it because I felt like it...not because i felt I had to please my fellow Americans by doing it.

There might be instances where I might kneel
depending on what i saw on the news. just before attending a sporting event. But for me, kneeling for the NA isn't's a public recognition of those unarmed black souls who were murdered by agents of the system the flag and NA represents.

Kaepernick's movement would not have caught the medias eye if he hadn't done it in a public place. The unblinking eye of the camera was sure to record him during a game. He made a great sacrifice to bting attention to his brothers whose lives were lost
so callously by those sworn to protect and serve.

My question now is why hasn't anyone asked
Kaepernick what he wants? What would it take for him to stand and salute the flag again? Perhaps the media has no interest in the answer.

Kaepernick can do as he pleases. His bosses can fire him for doing it at work, just as one of my employees has every right to watch porno, but when he does it at work he gets fired. Kaepernick made no "sacrifice," he was a failing athlete desperate for attention.

As for the fiction you Staliists promote, a few facts reveal you quickly:

{Out of the 965 people killed by the police in 2015 (as of Dec. 24), the Post reported (on Dec. 26) that "less than 4 percent" involved an unarmed black man and a white cop, the fact pattern most commonly referred to by anti-police activists like Black Lives Matter. Last year, The Washington Post put the number of unarmed black men killed by the police at 17, less than the number of blacks likely struck by lightning. Twenty-two unarmed whites were killed by the police.}

More whites than blacks are killed by police every year, but white lives don't matter to you racist Communists (it's the name of an organization, hence proper capitalization).
Me: Communism has killed 94 million people...

"Communism" is an economic system. It doesn't "kill" anybody.

Armies kill people. Guns and bombs and rockets kill people. Murderers kill people. Economic systems preeeeety much provide a framework for how wealth moves around. That's all they do.

Communism has killed hundred of millions. Yes, it does kill people. Every. Time.
1. Your No True Scotsman Fallacy is noted, laughed at and dismissed.
I would expect no less from a kool-aid drinking puppet like you. But I dare not laugh at or dismiss the RW white populist threat your ilk presents to all of mankind. For me to do so would be foolhardy indeed. History has shown that White capitalists and White socialists have never lost sight of their Whiteness.. Neither idelogy has been a friend to the global majority loosely known as people of color...including the Jews. Muder and exploitation has almost always been
the rule when whiteness goes abroad seeking whom it shall devour.

. Your attempt to equate Imperialism and Capitalism and Communism
ATTEMPT?The deed is done...not by my hand but by the emissaries of whiteness. Putin and Trump understand that... And in your do too.

2b. So I take it that you are also, not ready to give up on communism either?
I am an idealists...a believer in equality for all American citizens. I believe in having universal health care and a decent standard of living for every American. Ideally I want peace and happiness for matter the cost. Does using the word " all" make me a socialist? If so what would I be if i used the word "I" or "for myself

Your racism and crazy talk it noted and held against you, you crazy racist.

Your desire for communism despite it's blood soaked history is utterly insane and vile.

Like all leftists, he believes he will be a master and get revenge against his betters.

Leftists are stupid, no question about it; BUT the driving motivator is the lust for vengeance against those who are smarter and more ambitious. Leftists like JQ seethe with rage at those who do better, who have more, who know more. It is what drives him to seek to end this nation.
I have no "betters." Souds like your inferiority complex is kicking in. Insecure people start to project their insecurities onto others when they feel overwhelmed.
Here is why:

View attachment 152009

That was a democratic president's personal opinion on what was happening a long time ago.

TO make that relevant, and not fucking stupid, all you have to do now, is show that that is what the GOP is doing and that that is what whites in this country are feeling.

To save time, do you plan to just post nonsense or do you plan to post nonsense and claim it proves that?

Just pick one and I will give you that response, you race baiting asshole.
Me: Communism has killed 94 million people...

"Communism" is an economic system. It doesn't "kill" anybody.

Armies kill people. Guns and bombs and rockets kill people. Murderers kill people. Economic systems preeeeety much provide a framework for how wealth moves around. That's all they do.

Communism has killed hundred of millions. Yes, it does kill people. Every. Time.
Only Capitalism makes a profit out of creating "hellish conditions on Earth" through a warfare-State.
You contradict yourself, was it the racist democrats or was it conservatives?
The bastion of American conservatism originated among the ante bellum Southern Democrats. You are correct in ascribing much of the slavery, racism, genocide and hate to them...but. Conservatism is the true culprit...nott party affiliations. Wherever conservatives go...murder, hegemony and White supremacy follows... Looks like most of them became Republicans.

Your vile lies are noted and held against you, you race baiting asshole.

Communist:friend: That wasn't REAL Communism, try again!

"This time we'll do it differently" And....of course, millions starve again and again.
Only lousy management does that; and blames Labor.

Communism historically seems to encourage management with skills in political infighting and conformity, not good management skills.

And yes, millions do starve again and again, or killed in other ways.

But you don't care because traditionally they have been anti-American, so you are biased in their favor, are you not?
Communist:friend: That wasn't REAL Communism, try again!
How many people died during the settling of the US? No communism there.

Just filthy disease ridden sailors.
How many people die every day, because of our for-profit warfare-State that the right wing refuses to pay for?

Far less than are saved by the technology, wealth and medical care created by our Capitalistic ancestors.
Communist:friend: That wasn't REAL Communism, try again!

"This time we'll do it differently" And....of course, millions starve again and again.
Only lousy management does that; and blames Labor.

Communism historically seems to encourage management with skills in political infighting and conformity, not good management skills.

And yes, millions do starve again and again, or killed in other ways.

But you don't care because traditionally they have been anti-American, so you are biased in their favor, are you not?
Hostess management asked for and received pay raises so they could then take "pay cuts" and blame Labor for, "not doing enough" to "save the company".

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