Meanwhile in KKKanadastan


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

The fascists keep on pushing the clot shot as if it prevents the infection and spreading of the ChiCom flu.

It’s actually to make sure only submissive sheep can find work and government maintain a boot on everyone’s neck.
i'm more worried about our covid test use today, what are they doing with them? I went to the hospital a few weeks ago they did a covid test, didn't even give me my results while there (so why the dire need for one?) but I read that the tests are sent to some agency "Ontario Health Network".

Huh? For some of us who have been threatened by the police state and are aware of how corrupt they are, doesn't this seem like an odd way to treat peoples DNA on a stick? For someone in the know on how our system works, this "super agency" was created in 2019, conveniently during the time covid tests were being applied. This could allow them to abuse patients rights with more ease. When I say abuses I'm referring to the most immoral and illegal.

Yes, I possess a healthy level of paranoia but if you experienced what I've experienced here you'd understand why. The creepy doctors first line in my assessment when I went there for a heart issue was "patient is unvaccinated". We are living in an alternative universe and trust is low for a reason.
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To gtopa1. Yes, it is bad. Interference in ones life for the benefit of dishonest plain clothed creepy conmen who can land a grossly overpaid career for themselves at the expense of others lives is precisely the type of systems WWII soldiers fought to avoid.

Yet, here we are. The direct abuses are one, the psychological abuses are another. All accepted by a nation of citizens who have been conditioned to be submissive and obedient. The same qualities that will assure the denial of liberty, accountability and innovation on the world stage.
To gtopa1. Yes, it is bad. Interference in ones life for the benefit of dishonest plain clothed creepy conmen who can land a grossly overpaid career for themselves at the expense of others lives is precisely the type of systems WWII soldiers fought to avoid.

Yet, here we are. The direct abuses are one, the psychological abuses are another. All accepted by a nation of citizens who have been conditioned to be submissive and obedient. The same qualities that will assure the denial of liberty, accountability and innovation on the world stage.
Most Canadians are good decent folks, but they sat by while fascism took your nation away to the point I think the North Koreans are looking at you for ideas.

Same push towards fascism here, the big difference being we’ve got 500 million guns in the hands of citizens, most of whom hate those running this government towards fascism.
i'm more worried about our covid test use today, what are they doing with them? I went to the hospital a few weeks ago they did a covid test, didn't even give me my results while there (so why the dire need for one?) but I read that the tests are sent to some agency "Ontario Health Network".

Huh? For some of us who have been threatened by the police state and are aware of how corrupt they are, doesn't this seem like an odd way to treat peoples DNA on a stick? For someone in the know on how our system works, this "super agency" was created in 2019, conveniently during the time covid tests were being applied. This could allow them to abuse patients rights with more ease. When I say abuses I'm referring to the most immoral and illegal.

Yes, I possess a healthy level of paranoia but if you experienced what I've experienced here you'd understand why. The creepy doctors first line in my assessment when I went there for a heart issue was "patient is unvaccinated". We are living in an alternative universe and trust is low for a reason.
Your DNA is now in a databank.
Your DNA is now in a databank.

Sadly, this could always have been the case in this country, especially in Ontario. That's only half of the problem in the perpetual invasion of our privacy and rights. Unfortunately many fears are shared by citizens when they have lost faith/trust in government, both in actions and their lack of transparency ad honest brokering. This didn't happen overnight in Canada and its hurting us.

One Canadian online joked with me when comparing Canada to the Stasi that "I'm sure Canada collects peoples clothes to collect their smell" This was what the creepy Stasi did believe it or not, they'd collect peoples clothes and place them in a database to allow tracker dogs to pick up their scent if they tried to leave, went into hiding etc. This wasn't widely known until the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Of course I assume this isn't what Canada does, but some police agencies are untrustworthy.

So, for instance, I've offered the authorities to meet with me charge me with a crime. put me in front of a judge etc. after decades of interference against me to protect their reputation I offered them an offramp. I know I've committed no crime so this didn't worry me.

This isn't how they work nor their objective, their objective is to protect themselves from the truth which they know I have been made aware of, partially due to their own obvious creepy cops and corruption In their multi-billion dollar racket, the truth would be VERY bad news for the pedos. They manufacture threats, abuse authority and I know how/who has benefitted.

If it weren't for the comment one of the creepy ones said to me as he was befriending me, I wouldn't be paranoid. He told me, something to the effect "if they really wanted to get you they'd just plant your DNA at a crime scene."

The danger isn't DNA or prints in a database, I know I haven't committed a crime. It's DNA on a stick that a dirty cop in Canada (of which there are too many) could use to "solve a cold case file". Imagine being framed at a future date "Look, the evidence is right here collected on a stick we took at the crime scene, now how did your DNA get there"?

Luckily my wife saw that it was the same nurse that was assigned to me in two visits to the hospital. She also saw the covid test for which they didn't even give me the results. However, what good would these facts and our suspicions today do at a future time?

In my case being paranoid is a learned trait based on a series of reinforcing activities on their part.
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