Mecca Attack foiled

Hopefully a sign of things to come. The chickens are coming home to roost.

'Hopefully' as in you hope other attacks are foiled?


'Hopefully' as in you hope that the next attack succeeds?

Hopefully there are more attacks from batshit crazy Islamists on each other. The best way to deal with the problem of Islam is to isolate them and let them kill each other.

So you are hoping for the murder of innocent women and children- if they are Muslim.

What an asshole.

People like you, who welcome these barbarians and push for their "rights" in Western countries are in a sense "hoping" they kill Western people..

She is coming to get you!

Hopefully a sign of things to come. The chickens are coming home to roost.

'Hopefully' as in you hope other attacks are foiled?


'Hopefully' as in you hope that the next attack succeeds?

Hopefully there are more attacks from batshit crazy Islamists on each other. The best way to deal with the problem of Islam is to isolate them and let them kill each other.

So you are hoping for the murder of innocent women and children- if they are Muslim.

What an asshole.

Those "innocent" women and children are being taught to "Kill the kafir, wherever you find them"

Well alrighty then- guess murdering women and children is okay then- if they are Muslim



What's your point, that Muslim terrorists are perfectly fine with blowing up children, even their own?
Hopefully a sign of things to come. The chickens are coming home to roost.

'Hopefully' as in you hope other attacks are foiled?


'Hopefully' as in you hope that the next attack succeeds?

Hopefully there are more attacks from batshit crazy Islamists on each other. The best way to deal with the problem of Islam is to isolate them and let them kill each other.

So you are hoping for the murder of innocent women and children- if they are Muslim.

What an asshole.

People like you, who welcome these barbarians and push for their "rights" in Western countries are in a sense "hoping" they kill Western people..

She is coming to get you!


That loser was exposed as a fraud.
'Hopefully' as in you hope other attacks are foiled?


'Hopefully' as in you hope that the next attack succeeds?

Hopefully there are more attacks from batshit crazy Islamists on each other. The best way to deal with the problem of Islam is to isolate them and let them kill each other.

So you are hoping for the murder of innocent women and children- if they are Muslim.

What an asshole.

People like you, who welcome these barbarians and push for their "rights" in Western countries are in a sense "hoping" they kill Western people..

She is coming to get you!


That loser was exposed as a fraud.

Yet you are terrified of her too.

You snowflakes are such cowards.
'Hopefully' as in you hope other attacks are foiled?


'Hopefully' as in you hope that the next attack succeeds?

Hopefully there are more attacks from batshit crazy Islamists on each other. The best way to deal with the problem of Islam is to isolate them and let them kill each other.

So you are hoping for the murder of innocent women and children- if they are Muslim.

What an asshole.

Those "innocent" women and children are being taught to "Kill the kafir, wherever you find them"

Well alrighty then- guess murdering women and children is okay then- if they are Muslim



What's your point, that Muslim terrorists are perfectly fine with blowing up children, even their own?

My point is that you are hoping that Muslim terrorists do kill children.

As long as they are Muslim children.

Because you are an asshole.
Hopefully there are more attacks from batshit crazy Islamists on each other. The best way to deal with the problem of Islam is to isolate them and let them kill each other.

So you are hoping for the murder of innocent women and children- if they are Muslim.

What an asshole.

Those "innocent" women and children are being taught to "Kill the kafir, wherever you find them"

Well alrighty then- guess murdering women and children is okay then- if they are Muslim



What's your point, that Muslim terrorists are perfectly fine with blowing up children, even their own?

My point is that you are hoping that Muslim terrorists do kill children.

As long as they are Muslim children.

Because you are an asshole.

I'm pointing out the Muslims are such low life pieces of shit, they do blow up children. You're content with them blowing up our children.

If a Muslim attacks other Muslims in their own country, to include children, that's somehow my fault?
The only thing that saved a muslim-raised woman from death one night was my gun.
Her daddy wanted to kill her.
I tend to think if our stinking criminal ruling class would leave the Muslims alone, they would leave us alone. is much too late for that now.
I tend to think if our stinking criminal ruling class would leave the Muslims alone, they would leave us alone. is much too late for that now.

I doubt that, history reveals they've never left anyone alone
Hopefully there are more attacks from batshit crazy Islamists on each other. The best way to deal with the problem of Islam is to isolate them and let them kill each other.

So you are hoping for the murder of innocent women and children- if they are Muslim.

What an asshole.

People like you, who welcome these barbarians and push for their "rights" in Western countries are in a sense "hoping" they kill Western people..

She is coming to get you!


That loser was exposed as a fraud.

Yet you are terrified of her too.

You snowflakes are such cowards.

Terrified of her? You've lost it. She was mediocre at best and used her sport as a platform to spew the nonsense. Her 15 mins are over
I tend to think if our stinking criminal ruling class would leave the Muslims alone, they would leave us alone. is much too late for that now.

I doubt that, history reveals they've never left anyone alone
Yes they have a long murderous history, but they never hit us at home until 9/11. Had we not invaded and bombed the ME over and over, I suspect they would have left us alone.
I tend to think if our stinking criminal ruling class would leave the Muslims alone, they would leave us alone. is much too late for that now.

I doubt that, history reveals they've never left anyone alone
Yes they have a long murderous history, but they never hit us at home until 9/11. Had we not invaded and bombed the ME over and over, I suspect they would have left us alone.
Well they did attack, 1993 the first World Trade Center attack
I tend to think if our stinking criminal ruling class would leave the Muslims alone, they would leave us alone. is much too late for that now.

I doubt that, history reveals they've never left anyone alone
Yes they have a long murderous history, but they never hit us at home until 9/11. Had we not invaded and bombed the ME over and over, I suspect they would have left us alone.
Well they did attack, 1993 the first World Trade Center attack

Yup, they've always hated us, especially since the formation of Israel.

Even then, they would had still attacked us just for being infidels.

Our first foreign war after the Revolutionary War was with Muslims.
Morocco who happens to be a Muslim country was the 1st country to recognize the independence of the US, singed a treaty with them and has the first US building outside of the US in Tangiers. :)

777 – 1787Edit
In 1786 under Sultan Mohammed III Morocco became the first Arabic state, the first African state, and the first Muslim state to sign a treaty with the United States.

On 20 December 1777, Sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah commissionned the Dutch consul in Salé to write letters to the European merchants and consuls in Tangier, Salé,Larache and Mogador stating that vessels sailing under the American flag could enter Morocco's ports, alongside those of European countries with which Morocco had no diplomatic ties, such as Russia and Prussia, under the same conditions as those enjoyed by the nations that had treaty relations.[3]Information about the Sultan's desire for friendly relations did not reach Benjamin Franklin in Paris before April 1778 at the earliest.[3] In 1777, Morocco became the first nation to officially recognize the independence of the United States[4][5] — but that "recognition" did not include the necessary treaty nor the exchange of ambassadors, only the admission of American ships

I tend to think if our stinking criminal ruling class would leave the Muslims alone, they would leave us alone. is much too late for that now.

I doubt that, history reveals they've never left anyone alone
Yes they have a long murderous history, but they never hit us at home until 9/11. Had we not invaded and bombed the ME over and over, I suspect they would have left us alone.
Well they did attack, 1993 the first World Trade Center attack

Yup, they've always hated us, especially since the formation of Israel.

Even then, they would had still attacked us just for being infidels.

Our first foreign war after the Revolutionary War was with Muslims.
Hopefully a sign of things to come. The chickens are coming home to roost.

'Hopefully' as in you hope other attacks are foiled?


'Hopefully' as in you hope that the next attack succeeds?

Hopefully there are more attacks from batshit crazy Islamists on each other. The best way to deal with the problem of Islam is to isolate them and let them kill each other.

^ This I can fully agree with.
So you are hoping for the murder of innocent women and children- if they are Muslim.

What an asshole.
remember hiroshima
The "chickens are coming home to roost" - I'm hearing that now whenever there is an attack on Muslims.

Thing is - that is exactly what some said about 9/11 - blaming our ME policies for the murder of over 3000 innocent people.
The "chickens are coming home to roost" - I'm hearing that now whenever there is an attack on Muslims.

Thing is - that is exactly what some said about 9/11 - blaming our ME policies for the murder of over 3000 innocent people.

In a sense it was our Middle East policies that enabled the attack. If we would had been smart from the beginning, we would had banned Muslim immigrants to the US centuries ago, banned Muslim travel to the US, and kept the ME isolated and let them kill each other off.

However, as it happened, we were in the Middle East because of Kuwait and the Gulf War. We were "helping" one faction of Muslims, and we ended up getting knifed in the back from them (Saudis).

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