Media Matters donors Revealed


Yea, I can understand why the left wing hacks are crying. This seriously blows their claims about media neutrality out of existence. Which will be helpful over the coming months... what with there being an election in November. Corruption in the media, with the direct involvement of the Obama Administration... that is soooo not gonna play well for him.

i like all the rightwingnut 'thanks' at the bottom of your post. it's quite heartwarming... even when you're full of it. :thup:

the only ones i see whining are rightwingnuts, love. it's critical mass for the right.

and the not so very bright continue to lie their butts off because they have nothing else.

i know how much the right hates that anyone has any abillity to correct their distortions but life's like that .


now, perhaps you can use your intellect for the good and teach that idiot claudette how to use google. thanks, chica.
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IT is ok to fund Media Matters.

It is ok to support the Tea Party.

The Tea Party is a politically active group not claiming to be neutral.

Media Matters DOES pretend (however unconvincingly) to BE "neutral."
IT is ok to fund Media Matters.

It is ok to support the Tea Party.

The Tea Party is a politically active group not claiming to be neutral.

Media Matters DOES pretend (however unconvincingly) to BE "neutral."

I don't think they claim that. Check out their about us on their page. ;)

Yea, I can understand why the left wing hacks are crying. This seriously blows their claims about media neutrality out of existence. Which will be helpful over the coming months... what with there being an election in November. Corruption in the media, with the direct involvement of the Obama Administration... that is soooo not gonna play well for him.

i like all the rightwingnut 'thanks' at the bottom of your post. it's quite heartwarming... even when you're full of it. :thup:

the only ones i see whining are rightwingnuts, love. it's critical mass for the right.

and the not so very bright continue to lie their butts off because they have nothing else.

i know how much the right hates that anyone has any abillity to correct their distortions but life's like that .


now, perhaps you can use your intellect for the good and teach that idiot claudette how to use google. thanks, chica.

It's not my problem if the left are too stupid to understand the total and utter clusterfuck of damage that this has done to their media. No left wing source is reliable in future. None. They are tarnished for having run stories that are factually inaccurate - presented as accurate - and coming directly from the White House. Your media is supposed to fact check any information they are given.... they have not done that... they are tainted by that.

I understand that this is either above the intellectual paygrade of the left, or maybe y'all just don't give a shit... but, seriously, mo chara. Your media - all those 'sources' that you get your opinions from... they're fucking paid shills for the White House. What do you think that says about them? And those who accept their bullshit?

It's laughable - and a tad worrying that you don't seem to understand the damage this has done.

Denial - it ain't just de river in Egypt.
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IT is ok to fund Media Matters.

It is ok to support the Tea Party.

The Tea Party is a politically active group not claiming to be neutral.

Media Matters DOES pretend (however unconvincingly) to BE "neutral."

I don't think they claim that. Check out their about us on their page. ;)

comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation

Point taken (although a link and a quote would have been nice). About Us | Media Matters for America

But for them to state that they monitor and analyze and "correct [sic]" conservative "misinformation [sic]", they are admitting (inferentially at least) that they couldn't give a crap about LIBERAL misinformation.

One cannot HONESTLY "analyze" alleged misinformation if one cannot IDENTIFY it.

If they wish to pretend that they are finding "conservative misinformation" it would behoove them to do so objectively. But they aren't objective or fair. They are mere partisan hacks.

Their donor list kind of underscores the point.
keep in mind I still don't agree with MMA keeping their tax exempt status. However, I'll have to do some diggin to come up with an example of their breaking the rules. Like Mulder said.. the truth is out there.

Here ya' go......have some gubmint-approved NUGGETS, while you're workin'-on-it!!



how's that new, way smaller sig working for ya, bub? :rofl:
I prefer this for his sig:

IT is ok to fund Media Matters.

It is ok to support the Tea Party.

The Tea Party is a politically active group not claiming to be neutral.

Media Matters DOES pretend (however unconvincingly) to BE "neutral."

I don't think they claim that. Check out their about us on their page. ;)

comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation

Point taken (although a link and a quote would have been nice). About Us | Media Matters for America

But for them to state that they monitor and analyze and "correct [sic]" conservative "misinformation [sic]", they are admitting (inferentially at least) that they couldn't give a crap about LIBERAL misinformation.

One cannot HONESTLY "analyze" alleged misinformation if one cannot IDENTIFY it.

If they wish to pretend that they are finding "conservative misinformation" it would behoove them to do so objectively. But they aren't objective or fair. They are mere partisan hacks.

Their donor list kind of underscores the point.

More importantly, they are not just ignoring misinformation from the left - they are proactively part of the feeding of that misinformation out to a pack of left wing shills masquerading as journalists.

And, I'm still waiting for anyone from the left to justify the 'hit list' of individuals working for organizations such as Fox News. Not just their commentators, but executives, producers, etc. What is the justification for targeting private citizens - not media personalities - just because they work for a certain network.

On the bright side, it's pretty much put paid to the 'faux news' thing.... since their own outlets are so damned tainted.

Toast. Burnt.
Yea, I can understand why the left wing hacks are crying. This seriously blows their claims about media neutrality out of existence. Which will be helpful over the coming months... what with there being an election in November. Corruption in the media, with the direct involvement of the Obama Administration... that is soooo not gonna play well for him.

i like all the rightwingnut 'thanks' at the bottom of your post. it's quite heartwarming... even when you're full of it. :thup:

the only ones i see whining are rightwingnuts, love. it's critical mass for the right.

and the not so very bright continue to lie their butts off because they have nothing else.

i know how much the right hates that anyone has any abillity to correct their distortions but life's like that .


now, perhaps you can use your intellect for the good and teach that idiot claudette how to use google. thanks, chica.

It's not my problem if the left are too stupid to understand the total and utter clusterfuck of damage that this has done to their media.
Our media????

I don't own any stock in any of them. You've gotta be a rich-Conservative to own part o' the media.

I don't think they claim that. Check out their about us on their page. ;)

comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation

Point taken (although a link and a quote would have been nice). About Us | Media Matters for America

But for them to state that they monitor and analyze and "correct [sic]" conservative "misinformation [sic]", they are admitting (inferentially at least) that they couldn't give a crap about LIBERAL misinformation.

One cannot HONESTLY "analyze" alleged misinformation if one cannot IDENTIFY it.

If they wish to pretend that they are finding "conservative misinformation" it would behoove them to do so objectively. But they aren't objective or fair. They are mere partisan hacks.

Their donor list kind of underscores the point.

More importantly, they are not just ignoring misinformation from the left - they are proactively part of the feeding of that misinformation out to a pack of left wing shills masquerading as journalists.

"Yet, during all these breathless attacks Fox “News,” Tucker Carlson, and The Daily Beast have yet to accuse Media Matters of getting its facts wrong."

Bimbo. Burnt.

Any proof anyone is "funding" the Tea Partiers??

Freedomworks, American crossroads, Koch brothers, you know the list. The funny thing will be when all the people from 2010 start looking for that pile of funding to find it gone this summer, maybe we will see what the tea party would have looked like without the lobbyist money and the paid media attention.

Does this list actually exist anywhere but your imagination? Here we have names and amounts for an organization. If you want to show the bros Koch are funding something, you should be able to find a report showing who and how much
Any proof anyone is "funding" the Tea Partiers??

Freedomworks, American crossroads, Koch brothers, you know the list. The funny thing will be when all the people from 2010 start looking for that pile of funding to find it gone this summer, maybe we will see what the tea party would have looked like without the lobbyist money and the paid media attention.

Does this list actually exist anywhere but your imagination? Here we have names and amounts for an organization. If you want to show the bros Koch are funding something, you should be able to find a report showing who and how much

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity - Peter Fenn (

Here's one.
Any proof anyone is "funding" the Tea Partiers??

Freedomworks, American crossroads, Koch brothers, you know the list. The funny thing will be when all the people from 2010 start looking for that pile of funding to find it gone this summer, maybe we will see what the tea party would have looked like without the lobbyist money and the paid media attention.

Does this list actually exist anywhere but your imagination? Here we have names and amounts for an organization. If you want to show the bros Koch are funding something, you should be able to find a report showing who and how much

Media Matters feeds these talking points to MSNBC and the rest of the liberal media they need to deflect their corruption and make demons of others, the libs lap this stuff up, seemingly intelligent people spew this stuff out like mindless robots

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