Media Matters vs. The Arizona Teacher

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Caucasiastan Blog Articles » Media Matters Attacks The Messenger(And!) Over Arizona School Teacher’s Letter

Media Matters lambasts Fox for interviewing the Arizona state senator who read the letter aloud in the Arizona legislature. Of course, apart from a lame disclaimer from the school district involved, the article does not try to disprove the contents of the substitute teacher’s letter. That’s not the point. To Media Matters, the important thing is not that there are reconquista illegal alien students in our schools, the important thing is we shouldn’t point it out.

Here are some excerpts:

Today [March 23rd], Fox News reported that during a debate on controversial immigration legislation in Arizona, Republican state Sen. Lori Klein read a letter alleging that Hispanic students “do not want to be educated but rather be gang members and gangsters.”

I recommend that you read the actual letter that Hill wrote. You can do so here. What Hill actually wrote was

“I have found that substitute teaching in these areas most of the Hispanic students do not want to be educated but rather be gang members and gangsters.”

Media Matter criticizes Fox News for publicizing the matter:

Fox News responded to the controversy by giving airtime to Klein to spew outrageous comments, including the claim that the National Council of La Raza “is a far-leftist, racist organization that is inciting young Hispanics to … spit on America.”

Why would this surprise anyone? Media Matters should have asked if other non Hispanic children wanted to be some other fantasy character or another. Remember when you were a kid, you wanted to be a cowboy or a soldier that was after wanting to be a fireman. Boys today want to be sports figures of some sort, girls want to be same but have even higher ambitions to be president. Look at Michelle Bachmann, she surely is qualified to be president given the depth and breath of her historical knowledge. All my Italian friends are junior members of the Mafia, really and artificially. Blacks fluctuate between Kareem and Tiger and Whites between, Sampras and a WWE wrestler. Some children in all groups want to sing, dance, or otherwise perform. So being a gangster is just another option along the way to prison or possibly a government bailout. That choice or outcome depends on color or maybe tint. I wanna know who wanted to grow up to be a racist? Or does that just come natural, sorta like all the above decisions or is that non-decisions. Anyone know anyone who wants to grow up to be poor and struggling? Anyone? Otherwise take your pick, the choice may not be yours, life may give it to you free.

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip Dick

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