Media: Trayvon Martin the little innocent black boy

I've known many police and legal types in my life.

They all agree that if a guy is arrested, he's probably guilty.

In this case, Zimmerman was not arrested until the Race Riot Leaders showed up and got everyone upset.

If Zimmerman was guilty, the cops probably would have arrested him on the spot. There apparently was evidence to support them turning him loose or they wouldn't have.

He will be pronounced not guilty and his life will be ruined because Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson hate and make their livings assuring that Black is Black and all Blacks are victims.

They have done worse to the Black Community than the Plantation system ever did.
Get a hold of yourself jagoff.

Have you lost your cotton-pickin' mind? You're truly off the plantation and raving mad on this one.

Get a grip charlie...seriously.


I've known many police and legal types in my life.

They all agree that if a guy is arrested, he's probably guilty.

In this case, Zimmerman was not arrested until the Race Riot Leaders showed up and got everyone upset.

If Zimmerman was guilty, the cops probably would have arrested him on the spot. There apparently was evidence to support them turning him loose or they wouldn't have.

He will be pronounced not guilty and his life will be ruined because Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson hate and make their livings assuring that Black is Black and all Blacks are victims.

They have done worse to the Black Community than the Plantation system ever did.
Get a hold of yourself jagoff.

Have you lost your cotton-pickin' mind? You're truly off the plantation and raving mad on this one.

Get a grip charlie...seriously.



The message of the leadership of the black community to those who follow them is two pronged:

1. You are doomed to a life of failure and there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
2. Nothing bad that happens to you is your fault. Everything bad that happens to you is the fault of the White man.

I was hoping at the time of the Big 0's election that this single event would lead to a cascade that would teach young Black men that there is a way to the top of the society that they could follow.

Turns out the Big 0 is simply another in the long line of Black Leaders that preaches continuously that there is no way out and that nothing bad that happens is the fault of the person to whom it happens. If the cause is never identified, the solution is never employed.

If millions of people are each working hard to make a better life, millions will rise. If millions are looking to one man to receive the grace of his solution, millions will wait sad and disappointed. When it's said and done, nobody cares more about you than you or me than me.

Take away personal responsibility and you have taken away humanity.
I've known many police and legal types in my life.

They all agree that if a guy is arrested, he's probably guilty.
What complete and utter BS..You have no idea how many innocents are charged everyday with crimes they didn't commit. It is rampant in America, from shitty police investigations, to incompetent coroners doing autopsies. Thank God for DNA technology and innocence project types of programs and advocates for the wrongfully accused.

If Zimmerman was guilty, the cops probably would have arrested him on the spot.
Again another subjective statement that shows complete ignorance about the judicial system.

There apparently was evidence to support them turning him loose or they wouldn't have.
There is evidence the dumbfuck should have stayed in his vehicle and waited for the police.
There is now evidence that he's a lying POS, and his bond was revoked because of it.

He will be pronounced not guilty and his life will be ruined because ...
Fuck his life, what about the kid he blew away, and the family he ruined because of his actions?

I suggest learning more about the other side of the story, instead of taking the word as gospel from your "many police and legal types".
Trayvon Martin was a pothead who deserved to die no matter what he was doing that night. His family no doubt knew of his drug use and didn't care. They deserve no sympathy.
Trayvon Martin was a pothead who deserved to die no matter what he was doing that night. His family no doubt knew of his drug use and didn't care. They deserve no sympathy.

Marijuana is a death penalty "crime"?

What a mental midget and a idiot racist pig to boot.

FACT is, Trayvon committed no crime. Trayvon did not KILL an innocent kid.

Doesn't matter cuz Zimmerman is Dead Man Walking.

Everyone loses this one and its sad. Its all about hate and here you are spreading even more of it around.
Trayvon Martin was a pothead who deserved to die no matter what he was doing that night. His family no doubt knew of his drug use and didn't care. They deserve no sympathy.

Marijuana is a death penalty "crime"?

What a mental midget and a idiot racist pig to boot.

FACT is, Trayvon committed no crime. Trayvon did not KILL an innocent kid.

Doesn't matter cuz Zimmerman is Dead Man Walking.

Everyone loses this one and its sad. Its all about hate and here you are spreading even more of it around.

I see you like rule # 5...:cool:
Trayvon Martin was a pothead who deserved to die no matter what he was doing that night. His family no doubt knew of his drug use and didn't care. They deserve no sympathy.

Marijuana is a death penalty "crime"?

What a mental midget and a idiot racist pig to boot.

FACT is, Trayvon committed no crime. Trayvon did not KILL an innocent kid.

Doesn't matter cuz Zimmerman is Dead Man Walking.

Everyone loses this one and its sad. Its all about hate and here you are spreading even more of it around.

Street justice administers the death penalty every day. Martin could have been taken out by a rival drug dealer, instead it was an ordinary citizen fighting for his life. Justice was done, now liberals want to see it undone.
Most of the real law enforcement people I know arrest first and let the court decide. Do we really want street cops deciding crimes? We do not want the police judging crimes, we want them gathering evidence and charging people with crimes. This is the problem in this case. It is not for the police to decide there is no case in a crime.

No you idiot it is up the DA to press charges, if there is evidence a crime was commited.

Someone defending themselves isn't a crime so why would it have to go to "court" if the evidence suggests it was self defense? The state will only press charges if a crime has been commited and if they feel there is enough evidence to convict.
Most of the real law enforcement people I know arrest first and let the court decide. Do we really want street cops deciding crimes? We do not want the police judging crimes, we want them gathering evidence and charging people with crimes. This is the problem in this case. It is not for the police to decide there is no case in a crime.

No you idiot it is up the DA to press charges, if there is evidence a crime was commited.

Someone defending themselves isn't a crime so why would it have to go to "court" if the evidence suggests it was self defense? The state will only press charges if a crime has been commited and if they feel there is enough evidence to convict.

yeah you're right DAs never involve politics, oh wait the Duke Lacross case says they do. I guess you're true blue DA may have ulterior motives?
Documents Tell Zimmerman’s Side in Martin Case



MIAMI — George Zimmerman was in a panic. A “suspicious” man he had been watching had jumped him in the rain. The man was pummeling him, slamming his head repeatedly into the pavement so it “felt like my head was going to explode,” Mr. Zimmerman told the police in newly released tapes.

“I felt his hand go down on my side, and I thought he was going for my firearm,” Mr. Zimmerman said. “So I grabbed it immediately, and as he banged my head again, I just pulled out my firearm and shot him.”

A collection of audiotapes, a videotape and a signed statement by Mr. Zimmerman were released on Thursday by his legal team, allowing the public to hear for the first time Mr. Zimmerman’s words to the police over the course of several days of official interviews. Mr. Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who aspired to become a judge, is charged with second-degree murder in the death of Mr. Martin, an unarmed 17-year-old who was walking to the condo in Sanford, Fla., where he was staying as a guest.

In large part, Mr. Zimmerman’s was the straightforward account of a man who said he was ambushed and felt so threatened that he had no choice but to shoot Mr. Martin. Extra vigilant because of recent burglaries in the housing complex, Retreat at Twin Lakes, Mr. Zimmerman, 28, said he knew everybody there. But he said he did not recognize the young man who was walking slowly, his hoodie pulled up, in no hurry to get out of the rain.

Mr. Zimmerman described feelings of distress: He yelled ‘help me’ probably 50 times, he said. Several witnesses said they saw Mr. Martin on top of Mr. Zimmerman. On the police videotape that showed Mr. Zimmerman re-enacting the crime, Mr. Zimmerman’s injuries — two bandages on the back of his head and a broken nose — are obvious.

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Zimmerman's bail set at $1M in Trayvon Martin case



ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- The neighborhood watch volunteer who killed Trayvon Martin can be released from jail on $1 million bond while he awaits trial on a second-degree murder charge, a judge ruled Thursday.


News from The Associated Press

Bloody new photo of Trayvon Martin's killer released

By Barbara Liston

A color photograph of George Zimmerman with a bloody, swollen nose taken on the night he shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin last February was posted on the Internet on Monday by Zimmerman's legal defense team.

ORLANDO - A bloody photo of Trayvon Martin's killer George Zimmerman began to circulate widely by the news media on Monday. Lawyers on both sides disagreed about its significance to the second-degree murder case against Zimmerman.

"It's not a game changer," Zimmerman lawyer Mark O'Mara told Reuters. But O'Mara said the photo was significant in that it shows vividly the injuries Zimmerman incurred during his confrontation with Martin at a condominium in the central Florida town of Sanford.

Bloody new photo of Trayvon Martin's killer released
Trayvon Martin was a pothead who deserved to die no matter what he was doing that night. His family no doubt knew of his drug use and didn't care. They deserve no sympathy.

Marijuana is a death penalty "crime"?

What a mental midget and a idiot racist pig to boot.

FACT is, Trayvon committed no crime. Trayvon did not KILL an innocent kid.

Doesn't matter cuz Zimmerman is Dead Man Walking.

Everyone loses this one and its sad. Its all about hate and here you are spreading even more of it around.

Street justice administers the death penalty every day. Martin could have been taken out by a rival drug dealer, instead it was an ordinary citizen fighting for his life. Justice was done, now liberals want to see it undone.

No it wasn't.

Zimmerman was on the hunt.

He bagged a kid.

And the nation paid attention.

Bloody new photo of Trayvon Martin's killer released

By Barbara Liston

A color photograph of George Zimmerman with a bloody, swollen nose taken on the night he shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin last February was posted on the Internet on Monday by Zimmerman's legal defense team.

ORLANDO - A bloody photo of Trayvon Martin's killer George Zimmerman began to circulate widely by the news media on Monday. Lawyers on both sides disagreed about its significance to the second-degree murder case against Zimmerman.

"It's not a game changer," Zimmerman lawyer Mark O'Mara told Reuters. But O'Mara said the photo was significant in that it shows vividly the injuries Zimmerman incurred during his confrontation with Martin at a condominium in the central Florida town of Sanford.

Bloody new photo of Trayvon Martin's killer released

What game change?

He got pasted by the kid he was going to kill.

Doesn't change a thing.
Assuming they don't end up with an OJ jury the pic might make for an interesting piece of evidence in court.
For Floridian, Murder Trial Beats Self-Defense Hearing

Published: March 5, 2013

MIAMI — George Zimmerman, who is charged with second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin, is all but certain to take his case directly to a jury on June 10 and skip a highly anticipated pretrial self-defense hearing, his lawyer said Tuesday.

At a “Stand Your Ground” hearing, the judge is tasked with weighing whether to grant immunity from prosecution under a Florida law that gives people who believe they are in imminent danger of being killed or seriously hurt the benefit of the doubt to protect themselves. A defendant who claims self-defense in Florida has a right to a pretrial hearing on the evidence if immunity is requested.

Trayvon Martin Trial: What to Expect as Jury Selection Begins

By Madison Gray
June 10, 2013

As jury selection begins today in the Trayvon Martin murder trial, Florida prosecutors and defense attorneys are bracing for a heated court battle that is likely to be as emotional as it is high profile.

George Zimmerman, 29, is facing second-degree murder charges for the Feb. 26, 2012 killing of high school student Trayvon Martin at the Sanford, Fla., gated community where Zimmerman and Martin’s father lived. The neighborhood watch volunteer has admitted to shooting Martin, 17, but claims he acted in self-defense.


Read more: Trayvon Martin Trial: What to Expect as Jury Selection Begins |

Potential Trayvon Martin case jurors get look at defendant George Zimmerman

By Erin McClam and Tracy Connor, NBC News

Potential jurors in the George Zimmerman trial were questioned Monday about what they knew about the death of Trayvon Martin and whether they could keep an open mind about the case.

The first four jurors to be grilled had at least a passing knowledge of the deadly confrontation in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012, but said they had not immersed themselves in media coverage.

“There was fault on both sides as far as I can see. It was two people being in the wrong place at the wrong time and two people instigating something that probably could have been avoided,” said a male prospective juror, who added that he could still be impartial until the evidence was presented.

Advertise | AdChoicesZimmerman, 29, admits he shot Martin, 17, but says it was in self-defense after the teenager attacked him. He has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder.


Potential Trayvon Martin case jurors get look at defendant George Zimmerman - U.S. News

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