Media Turd-Maggots


Sep 23, 2010
Nobody with their head screwed on right needs moral guidance from presidents and popes —— less so from media moralists.

The mass migration of Muslims to Europe brought out dirty little media moralists in droves. The very people who talk to millions were deeply involved in every disaster the federal government laid on this country. Implementing homosexual marriage, protecting the Rights of illegal alien criminals, and keeping the borders open is only the tip of the iceberg. Greedy scum bags who do what they do for money are telling us that Americans have a moral duty to take in millions of Muslims. Make no mistake about incrementalism, it will be millions before they are finished. (Media turd-maggots still report eleven million illegal aliens when the number is closer to thirty million.)

I’ve noticed that video’s of panel show discussions on the top-rated shows are not posted by the producers along with the news segments. They should be available on the Internet because they are the news in that the opinions of touchy-feely freaks is heard by more millions than TV Evangelists. The fact is that Media turd-maggots do not want their opinions examined too closely by millions of people like me.

I am sorry I could not find a video of the garbage the panel on FOX News Sunday spewed about America’s moral responsibility to United Nations refugees. The panel was so disgusting they excelled the standard garbage on every show every time there is a crisis or a natural disaster. Ultimately, there is always something wrong with the American people if they fail to act on the opinions of media turd-maggots.

NOTE: Media ghouls brag about being fair and balanced, but every time they find a crisis that hands them a cloak of decency, their moral outrage suddenly passes for fair and balanced news. There are only two sides to the refugee problem. One side says take them all in, the other side says keep them out. Media turd-maggots naturally claim “Americans must take in millions because it is a moral responsibility.” The fact is that most Americans have no such responsibility, especially when it comes from television. Unfortunately, Americans do not stand a chance against television mouths with microphones following orders from the United Nations.

Finally, elections would not be so corrupt without support from the media protecting elected crooks decade after decade. Law and order begins with lawful elections —— the one thing press barons do not want; so the answer to the following question has to be NO:

The Insiders: Could 2016 be a law and order election?
By Ed Rogers August 25

The Insiders: Could 2016 be a law and order election?

Elections on every level are meaningless so long as Democrats continue to import illegal aliens and UN refugee welfare state voters. Do you really think that the votes of illegal aliens who prove their citizenship with a library card will not be counted for the Democrats?

More to the point, television’s turd-maggots are part and parcel of everything rigged elections do the country. That is why the media will never support a method of casting ballots that insures only live Americans born in this country can vote.

The recently concluded federal trial over North Carolina’s election rules proved one thing beyond a reasonable doubt: The Obama administration and its partisan, big-money, racial-interest-group allies will stop at nothing to win elections. And using the courts to change election rules is a key part of their strategy.​

Fight Over North Carolina Election Rules Shows Obama Will Stop at Nothing to Win Elections
J. Christian Adams / Hans von Spakovsky
September 06, 2015

Obama Will Stop at Nothing to Win Elections
They are winning…. millennials are dumbed down enough to be able to see who is the puppet master….
Flanders and many American conservatives like him represent a level of hatred that you see frequently in history. I don't think humanity has yet a cure for the jungle mentality of some people. They must target another to fulfill themselves, it is a sign of personal weakness and limited intelligence.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

"Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil. Usually the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil. Like an ideal deity, an ideal devil is omnipotent and omnipresent." Eric Hoffer

Flanders, could you be more hateful?
To Grandma: You and your kind kill with kindness. That is the most hateful of every human failing.

The highway to hell is paved with good intentions. Origin unknown

No good deed goes unpunished. Oscar Wilde

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. William Pitt

You’ll never hear this said by an American media turd-maggot:

Actually we can’t do what we like with this country. We inherited it from our parents and grandparents and we have a duty to hand it on to our children and grandchildren, preferably improved and certainly undamaged.

It is one of the heaviest responsibilities we will ever have. We cannot just give it away to complete strangers on an impulse because it makes us feel good about ourselves.

Every one of the posturing notables simpering ‘refugees welcome’ should be asked if he or she will take a refugee family into his or her home for an indefinite period, and pay for their food, medical treatment and education.

If so, they mean it. If not, they are merely demanding that others pay and make room so that they can experience a self-righteous glow. No doubt the same people are also sentimental enthusiasts for the ‘living wage’, and ‘social housing’, when in fact open borders are steadily pushing wages down and housing costs up.

As William Blake rightly said: ‘He who would do good to another must do it in minute particulars. General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite and flatterer.’

PETER HITCHENS: We won't save refugees by destroying our own country
By Peter Hitchens for The Mail on Sunday
Published: 18:50 EST, 5 September 2015 | Updated: 20:37 EST, 5 September 2015

PETER HITCHENS: We won't save refugees by destroying our own country
They are winning…. millennials are dumbed down enough to be able to see who is the puppet master….
To defcon4: I only wish you are correct.

p.s. I did find the transcript for the Sunday morning sermon:

WALLACE: Here is the latest on the flood of migrants overwhelming Europe. Thousands of refugees traveling by train and bus have now reached safe havens in Germany overnight. Thousands more are expected today. But neighboring Hungary which has struggled to manage the mass flow of people warns the human tide from the Middle East and Africa is still on the rise. Senior foreign affairs correspondent Greg Palkot has more.​

GREG PALKOT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Chris, this weekend, Europe is grappling with the biggest refugee crisis it has faced since World War II. They have broken out of refugee camps, they have fought with police and in the thousands they've taken to roads and highways in their struggle for survival. It's estimated that some 340,000 refugees and migrants have come to Europe so far this year fleeing war in Syria and Afghanistan, poverty in Africa and Asia. There is no end in sight.​

ANTONIO GUTERRES, U.N. HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES: Business as usual or incremental improvements of mechanisms in place will not be able to address what it is today a massive refuge and migration crisis in Europe.​

PALKOT: Many of these desperate people want to go to Germany for good reason. It has the strongest economy and the most liberal asylum laws. But other European countries like Hungary don't want to host these migrants. They don't even want them passing through.​

VIKTOR ORBAN, HUNGARIAN PRIME MINISTER: But the moral human thing is to make clear, please don't come. Why you have to go from Turkey to Europe? Turkey is a safe country. Stay there.​

PALKOT: Still bringing people together around the world this past week, the image of a three-year-old toddler on a Turkish beach. He, his brother and mother drowned trying to make their way from Syria to Europe.​

TIMA KURDI, CHILD'S AUNT: They were going for a better life.


PALKOT: For its part, the U.S. has taken in just over 1,000 Syrian refugees in the past year. More to be done all around. Chris?​

WALLACE: Greg Palkot reporting from London. Greg, thanks. And we're back now with the panel. Rick, you know the power of images and that image which we've seen repeatedly today and over the past week of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi up on the beach like a piece of driftwood. Really seemed to bring this problem into focus.​

PATTERSON: It's amazing how most Americans were sleeping until we saw that one little boy and that humanized things. The pictures of the camp. And this is a perfect storm of humanitarian disasters, where there are all sorts of contributors.

But one thing which I think has not been noted, this is also a national security problem of the first order. We stand to lose a generation of refugee kids who are not properly educated, or employed. And this is where our fear of terrorism redoubles on itself. On the one hand, we don't want these folks coming in because we worry about potential terrorism. On the other hand, this international failing of the first order is creating a whole generation of dislocated people which could really be problematic in the very ways we fear most.​

WALLACE: With this flood of refugees, Robert, you're seeing a very troubling split inside the European Union. Some of the richer countries, like Germany, have been very generous in accepting and sheltering refugees, but some of the countries that don't have that kind of money have been -- and Hungary may be the prime example -- one, have been much more reluctant to bring in refugees and are opposed to the EU's idea of setting quotas on how many migrants each country is going to take.

COSTA: You're seeing countries, especially those that are having economic problems, they're not trying to bring in all of these migrants. At the same time, this issue is becoming more of one even in American politics. I would check in with the campaign and say how are you handling this? The first reaction is, it's a Barack Obama problem, it's President Obama's policy with Syria. But they expect at the second debate, they have to have a policy idea ready if Europe is not ready to handle this situation, what is the United States' role.

WALLACE: Well, and that's a very interesting question, Susan, because as Greg Palkot pointed out, so far the U.S. has accepted so far between 1,000 and 1,800 refugees from Syria in the last year. So the question is, do we accept more? And Rick talked about a national security aspect, there is also the national security aspect if you start bringing in thousands of refugees, might some of them be terrorists?

PAGE: I suppose it's possible. Although we recognize our obligation if people have a well founded fear of persecution in their homeland, that they get some international rights and some humanitarian treatment. You could hardly argue that the people of Syria do not face a well founded fear of persecution in their homeland. The United States has an obligation there.

And if we expect countries in Europe to step up to the plate with this, surely the United States will be forced to step up in a more serious way than taking 1,000 or 1,500 Syrian refugees. There are what, 4 million Syrian refugees? Much greater numbers are going to come here.

I would also say that the United States has been well served by previous waves of refugees that we've accepted. By the Vietnamese refugees that we accepted after the Vietnam War, who have become a great part of our nation. So we worry about terrorism. You can't look at these biblical pictures of people walking down miles and miles seeking just humanitarian treatment, and not be touched.

WALLACE: George?

WILL: First, yes, shortly after we took in a million refugees from Vietnam after Vietnam fell, about 10, 15 years later, there were a whole bunch of high school valedictorians named Nguyen all over California. So we benefited from immigrants there.​

NOTE: Vietnam was fought to stop Communism expansion. George Will’s valedictorians would have stayed in their homeland had the American Left, supported by media Communists, not brought defeat to their own country. The disaster in the Middle East was engineered to trigger mass migration. See this thread:

Will: One of the questions here is, is this our fault because of what happened in Syria? I don't think we started the Syrian war, civil war. I don't think we have a recipe for ending it.

The real problem is Syria -- is Libya. A lot of refugees from Syria come overland into Europe or in a much safer trip, by water to Greece. The really dangerous trip is across the Mediterranean to Italy from Libya. In August 22nd, 27th rather, two boats carrying 500 people from Libya sank. In April, 800 people drowned trying to get from Libya.

Now, what happened to Libya? That is our fault. We went in, in a country that posed no conceivable threat to the United States, and in an eight-month protracted assassination attempt, decapitated their government, creating the failed state that today is producing all this. And some presidential candidates, both the former secretary of state and some Republicans who were enthusiasts for the Libyan intervention, are going to have to answer for this.

One further point, some estimates are that as many as half a million refugees are now besieging Europe in the first eight months of this year. That's 1/20th, actually less than 1/20th, than the number of human beings that Donald Trump proposes to deport.


WALLACE: I have to wrap my mind around that for a minute. Are you saying you think the U.S. should be more proactive in bringing in refugees to this country, that we did it in the case of Vietnam and we can do it here?

WILL: Vietnam, we clearly had a particularly intense obligation, because we had fought a war, sought allies, and lost. But it is part of our national heritage to do our duty.

COSTA: I'm not sure there's a political appetite for that. I was just in Mobile, Alabama with Trump, covering Trump in Iowa. The people who are supporting the Republican front-runner don't seem to be in that mind-set. So it's going to be hard for a lot of these Republican contenders, even if they see the human condition here, but they also have to -- they are trying to win a primary. I don't see the voters pushing for this in the GOP.

PATTERSON: The president needs to step up. He's in office right now. He needs to talk about what he can do in terms of letting in migrants, of international aid, of even using the sixth fleet to stem this tragedy at sea that we have going on. We also need the Arab Gulf states to come in, we need a coordinated response from Europe, led by Germany. You know, this is something which can't wait on politics. People need to step up now.

PAGE: You want to fuel terrorism, don't do anything about this refugee crisis. If you're worried about terrorists, just let the situation continue to fester.

WALLACE: There's another aspect to that, and that is, and George alluded to it, in addition to talking about Libya, which is Syria. Syria is a failed state, and it is bleeding its problems all across Europe. And we now hear the Russians may be coming into Syria. That the slaughter of one ethnic religious group of another continues. So as long as that continues, isn't there going to be just a never-ending supply of these migrants around Europe and conceivably the United States, George?

WILL: Yes, there will. And if we had any way to stop the fighting in Syria, we should do it. But I don't think we do. Remember, at the end of the second world war, there were about 15 million displaced people in Europe. Ten years later, there were essentially none. We've handled crises like this before.

Now, this is different. The Europeans were displaced, Europeans in Europe. And Europe doesn't have our tradition of assimilation of people from around the world. Europeans may have to learn a lesson from their transatlantic cousins -- us -- about how you do this.

WALLACE: And there's another aspect of this, Susan, because to the degree -- I'm not saying that the U.S. and Europe should shut the door -- but to the degree that the U.S. and Europe open the door, doesn't that simply ensure that more refugees, more migrants, will leave Syria, will leave Turkey, which is a country that they go to right across the border, and will follow in their footsteps?

PAGE: We don't have a moral obligation to take everybody who wants to come to the United States. We do have a moral obligation to take people who are facing this kind of situation.​
"Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil. Usually the strength of a mass movement is proportionate to the vividness and tangibility of its devil. Like an ideal deity, an ideal devil is omnipotent and omnipresent." Eric Hoffer
To midcan5: The parasite devil is the eternal mass movement ending in totalitarian government. In terms even you can understand: Every generation produces fools who believe that a benign totalitarian government is possible.

See the Hoffer quotation following my signature.
Fox news is no better than MSNBC. I no longer watch any of that garbage.

I form and have my own opinion. I don't need to sit and listen to someone else's if I have no opportunity for rebuttal.

Fox news is no better than MSNBC. I no longer watch any of that garbage.

I form and have my own opinion. I don't need to sit and listen to someone else's if I have no opportunity for rebuttal.

To 007: Right on:

Frankly, they will never hand their microphones to serious rebuttals anymore than ‘Letters to the Editor’ published a letter that threatened a newspaper’s first loyalty whatever it happened to be. The United Nations, not this country, is television’s first loyalty.

As for me, I rebut media turd-maggots on the Internet. For many Americans, a message board is the legitimate heir to pamphlets of olde.

Incidentally, remember this guy whose wife, Samantha Power, is now the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations:


Just prior to his appointment as President Obama’s so-called regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein wrote a lengthy academic paper suggesting the government should “infiltrate” social network websites, chat rooms and message boards.

Such “cognitive infiltration,” Sunstein argued, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.”

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
Published: 01/12/2012 at 10:56 PM
by Aaron Klein

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
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I just hate to see the mad dog biting the feeding hands…. they found refuge from persecution and now turned against their protectors with every intent to destroy their hosts...
"Turd-maggots?" Flanders has been off the deep end so long now, it's amazing he hasn't drowned.
I just hate to see the mad dog biting the feeding hands…. they found refuge from persecution and now turned against their protectors with every intent to destroy their hosts...
To defcon4: You are right on target:

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