Media Un-biased?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
NPR Priorities: Far More Coverage of Trayvon Martin Death Than Gosnell's Baby-killing
As a news organization funded in large part by those on the left and staffed by those on the left, NPR often hews to the priorities of the left in its coverage. Those priorities deem the death of one individual, Trayvon Martin—a black teen killed by a non-black man—to be far more newsworthy than the gruesome deaths of numerous black babies killed by abortionist Kermit Gosnell just after birth.

In the 15 months between Zimmerman’s shooting of Trayvon Martin and the start of jury selection, NPR aired about 100 pieces dedicated to the issue. Contrast that with the number of pieces NPR aired about Kermit Gosnell in the 36 months between a federal raid on his clinic and the start of jury selection: just 3 pieces. That works out to one piece about every five days for Zimmerman and one piece about every 12 months for Gosnell.

From NPR Priorities: Far More Coverage of Trayvon Martin Death Than Gosnell's Baby-killing | NewsBusters

NPR Priorities: Far More Coverage of Trayvon Martin Death Than Gosnell's Baby-killing
As a news organization funded in large part by those on the left and staffed by those on the left, NPR often hews to the priorities of the left in its coverage. Those priorities deem the death of one individual, Trayvon Martin—a black teen killed by a non-black man—to be far more newsworthy than the gruesome deaths of numerous black babies killed by abortionist Kermit Gosnell just after birth.

In the 15 months between Zimmerman’s shooting of Trayvon Martin and the start of jury selection, NPR aired about 100 pieces dedicated to the issue. Contrast that with the number of pieces NPR aired about Kermit Gosnell in the 36 months between a federal raid on his clinic and the start of jury selection: just 3 pieces. That works out to one piece about every five days for Zimmerman and one piece about every 12 months for Gosnell.

From NPR Priorities: Far More Coverage of Trayvon Martin Death Than Gosnell's Baby-killing | NewsBusters


I think that NPR, in general, is skewed to the left - nowhere near as much as Fox is skewed to the right, but still . . .

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