Medicaid enrollments, the hidden time-bomb

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This is going to hurt a lot of people, but I am sure Obama is going to fix it soonest.

Probably right after he gets back from his Christmas 2020 vacation.

The Affordable Care Act eliminates Medicaid’s asset test, and creates the roach motel of government welfare programs. Medicaid is no longer an “entitlement” you can choose to access. Instead, as Nicole Hopkins’ mother found out earlier this month, if you qualify under its new, lenient rules, forces your enrollment:
We checked and double-checked the information, but the only option still appeared to be Medicaid. She suggested clicking on “Apply for Coverage,” thinking that other options might appear.
Instead, almost mockingly, her “Eligibility Results” came back: “Congratulations, we received and reviewed your application and determined [you] will receive the health care coverage listed below: Washington Apple Health (the state of Washington’s version of Medicaid).”
* * * * * *
The page lacked a cancel button or any way to opt out of Medicaid. It was done; she was enrolled, and there was nothing to do but click “Next” and then to sign out.
So Medicaid is now mandatory for those who apply at and qualify — and as long as your income remains sufficiently low, you can never leave. Never mind if you believe, as Ms. Hopkins does, that “other people should (not) have to pay for my care, whether it be through taxes or otherwise.”
Beyond that, with the asset test gone, the web site forces even well-off households into the program, as long as their “Modified Adjusted Gross Income” is at or below 100 percent of the poverty level in states which have chosen not to take federal bribes to expand the program, and 138 percent in states which have.

PJ Media » Two More Reasons Why ?Obamacare Delenda Est!?

Gotta love a program that forces people that can actually afford their own insurance into a government welfare program just to make the numbers look good.
Fortunately most with low and especially no income will not qualify and will be footing her bill.
I don't have ACA or medicade either.

I got a letter from the Government telling me not to worry about a thing.

My heath care system remains exactly what it was.

I don't have ACA or medicade either.

I got a letter from the Government telling me not to worry about a thing.

My heath care system remains exactly what it was.


You got a letter from the government that contained false information?

I don't have ACA or medicade either.

I got a letter from the Government telling me not to worry about a thing.

My heath care system remains exactly what it was.


You got a letter from the government that contained false information?


Nope. Real dude.

My fully socialized medical system requires no modification at all.

You don't have access to that system?

Sorry to hear it, mate. I wish every American had this plan for the HC. It would be a better and different world.

Fully socialiszed medicine is the BEST!

I think the story is HOGWASH that this lady had no other choice but Medicaid and that she was forced to go with it... she could have left the exchange, right then and there and not clicked on NEXT and signed up for it...she easily could go to the private sector, which is 10 times larger than the exchange, to find herself health insurance...

and if she prided herself in paying for necessities herself, why didn't she buy it for herself?

Why didn't she have insurance already? Did she pay and have healthcare this year on the individual market? Was she "supporting herself" with heath insurance this year...????

again, another sob story filled with appears to be BS because we were not given all the details involved.
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I think the story is HOGWASH that this lady had no other choice but Medicaid and that she was forced to go with it... she could have left the exchange, right then and there and not clicked on NEXT and signed up for it...she easily could go to the private sector, which is 10 times larger than the exchange, to find herself health insurance...

and if she prided herself in paying for necessities herself, why didn't she buy it for herself?

Why didn't she have insurance already? Did she pay and have healthcare this year on the individual market? Was she "supporting herself" with heath insurance this year...????

again, another sob story filled with appears to be BS because we were not given all the details involved.

Amazing how you never believe anything that makes Obamacare look bad, but always believe anything that makes insurance look bad.
Asset tests have squat to do with it. I have already shown that someone who is poor and penniless does not get one bit of help and will the ones paying for this program.
I think the story is HOGWASH that this lady had no other choice but Medicaid and that she was forced to go with it... she could have left the exchange, right then and there and not clicked on NEXT and signed up for it...she easily could go to the private sector, which is 10 times larger than the exchange, to find herself health insurance...

and if she prided herself in paying for necessities herself, why didn't she buy it for herself?

Why didn't she have insurance already? Did she pay and have healthcare this year on the individual market? Was she "supporting herself" with heath insurance this year...????

again, another sob story filled with appears to be BS because we were not given all the details involved.

In 2011, she had to give up her real-estate license; as a newer agent, she did not stand to earn enough in the tough market to justify the fees to renew. She has since managed to eke out a living as a substitute para-educator in the Central Kitsap School District. "I'm not on the couch, watching TV," she said. "I'm out trying to find more work every day."

Unable to secure employer-sponsored health care, she had, until this fall, chosen to pay $276 a month for bare-bones catastrophic coverage. "I think that we should be able to take care of ourselves and to earn enough money to pay for basics, and health insurance is one of them," she told me. For two years she had paid out of pocket for that plan, but now she is being told that the plan isn't good enough for her.

Hopkins: ObamaCare Forced Mom Into Medicaid -

More at the link
Did you read the OP article? HHS officially eliminated the asset test for Medicaid as part of the federal exchange. (They probably thought it would make the website worse, which is understandable.)

Eliminating the asset test is stupid. Somebody with a million bucks but living on 20K a year can't use the exchanges and must go on medicaid - meaning welfare.
One of the big problems with medicaid is the fee schedule is so low, even lower than medicare. Lots of doctors refuse to accept medicaid patients. Now there's gonna be like 20 million more. Yeah, it's free but the service is terrible. People in small towns will have to drive to a big city to find a doc who will see them.

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