Medical ethics and torture



CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds | World news | The Guardian

CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds
Doctors were asked to torture detainees for intelligence gathering, and unethical practices continue, review concludes

Apart from the obvious illegal acts; the doctors suspended their medical ethics in order to assist torture of prisoners.
Of course, the government, military and CIA masters must be sent for trial but the doctors must be immediately suspended and, assuming their guilt is proven in court, they must be struck off as well as face punishment for their war crimes.

Unless suspending medical ethics and conducting/assisting torture is acceptable in these cases. That would require suspending the Geneva convention and withdrawing from any and all groups that ban torture; the UN comes to mind.

What do you think?
Indo, from what I heard about it the CIA did those interogations in middle eastern countries that permitted torture. They sent them there so that the interogations were legal. That was the story I heard years ago.
Torture is ok by me. As are drone strikes.

So, if North Korea captures a US soldier, you would have no problem if they tortured him to get intel.
Is that the case?
Indo, from what I heard about it the CIA did those interogations in middle eastern countries that permitted torture. They sent them there so that the interogations were legal. That was the story I heard years ago.

I have too little absolute info on that at this time but, in order to ask a question, I'll accept it for the moment.
That being the case, are you happy with medical ethics being ignored as long as the American doctors involved do so outside US national borders.

There is a problem.
If America tortures, it has to accept the possibility of its own people being tortured.

Personally, unlike the hate filled idiot posters, I'm very much against such things.
There was talk of such places in Eastern Europe and Thailand.
Torture is ok by me. As are drone strikes.

So, if North Korea captures a US soldier, you would have no problem if they tortured him to get intel.
Is that the case?

They'd torture no matter my opinion.

They might well, but would that be acceptable?
Some posters here seem to think it is but I do not.
You accept torture and drone strikes but are you happy for Americans to be tortured and, as drone strikes are acceptable, I assume you support 9/11.
It was little different from a drone strike except, as they didn't have drones, they used airliners.
Both involved aircraft intended as weapons to murder and both involve mass civilian deaths.
Little difference except the explosion was bigger.
If America tortures, it has to accept the possibility of its own people being tortured.

it makes one wonder by their senseless invasion of Iraq if those people had the least care at all for the consequences for any of their transgressions.


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