Medusa/Cyclonus: Archaeology of Capitalism(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should capitalism reorient our way of thinking about value?

Here's an archaeology-perspective on capitalism-aesthetics involving Medusa and Cyclonus, inspired by the consumerism-metaphysics film Toys.

What do you think?



CYCLONUS: Capitalism will be considered a negotiation-system!
MEDUSA: You've been typified as a robot-model toy and fantasy-adventure avatar.
CYCLONUS: Storytelling makes for impressive folklore; you're an Ancient mythology deity!
MEDUSA: Consumerism celebrates the selling/buying of toys, not deity-dolls.
CYCLONUS: Yet, ethnic Barbie dolls in America represent democratic values!
MEDUSA: Sure; I suppose modernized stories about me represent neo-classical folklore.
CYCLONUS: Yes; Clash of the Titans remake features you as a younger/nubile sorceress.
MEDUSA: There's a renewed interest in folklore in 21st Century America; commerce-symbolic.
CYCLONUS: Sure; commerce symbolism is important for civilization developing treaties.
MEDUSA: Modern globalization politics (e.g., PyeongChang Olympics) creates 'borders.'
CYCLONUS: Resurrecting avatars and deities as dolls/toys makes for good education, no?
MEDUSA: Sure; we have to consider how education is tempered by 'entertainment.'

After Medusa and Cyclonus concluded their underworld discussion about the citation/referencing of mythology figures and avatars/dolls in modern 21st Century American consumerism (e.g., Toys 'R Us, Jurassic World, Transformers, etc.), they agreed that the use of avatars/deities for discussions about capitalism revealed important insights into the nature of idol-worship, entertainment, and even mysticism-oriented academics. Medusa was of course a demon-deity of hypnosis, with a head full of snake-hair and skill with archery; she turned men to stone with her deadly magical gaze. Cyclonus was a wolfish first-knight robot (an A.I. 'being') member of a legion of robots known as Decepticons devoted to nihilism and power. Medusa/Cyclonus considered how the distribution of avatar imagery in modern media/entertainment for consumers showed Americans (and 'capitalism participants') the basic social value of leadership and even spirituality.

MEDUSA: Archaeologists in the future will find capitalism-artifacts and marvel!
CYCLONUS: I wonder if they'll discover analyses of us and consider entertainment-symbolism.
MEDUSA: Sure they will; after all, Hollywood and the Internet will leave behind 'artifacts.'
CYCLONUS: Yes; Internet-blogs perhaps printed out on paper may be found in homes/offices.
MEDUSA: Internet-bloggers writing about 'Medusa/Cyclonus Histrionics' marvel about fantasy.
CYCLONUS: Surely, archaeologists will marvel about censorship issues in TrumpUSA media.
MEDUSA: Maybe a TrumpUSA critic blogging about censorship will say, "Cyclonus is evil."
CYCLONUS: Well, I am a 'wolfish first-knight' of a ruthless army of robots; I'd understand!
MEDUSA: Maybe they'll find a blog on paper about me relating capitalism-obsession...
CYCLONUS: Yes! "A Wall Street stockbroker kept a giant painting of Medusa in his loft."
MEDUSA: "Perhaps to remind himself of his ironic 'obsession' with capitalist profits!"
CYCLONUS: Canonical metaphysics/virtue text (Bible/Koran) will offer good-evil contours.
MEDUSA: Of course; future archaeologists might cite Apollo and Satan as 'figures' of debate.
CYCLONUS: Since capitalism will be measured quite possibly as a 'negotiation-system.'
MEDUSA: Film-makers and artists creating Medusa/Cyclonus stories might be called 'mad.'
CYCLONUS: Why not? Focusing on ideas about obsession and war/power intimate danger!
MEDUSA: So you and I will become 'relic-celebrities' of capitalism-dissection.
CYCLONUS: "Cyclonus and Medusa reminded TrumpUSA citizens of the dangers of vanity."
MEDUSA: This all sounds like a storyline for an Exorcist film (perhaps starring Ben Cross!).
CYCLONUS: Do you drink wine or smoke marijuana?
MEDUSA: My personal indulgences are private...I disclose them to my masters or lovers.
CYCLONUS: I am neither; yet, I understand the allure of adventure; I myself drink wine.
MEDUSA: So that wine filters down the wires of your electronic processors?
CYCLONUS: Microchips have silicon, and silicon is a deviant-form of carbon, after all.
MEDUSA: So you're a 'messenger of absorption.'
CYCLONUS: And you just might be a 'muse' of 'capitalism religiosity.'
MEDUSA: Hail to the archaeology of capitalism!

What would be the next chapter in this exciting intellectual engagement between Medusa (underworld snake-deity of hypnosis/archery) and Cyclonus (wolfish first-knight robot of war/power)? Would archaeologists in the future truly regard such 'characters' as messengers of ethics? Would TrumpUSA capitalism and 21st Century American consumerism-oriented media (e.g., MTV) cast such 'avatars' as angels (or gods)? Meanwhile, Leo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt were filming a new culture-yoga movie called Once Upon a Time in Hollywood...


{Cyclonus & Medusa}


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