Meet Barbara Satin, Obama's Trangender Appointee To Presidents Counsel On Faith

Transphobia? Ain't nobody scared of no mutant trannies. Lol

Phobia refers to fear or loathing. You loath.

You also did not answer the question. What is the "position"? Do you have any idea what the goals of the counsel she is now a member of (as in one of many) are? Do you have any idea of what Ms. Satin's history is?

I think you need to look at that definition again.



  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something:
    "he had a phobia about being under water"
fear · irrational fear · obsessive fear · dread · horror ·
Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press · Translation by Bing Translator

No one has an irrational fear of surgically altered, mentally ill men or women.
I think pity would be more appropriate for them, disgust is the word for regressive sodomite enablers that are trying to normalize their illness.
For people without fear you are certainly in a panic about them.

Fuck off troll.
What I said is entirely true.

This young girl scares the pants off of you because she, wears panties.
That kid still looks like a boy in drag. And they make t.v. specials broadcasting his face for millions to see...

Who is victimizing these kids REALLY?
Phobia refers to fear or loathing. You loath.

You also did not answer the question. What is the "position"? Do you have any idea what the goals of the counsel she is now a member of (as in one of many) are? Do you have any idea of what Ms. Satin's history is?

I think you need to look at that definition again.



  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something:
    "he had a phobia about being under water"
fear · irrational fear · obsessive fear · dread · horror ·
Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press · Translation by Bing Translator

No one has an irrational fear of surgically altered, mentally ill men or women.
I think pity would be more appropriate for them, disgust is the word for regressive sodomite enablers that are trying to normalize their illness.
For people without fear you are certainly in a panic about them.

Fuck off troll.
What I said is entirely true.

This young girl scares the pants off of you because she, wears panties.
That kid still looks like a boy in drag. And they make t.v. specials broadcasting his face for millions to see...

Who is victimizing these kids REALLY?
Those who can't understand them, and hate them.
I think you need to look at that definition again.



  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something:
    "he had a phobia about being under water"
fear · irrational fear · obsessive fear · dread · horror ·
Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press · Translation by Bing Translator

No one has an irrational fear of surgically altered, mentally ill men or women.
I think pity would be more appropriate for them, disgust is the word for regressive sodomite enablers that are trying to normalize their illness.
For people without fear you are certainly in a panic about them.

Fuck off troll.
What I said is entirely true.

This young girl scares the pants off of you because she, wears panties.
That kid still looks like a boy in drag. And they make t.v. specials broadcasting his face for millions to see...

Who is victimizing these kids REALLY?
Those who can't understand them, and hate them.
Absolutely. These are some serious LGBT hating people.
Phobia refers to fear or loathing. You loath.

You also did not answer the question. What is the "position"? Do you have any idea what the goals of the counsel she is now a member of (as in one of many) are? Do you have any idea of what Ms. Satin's history is?

I think you need to look at that definition again.



  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something:
    "he had a phobia about being under water"
fear · irrational fear · obsessive fear · dread · horror ·
Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press · Translation by Bing Translator

No one has an irrational fear of surgically altered, mentally ill men or women.
I think pity would be more appropriate for them, disgust is the word for regressive sodomite enablers that are trying to normalize their illness.
For people without fear you are certainly in a panic about them.

Fuck off troll.
What I said is entirely true.

This young girl scares the pants off of you because she, wears panties.
Speshull panties to squash his wiener.
How disgusting you can be with your hate.
In a covenant...among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society.
  • Democracy - The God That Failed: 218."
You need an island of one.

Seek it.
An island is where we will leave you homosexuals deserted.
Hitler is dead, and his micro-penis died with him.

A lesson for you and yours.
You saw his penis?
jknowgood does not have better things to do?
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