Meet Barbara Satin, Obama's Trangender Appointee To Presidents Counsel On Faith

That's an outright lie. There is no federal law on the subject. Federal edicts are not law.
The Feds found gay marriage to be legal. Those Feds we call the Supreme Court.

The supreme court has been making rulings to enhance their own power for more than a hundred years. They continually invent shit that was never intended by the Constitution, in short they are a big part of the problem, not part of the solution. If the States had half a brain they'd shackle those SOBs and pass an amendment to check their power. Partisanship has effectively removed all checks and balances on the feds, that has to be fixed.
I admire your need to piss into the wind.

I sell dry pants.

Smile while you can, there's counter revolution coming and things will change.
We aren't Iran, much as you wish us to be.

You're right, were not and we will not yield to people like you.
What's up with these trannies and these weird ass names where it's either a color, a fabric, a sports car, a brand of alcohol and their first name is a real name but it's spelled phonetically? Like Stephoknee. They all seem to do this shit.
The supreme court has been making rulings to enhance their own power for more than a hundred years. They continually invent shit that was never intended by the Constitution, in short they are a big part of the problem, not part of the solution. If the States had half a brain they'd shackle those SOBs and pass an amendment to check their power. Partisanship has effectively removed all checks and balances on the feds, that has to be fixed.
I admire your need to piss into the wind.

I sell dry pants.

Smile while you can, there's counter revolution coming and things will change.
We aren't Iran, much as you wish us to be.
You are not going to be ready for what's coming. Lol

Little friend, I was born ready. A gift from God, some would say (and yet be dead wrong).
Ready for a helicopter tour?
The Feds found gay marriage to be legal. Those Feds we call the Supreme Court.

The supreme court has been making rulings to enhance their own power for more than a hundred years. They continually invent shit that was never intended by the Constitution, in short they are a big part of the problem, not part of the solution. If the States had half a brain they'd shackle those SOBs and pass an amendment to check their power. Partisanship has effectively removed all checks and balances on the feds, that has to be fixed.
I admire your need to piss into the wind.

I sell dry pants.

Smile while you can, there's counter revolution coming and things will change.
We aren't Iran, much as you wish us to be.

You're right, were not and we will not yield to people like you.
I don't want us to be Iran, you do.

The fact that you don't know that is troubling, but par for the course.
The supreme court has been making rulings to enhance their own power for more than a hundred years. They continually invent shit that was never intended by the Constitution, in short they are a big part of the problem, not part of the solution. If the States had half a brain they'd shackle those SOBs and pass an amendment to check their power. Partisanship has effectively removed all checks and balances on the feds, that has to be fixed.
I admire your need to piss into the wind.

I sell dry pants.

Smile while you can, there's counter revolution coming and things will change.
We aren't Iran, much as you wish us to be.

You're right, were not and we will not yield to people like you.
I don't want us to be Iran, you do.

The fact that you don't know that is troubling, but par for the course.
No we just want a country free of people like you. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking of you all gone, damn it. Just the thought is beautiful.
What's up with these trannies and these weird ass names where it's either a color, a fabric, a sports car, a brand of alcohol and their first name is a real name but it's spelled phonetically? Like Stephoknee. They all seem to do this shit.
I admire your need to piss into the wind.

I sell dry pants.

Smile while you can, there's counter revolution coming and things will change.
We aren't Iran, much as you wish us to be.
You are not going to be ready for what's coming. Lol

Little friend, I was born ready. A gift from God, some would say (and yet be dead wrong).
Ready for a helicopter tour?
How about these two? Tracey Wilson and Harriet Cunningham?

Try again.
You're right, we should just kill repeat felons and be done with them.
How angry or must make you that we can't just shoot people?

Due process and all.

It could be added to due process, as in three strikes and you're dead. Think of all the innocent people that would be saved.
You'd make a good Islamist.

No, unlike you I'm a good American and I don't coddle criminals so they can go out and victimize innocent people time after time. If they can't live by the rules, fine, we have a fix for that.
A good American isn't a fan of what you believe in.

Typical regressive sodomite enabler, you folks always have everything ass backwards. Good Americans will put you back in your holes, or what ever you crawled out of, where you belong.
I admire your need to piss into the wind.

I sell dry pants.

Smile while you can, there's counter revolution coming and things will change.
We aren't Iran, much as you wish us to be.

You're right, were not and we will not yield to people like you.
I don't want us to be Iran, you do.

The fact that you don't know that is troubling, but par for the course.
No we just want a country free of people like you. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking of you all gone, damn it. Just the thought is beautiful.
How angry or must make you that we can't just shoot people?

Due process and all.

It could be added to due process, as in three strikes and you're dead. Think of all the innocent people that would be saved.
You'd make a good Islamist.

No, unlike you I'm a good American and I don't coddle criminals so they can go out and victimize innocent people time after time. If they can't live by the rules, fine, we have a fix for that.
A good American isn't a fan of what you believe in.

Typical regressive sodomite enabler, you folks always have everything ass backwards. Good Americans will put you back in your holes, or what ever you crawled out of, where you belong.
No, not same fate... He won.
He did? Not based upon his fate, or results.
Uh...yeah. Based upon his fate. He died of old age knowing he freed his nation of Marxist scum like you and returned prosperity and free markets to his fellow Chileans, which still exist. He actually stepped down before his death, you moron.

You don't know shit about Pinochet.
Your affection for a thief and a monster is noted.

Murderous scum does tend to admire other murderous scum.
You are a theif and a monster, faggot.

You support total Kleptocracy.
I like this I one. He's amusing.
Still think Obama being raised by a transgender nanny in Indonesia didn't have any influence on him?

Barbara Satin

WND » Stunner! Obama names transgender to faith post » Print

Your link is an extravagant display of religious bigotry. Well done.
Why do I keep hearing conservatives try to associate their cause with individualism and liberty?

Conformity and obedience should be conservatism's watchwords.
Still think Obama being raised by a transgender nanny in Indonesia didn't have any influence on him?

Barbara Satin

WND » Stunner! Obama names transgender to faith post » Print
You're afraid of transgender people. God would not be.

Because he knows they're only figments of mans imagination.
He created them, male and female (in one person at times).

And there's treatment options for such mental disorders.
Is what God created a disorder? Watch your tongue.
No, the devil created it. God created normal people.
Jack4jpost: 14312727 said:
Personal freedom....we have way to many people in prison in this country and you loserterians are hypocrites.
Don't worry, when Trump gets in we will take some tax evaders out of prison and replace them with you you can do all your bitching and moaning in there.
A fan of a dictator I see?

A temporary dictator that crack leftists skulls and lock them away? Fuck yeah, sign me up for the expeditionary forces!
Hitler youth.
Regressive sodomite enablers should never try to invoke God in a conversation, it just demonstrates your own hypocrisy.
You put everything on God. Does He make mistakes?

No, but man and occasionally nature does, you're a shining example. But he also allowed us the knowledge to fix most of them, you're just too ignorant to recognize when something is broken.
Nature? Something beyond God's control?

Not much of a god you pray to.

Maybe, but much better than the evil you so willingly embrace.
I embrace what is.

Evil I leave to your kind. Your kind is gifted at it.
No, evil is thinking a grown man showering with a little girl is normal.

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