Meet Hillary Clinton

Hey Rotten, how is your track record on predicting election outcomes? Before 6Nov12, your prediction for that election was:badgrin:

I've never "predicted" anything. I don't pretend to be Nostradamus. I did, however, post many links to many stories which showed Obama getting killed in the polls. Those polls, however, didn't account for the rampant voter fraud of the Chicago-style politics of the Obama Administration (IRS blocking conservative organizations, 107% voter turn out in districts won by Obama, etc.).
Obama was re-elected because he and his crew of dishonest crooks managed to fool the increasingly stupid American population with lies and falsehoods.

He and his acolytes lied about their views about gay "marriage".
About keeping one's health plan.
About keeping one's doctor.
About what actually happened in Benghazi.
About Al Qaeda being on the run.
About GM who kept on producing crap, worthy of one of the biggest recall campaign.
About consequences which never came in Libya, Syria and Ukraine.
About "red lines" which were drawn for him by Putin.

Have to give him credit, though, for being THE most successful snake oil sales man charlatan in history, taking advantage of the dupes "educated" by communist union "teachers" in the public school system.
Like Barack Obama, she can't figure out where she stands on gay marriage until she figures out who is asking and who is the room listening (in other words, she will lie like her husband and her last boss to trick people into voting for her):

Do You Know What Hillary Said? - YouTube

So what slackjawed biblethumping idiot is the republicans putting up in 2016 to pander to their trailer park crowd base?
That's correct. She also believes in God. It matters not a damn that she is wrong.

And 14 years in Politics? You might as well be dealing in centuries.

First of all, she only believes in a God when she's speaking in front of a church. She'll have a much different view when she speaks with angry and desperate little trolls such as yourself.

Second, listening to your anger and desperation to deflect for your favorite candidate is fall down hilarious. 14 years in politics is like dealing with 14 hours, not centuries genius. Just ask Bill Clinton who 20 years later still can't achieve anything which allows people to not think of Monica Lewinsky the moment his name is mentioned. :lol:
Which stops him from doing not a damn thing. If he could run again, he'd win in a heartbeat.

And Hillary could say she thought we should throw puppies from the rooftops and watch them go splat, she'd still win, since there is no one on your side to vote for who doesn't want to probe their vaginas.

The point here is you think this matters? I've watched politics for decades, it doesn't.

Where do you stand on probing vaginas, Herman...or is it rectums that gets your attention?

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