Meet The 11-Year-Old Who Wants To Be America’s First Lesbian President

I for one am 100% in favor of executing attention-seeking parents who indoctrinate their kids into adopting deviant sexual lifestyles so they can whore them out to media outlets like Huffpo

Another Illiterati speaks.
The HuffPo link doesn't even WORK. You're busted.

Saw it on facebook already faggot


Andrea Leadsom says parents should be able to pull children out of LGBTQ+ lessons

Andrea Leadsom: Parents Should Be Able To Withdraw Children From School Classes Teaching LGBTQ+ Rights

20th March 2019

Andrea Leadsom has said that parents should be given the option of withdrawing their children from classes that teach LGBTQ+ rights at school.

During an interview with LBC host Nick Ferrari on Wednesday, the Leader of the House of Commons said that while she agrees with the Government passing new legislation to ensure better relationship education in primary schools, she believes families should be at liberty to decide “the moment to which their children become exposed to that information”.

Her comments come as four more schools in Birmingham have opted to suspend an Ofsted-approved No Outsiders class, which aims to teach children about the Equality Act, because of an outcry from parents about a section on the rights of LGBTQ+ citizens.

What Did Andrea Leadsom Say In Context?
The Leader of the House was asked by host Ferrari about the “looming row on LGBT classes in primary schools being started and then stopped because of protests from parents”.

He continued: “I know that you have a faith and you follow your faith. Do you have respect for people who are maybe Orthodox Jewish, devout Muslims and have real issues about LGBT classes. In which case, what’s the future? How do we get a happy medium?”

Leadsom responded: “Well I think… this party, my party has done a huge amount to support LGBT rights and quite rightly too and I’m a massive supporter of the efforts that we’ve made to achieve real equality in LGBT rights. And so it’s absolutely vital that children do grow up understanding the society that they live in, and that they grow up tolerant and seeking equality and respecting differences.

“So I think that it is right that the Government should have passed legislation that requires that relationships and sex education is taught in schools, but at the same time I also agree that it is right that parents should be able to choose the moment to which their children become exposed to that information and there are steps taken to enable parents to withdraw their children from classes up until a certain age.”
Don't spend time even considering stories like this. It doesn't matter and has zero affect on the nation and more importantly, your family.

Yes we know it's very important to you to make sure everyone knows how much you don't care.
U.K. Schools to Indoctrinate Kids as Young as Five in LGBT Agenda

U.K. Schools to Indoctrinate Kids as Young as Five in LGBT Agenda

Children as young as five will now be required to learn about homosexual and transgender relationships in U.K. public schools, and parents’ rights to withdraw them from such classes will be restricted, under new guidelines issued by the Department for Education Monday.

“Almost twenty years on from the last time guidance on sex education was updated, there is a lot to catch up on,” said Education Secretary Damian Hinds, a member of the Conservative Party.

“Although sex education is only mandatory to teach at secondary, it must be grounded in a firm understanding and valuing of positive relationships, and respect for others, from primary age.”

To that end, the government is requiring grade-school students to complete “relationships education.” According to the BBC, “The guidance says that pupils need to understand ‘that some people are LGBT, that this should be respected in British society, and that the law affords them and their relationships recognition and protections.’”

Supposedly, schools are to consider the age and religious backgrounds of their students and to involve their parents in developing these lessons, but the guidelines make it clear who is really in charge. Previously, parents could opt their children out of sex education. Under the new guidance, they may withdraw their children from sex and relationships education only until their children reach age 15.

Furthermore, reported the BBC, “Head teachers are expected to talk to parents who wish to exclude their child from these lessons, ‘discussing with the parents the benefits of receiving this important education and any detrimental effects that withdrawal might have on the child.’” In other words, the schools will be pressuring parents into letting their kids be indoctrinated in the LBGT agenda.


The new curriculum standards also require students to take health classes covering a variety of touchy subjects. Students of all ages will be taught about mental health, including how to spot signs of mental illness in others (dissent from the LGBT line, perhaps?). Students will also learn about online safety, with older students being warned of the dangers of sexting. In addition, secondary-school students will be taught about female genital mutilation and its illegality plus “other forms of ‘honor-based’ abuse, as well as grooming, forced marriage and domestic abuse,” according to the Guardian.

The new guidelines are controversial, and concerned parents have been making their voices heard — thus far with relatively little success.

Just days before the release of the new guidelines, a group of more than 300 Muslim parents and children demonstrated outside a Birmingham elementary school that had already implemented similar curricula. Amanda Spielman, the head of the Education Department’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services, and Skills, threw her support behind the school’s approach.

Parent Power, an organization that believes parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children in line with their own religious beliefs, opposes the new guidelines.

“Children are given too much information too young and don’t have the emotional maturity to process all this information,” the group’s Linda Rose told the BBC.
I for one am 100% in favor of executing attention-seeking parents who indoctrinate their kids into adopting deviant sexual lifestyles so they can whore them out to media outlets like Huffpo

Another Illiterati speaks.
The HuffPo link doesn't even WORK. You're busted.

Saw it on facebook already faggot


Andrea Leadsom says parents should be able to pull children out of LGBTQ+ lessons

Andrea Leadsom: Parents Should Be Able To Withdraw Children From School Classes Teaching LGBTQ+ Rights

20th March 2019

Andrea Leadsom has said that parents should be given the option of withdrawing their children from classes that teach LGBTQ+ rights at school.

During an interview with LBC host Nick Ferrari on Wednesday, the Leader of the House of Commons said that while she agrees with the Government passing new legislation to ensure better relationship education in primary schools, she believes families should be at liberty to decide “the moment to which their children become exposed to that information”.

Her comments come as four more schools in Birmingham have opted to suspend an Ofsted-approved No Outsiders class, which aims to teach children about the Equality Act, because of an outcry from parents about a section on the rights of LGBTQ+ citizens.

What Did Andrea Leadsom Say In Context?
The Leader of the House was asked by host Ferrari about the “looming row on LGBT classes in primary schools being started and then stopped because of protests from parents”.

He continued: “I know that you have a faith and you follow your faith. Do you have respect for people who are maybe Orthodox Jewish, devout Muslims and have real issues about LGBT classes. In which case, what’s the future? How do we get a happy medium?”

Leadsom responded: “Well I think… this party, my party has done a huge amount to support LGBT rights and quite rightly too and I’m a massive supporter of the efforts that we’ve made to achieve real equality in LGBT rights. And so it’s absolutely vital that children do grow up understanding the society that they live in, and that they grow up tolerant and seeking equality and respecting differences.

“So I think that it is right that the Government should have passed legislation that requires that relationships and sex education is taught in schools, but at the same time I also agree that it is right that parents should be able to choose the moment to which their children become exposed to that information and there are steps taken to enable parents to withdraw their children from classes up until a certain age.”

What's hilarious about all this is that only muslim parents carry enough moral credibility with the immoral left to actually be effective in ending LGBTQ indoctrination. Everyone else who has a problem with it is accused of being an intolerant bigot and told to go suck an egg.
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”

All Tards are Flucked up at an early age...………..
An 11 year old girl who creates a sexual/political persona should be investigated and considered to be a victim of child abuse.
I want to see pictures of this kid's mother. I'll bet big money she's fat, has lots of tattoos and a retro 1950s hairstyle.
When are we going to start locking these parents up?
Why would you want to lock up “these parents”? Makes no non-bigoted sense.

That you even have to ask that question shows just how fucked up society has become.
Why don’t you explain your negative comment, or is that too difficult to communicate for you?

Now that you mention it, it is difficult to explain basic fundamentals like why water is wet and why 11-year old "lesbian" girls being paraded around like a traveling sideshow is wrong
When are we going to start locking these parents up?

U.S. News - Breaking News and Latest Headlines | HuffPost

lla Briggs, an 11-year-old Connecticut resident, became her state’s first openly gay “kid governor” in January ― and she’s aiming to one day have national and even global impact.

The fifth-grader, who attends the Ana Grace Academy of the Arts Elementary Magnet School in Avon, was elected to the post by 6,400 of her peers from 87 schools across the state. During her campaign, she made LGBTQ youth safety her primary focus, noting that she was inspired by her own experience.

She’s already so invested in public service, she said she would love to become America’s “first lesbian president,” according to the Hartford Courant.

“A lot of kids don’t feel comfortable with who they are and that makes me really sad, because I just want everyone to be happy and be themselves. I like being myself,” Ella told the Connecticut Post in an interview published Wednesday. “I wouldn’t change one thing about me and I wouldn’t change one about anyone else in the whole world.”

That's just eff'd up on so many levels. How can a girl know she's a "lesbian" unless she's actually had sex with another girl?

That would mean this 11 year old child has already had gay sex?

Her parents and teachers should be horse-whipped and the child should receive some psychological help.

Interesting reaction, the torture and stuff. Especially before you've heard the actual background, which is this:

>> Ella has known since she was 3 or 4 that she wasn’t drawn to boys.

“I don’t want to marry a daddy, but I want a baby. How do I do that?” she would ask her mother. She later insisted on cutting her hair short like a boy’s and wanted to wear boy clothes when she was 7.

“Yeah, I identified as a male for a long time, I remember,” Ella said. “I was kind of feeling like, OK, so I like girls … I didn’t like think to myself ‘or maybe I’m just like gay or lesbian or whatever.’ I’m like ‘nope, I’m a boy.’ Can’t like girls if you’re a girl.”

But when she was about 8, Ella said she began to figure out that she liked being a female. “It’s a lot more fun,” she said.

On a family trip abroad, Ella said she saw a billboard that proved revelatory. It showed two women — two moms — welcoming their baby home from the hospital. “I looked at it like for an hour,” Ella said. “And then I said to my mom, ‘Mommy, I think that I want to do that when I grow up.' " << -- Hartford Courant

--- so that's what the word "lesbian" means to this 11-year-old. Fer chrissake let her grow up and develop for herself and quit with the torture fantasies.

And btw I got that link directly from the OPs sub-link when the first one didn't work. Apparently he didn't bother to read it.

ALWAYS question headlines. Especially here.
Sounds to scripted to me, as if someone other than a little girl was worrying or wondering about such things in life. Like her mom wondering for her maybe ?? 3 or 4 years old ? Really ?? Good grief.
An 11 year old girl who creates a sexual/political persona should be investigated and considered to be a victim of child abuse.

Cult of Ignorance squeaks yet again.

I want to see pictures of this kid's mother. I'll bet big money she's fat, has lots of tattoos and a retro 1950s hairstyle.

So you're gonna sit here and make judgments on people you don't know as far as how many lashes to whip them based on their appearance.

Isn't that predictable.
U.K. Schools to Indoctrinate Kids as Young as Five in LGBT Agenda

U.K. Schools to Indoctrinate Kids as Young as Five in LGBT Agenda

Children as young as five will now be required to learn about homosexual and transgender relationships in U.K. public schools, and parents’ rights to withdraw them from such classes will be restricted, under new guidelines issued by the Department for Education Monday.

“Almost twenty years on from the last time guidance on sex education was updated, there is a lot to catch up on,” said Education Secretary Damian Hinds, a member of the Conservative Party.

“Although sex education is only mandatory to teach at secondary, it must be grounded in a firm understanding and valuing of positive relationships, and respect for others, from primary age.”

To that end, the government is requiring grade-school students to complete “relationships education.” According to the BBC, “The guidance says that pupils need to understand ‘that some people are LGBT, that this should be respected in British society, and that the law affords them and their relationships recognition and protections.’”

Supposedly, schools are to consider the age and religious backgrounds of their students and to involve their parents in developing these lessons, but the guidelines make it clear who is really in charge. Previously, parents could opt their children out of sex education. Under the new guidance, they may withdraw their children from sex and relationships education only until their children reach age 15.

Furthermore, reported the BBC, “Head teachers are expected to talk to parents who wish to exclude their child from these lessons, ‘discussing with the parents the benefits of receiving this important education and any detrimental effects that withdrawal might have on the child.’” In other words, the schools will be pressuring parents into letting their kids be indoctrinated in the LBGT agenda.


The new curriculum standards also require students to take health classes covering a variety of touchy subjects. Students of all ages will be taught about mental health, including how to spot signs of mental illness in others (dissent from the LGBT line, perhaps?). Students will also learn about online safety, with older students being warned of the dangers of sexting. In addition, secondary-school students will be taught about female genital mutilation and its illegality plus “other forms of ‘honor-based’ abuse, as well as grooming, forced marriage and domestic abuse,” according to the Guardian.

The new guidelines are controversial, and concerned parents have been making their voices heard — thus far with relatively little success.

Just days before the release of the new guidelines, a group of more than 300 Muslim parents and children demonstrated outside a Birmingham elementary school that had already implemented similar curricula. Amanda Spielman, the head of the Education Department’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services, and Skills, threw her support behind the school’s approach.

Parent Power, an organization that believes parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children in line with their own religious beliefs, opposes the new guidelines.

“Children are given too much information too young and don’t have the emotional maturity to process all this information,” the group’s Linda Rose told the BBC.
The government needs to get the hell out of teaching sex education to anyone's children.

It should be the parents responsibility to teach about the birds and the bee's, and not government.

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