Meet The Guy Who Kicks Cats

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Thats no way to treat a pussy
FIVE racist threads showing, three by the OP.

This is a thread about an asshole who abuses animals. His race isn't in the OP nor does it matter. He's simply an asshole. White assholes do this too.
Why is this thread racist?

You have three posted about crimes, all three about black criminals, yet Martha White, who is Caucasian, killed her 7 year old grandson for the heck of it, not a peep out of you.
Why is this thread racist?

Because you're a racist, and the majority of your posts are racist, it is logical to assume that you had a racist intent. Peach just allowed herself to go there. The rest of us ignored that because we know it is about assholes, and assholes are of all colors.

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