Meet The Newly Crowned National Debate Team Champs


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I am left speechless.....

College Wins US Debate Championship By Repeating the N-Word Over and Over, Speaking Incomprehensibly | PUNDIT PRESS

On March 24, Towson University won the 2014 Cross Examination Debate Association’s national championship. Towson defeated the University of Oklahoma. What was Towson’s strategy? Inexplicably using the N-word over and over again in an incomprehensible tirade.

Here is an actual excerpt (with profanity redacted). See if you are able to tell what Towson is arguing in favor or against:

They say the n*****s always already qu***, that’s exactly the point! It means the impact is that the that the is the impact term, uh, to the afraid, uh, the, that it is a case term to the affirmative because, we, uh, we’re saying that qu*** bodies are not able to survive the necessarily means of the body. Uh, uh, the n***** is not able to survive.

Have no idea what the person was arguing? Here, maybe another real excerpt will help you:

Uh, man’s sole “jabringing” object disfigure religion trauma and nubs, uh, the, inside the trauma of representation that turns into the black child devouring and identifying with the stories and into the white culture brought up, uh, de de de de de, dink, and add subjectively like a white man, the black man!

Again, this is a national championship. The organization that holds the debate was founded over 40 years ago and has held national debate tournaments for decades.

Here is another real excerpt from the debate:

When the n*****, uh, sees these pains and suffering that he can only, uh, envision himself that he, uh, does not see another n***** that he, uh, can feel sympathy for or embrace, but rather, uh, that, a-bluh, that that otherness gets obliterated.

One last excerpt from the winners:

Uh, says that the the the way status co works is through, uh, whiteness allowing, uh, forcing other bodies to tell, uh, nearations of whiteness in, uh, the violences that whiteness does me, uh, say that that is the link that we will go for!

By the way, they were debating the WAR POWERS RESOLUTION.

If you are able to handle the quotes above, you might find watching the actual excerpts interesting. You can find that in the video below.

Update: The previous video, which contained excerpts from the debate, was taken down by YouTube (Edge: Naturally). However, you can see the entirety of the 4-hour ordeal in the video below. The second quote starts at the 1:08:12 mark:

This could account for the stupidity displayed by libturds on this board......

Again, I am speechless

The Cross Examination Debate Association released this statement condemning recent attacks on the 2014 CEDA Champions, 2014 CEDA finalists and other members of the policy debate community.

Text of the statement can be found here: CEDA Release-May 12, 2014-CEDA Launches #IsupportCEDA4 Campaign

Stories have emerged attacking the champions from Towson and finalists from Oklahoma for their argumentative choices and style. These stories should not even be called stories. The stories lack research, integrity and represent the worst of our human bigotry. These attacks on Towson, Oklahoma and others in our debate community are motivated by racism and fear. These attacks are reprehensible, despicable and must not be tolerated.
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I don't see why he wasn't disqualified by one of the judges. This is a bizarre story to say the least.
I am left speechless.....

College Wins US Debate Championship By Repeating the N-Word Over and Over, Speaking Incomprehensibly | PUNDIT PRESS

On March 24, Towson University won the 2014 Cross Examination Debate Association’s national championship. Towson defeated the University of Oklahoma. What was Towson’s strategy? Inexplicably using the N-word over and over again in an incomprehensible tirade.

Here is an actual excerpt (with profanity redacted). See if you are able to tell what Towson is arguing in favor or against:

They say the n*****s always already qu***, that’s exactly the point! It means the impact is that the that the is the impact term, uh, to the afraid, uh, the, that it is a case term to the affirmative because, we, uh, we’re saying that qu*** bodies are not able to survive the necessarily means of the body. Uh, uh, the n***** is not able to survive.

Have no idea what the person was arguing? Here, maybe another real excerpt will help you:

Uh, man’s sole “jabringing” object disfigure religion trauma and nubs, uh, the, inside the trauma of representation that turns into the black child devouring and identifying with the stories and into the white culture brought up, uh, de de de de de, dink, and add subjectively like a white man, the black man!

Again, this is a national championship. The organization that holds the debate was founded over 40 years ago and has held national debate tournaments for decades.

Here is another real excerpt from the debate:

When the n*****, uh, sees these pains and suffering that he can only, uh, envision himself that he, uh, does not see another n***** that he, uh, can feel sympathy for or embrace, but rather, uh, that, a-bluh, that that otherness gets obliterated.

One last excerpt from the winners:

Uh, says that the the the way status co works is through, uh, whiteness allowing, uh, forcing other bodies to tell, uh, nearations of whiteness in, uh, the violences that whiteness does me, uh, say that that is the link that we will go for!

By the way, they were debating the WAR POWERS RESOLUTION.

If you are able to handle the quotes above, you might find watching the actual excerpts interesting. You can find that in the video below.

Update: The previous video, which contained excerpts from the debate, was taken down by YouTube (Edge: Naturally). However, you can see the entirety of the 4-hour ordeal in the video below. The second quote starts at the 1:08:12 mark:

This could account for the stupidity displayed by libturds on this board......

Again, I am speechless

My experience has been that the debate topic for national competitions is usually a hot one. I recall before civil forfeiture asset laws got fast tracked to the level of outright theft of american citizens the biggest debate between the students was on that topic. Prior to their debate I had no idea it was happening. Talk about unprepared for that news. I was floored. Now we are hearing about it everywhere.

I hope that is not the case with their choice of debate topic here. The War Powers Resolution is quite a topic to select out of thin air....... is that what they are working changing? The War Powers Act? Time will tell!
Here is something on the War Powers Act to explain what it is and the resolution I have yet to read about. I will have to look that up. It is concerning that there would be talk of a resolution to the War Powers Act - seeing as China and Russia will be in the South China Sea engaging in naval drills - off Taiwan. Are there plans being made for going to war against China without Congress approving it?

[ame=]Obama and War Powers Act - YouTube[/ame]

Notice that Jay Carny insists on calling it the War Powers Resolution? This clip is from Libya arab spring invasion and isn't new.. Why was Carny referring to it as the War Powers Resolution and not the War Powers Act?
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Both the OK and Towson teams sounded like idiots, this was a screaming match, not a debate. Plus, it was between white liberal hippies(OK)& black liberal morons(Towson)...

Neither one was worth listening to.
I bet none of you ever heard of CEDA before now. So you have no idea of its format or intent or even its prominence in the debate world.

Here's another National Debate: 2014 NDT | National Debate Tournament

The winners were from Georgetown University. Look at all those white faces! A couple Asians. That's cool. Not one negro in the bunch. Whew! That should calm your fragile nerves.'s okay child. It's okay. The darkies aren't taking over. Shhhhh...

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I got it now. The War Powers Resolution has already been passed according to this narrator on youtube. It gives Obama more power and he can bypass Congress whereas before he could not bypass Congress to take us to war. This gives him more power.

So the winning of the debate is a moot issue. The reason there is a scandal attached to it is that it gives it the mass media an opportunity to put the subject title - WAR POWERS RESOLUTION - out there to the American people. This is a media event for WH. agenda of announcing War Powers Resolution - dictatorial powers. We must be going to war soon. Great.
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Both the OK and Towson teams sounded like idiots, this was a screaming match, not a debate. Plus, it was between white liberal hippies(OK)& black liberal morons(Towson)...

Neither one was worth listening to.

Naturally, our resident liberal dimocrap scumbags are defending the monumental stupidity and ineloquent blathering of the debate teams.

Birds of a feather? :dunno:

No wonder dimocrap scum think they're edumucated.

Compared to these morons, they are.

Well, okay. Not really but -- Still.

What a joke. A fucking joke.

The Cross Examination Debate Association released this statement condemning recent attacks on the 2014 CEDA Champions, 2014 CEDA finalists and other members of the policy debate community.

Text of the statement can be found here: CEDA Release-May 12, 2014-CEDA Launches #IsupportCEDA4 Campaign

Stories have emerged attacking the champions from Towson and finalists from Oklahoma for their argumentative choices and style. These stories should not even be called stories. The stories lack research, integrity and represent the worst of our human bigotry. These attacks on Towson, Oklahoma and others in our debate community are motivated by racism and fear. These attacks are reprehensible, despicable and must not be tolerated.

You find it noteworthy/postworthy that the same fucking idiots who awarded these IDIOTS the championship would defend their actions?

You really are stupider than I thought.

And I didn't think that was possible.

Get back to mopping the floor, idiot.

And take out the garbage while you're at it.

fucking moron
Both the OK and Towson teams sounded like idiots, this was a screaming match, not a debate. Plus, it was between white liberal hippies(OK)& black liberal morons(Towson)...

Neither one was worth listening to.

Naturally, our resident liberal dimocrap scumbags are defending the monumental stupidity and ineloquent blathering of the debate teams.

Birds of a feather? :dunno:

No wonder dimocrap scum think they're edumucated.

Compared to these morons, they are.

Well, okay. Not really but -- Still.

What a joke. A fucking joke.

You're not getting it. It was never about the debate team. They could have had Goofy and Donald Duck up there for all it matters. This is all about the debate topic. War Powers Resolution. They would have handed over that prize no matter how poorly they performed. Has nothing to do with talent and everything to do with Agenda. Open thy eyes.
I find the irony of people who toss logical fallacies and untruths about like candy complaining about the debate skills of others to be the height of hilarity. :lol:
It's a form called "policy debate" which consists of very fast political talking...

Think of it as a form of rap. They won a rap contest. They used fewer swear words than they normally do, and it's meant to reach people just like them.

Meh. I don't know why anybody is surprised. I quit being surprised by the garbage our colleges produce in about 20 years ago.
I find the irony of people who toss logical fallacies and untruths about like candy complaining about the debate skills of others to be the height of hilarity. :lol:

So maybe we should all just yell ****** over and over, then we can win the championship and welcome your admiration. :eusa_clap:
I find the irony of people who toss logical fallacies and untruths about like candy complaining about the debate skills of others to be the height of hilarity. :lol:

So maybe we should all just yell ****** over and over, then we can win the championship and welcome your admiration. :eusa_clap:

You be the wrong color to be yellin' that word, girl

[ame=]2014 CEDA Final Round - YouTube[/ame]

I don't care what you call it, it's a piece of shit.

Skip to the 1:08 mark
So maybe we should all just yell ****** over and over

That's pretty much what the Right does these days, when it isn't yellling FAG or RAGHEAD or WETBACK.

If you listen to the people in that debate, they are saying they are tired of having war declared on them.

Yes, they say it poorly to our ears, but not to each other.
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More and more people are living inside their own little echo chambers. You just got a listen in on someone else's echo chamber.

Believe it or not, you faux righties don't sound much different. You sound just as incomprehensible and nonsensical. All the time.

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