Meet The Newly Crowned National Debate Team Champs

So maybe we should all just yell ****** over and over

That's pretty much what the Right does these days, when it isn't yellling FAG or RAGHEAD or WETBACK.

If you listen to the people in that debate, they are saying they are tired of having war declared on them.

Yes, they say it poorly to our ears, but not to each other.

They don't know what war is. Moron.

Read this. Or get somebody to read it to you. Don't care.

Hacking Traditional College Debate's White-Privilege Problem - Jessica Carew Kraft - The Atlantic

This is shit. Absolute shit. And it isn't helping these kids one goddamned bit.

These piece of shit 'colleges' sending kids out into the world, totally unprepared for life in general and completely unable to compete in the jobs market?

Great. Just fucking great. It's trash. It's shit. Garbage. Filth. Corruption and disease.

It is no wonder you defend it.
More and more people are living inside their own little echo chambers. You just got a listen in on someone else's echo chamber.

Believe it or not, you faux righties don't sound much different. You sound just as incomprehensible and nonsensical. All the time.

Who's living in the echo chamber bitch? You are, that's who.

These douchebags take a decades-old tradition, ghetto-ize it, and tell US that we're wrong for asking them what the FUCK they're doing with it?

You're in the echo chamber.

The Cross Examination Debate Association released this statement condemning recent attacks on the 2014 CEDA Champions, 2014 CEDA finalists and other members of the policy debate community.
Text of the statement can be found here: CEDA Release-May 12, 2014-CEDA Launches #IsupportCEDA4 Campaign

Stories have emerged attacking the champions from Towson and finalists from Oklahoma for their argumentative choices and style. These stories should not even be called stories. The stories lack research, integrity and represent the worst of our human bigotry. These attacks on Towson, Oklahoma and others in our debate community are motivated by racism and fear. These attacks are reprehensible, despicable and must not be tolerated.

So anyone that points out that the winning debate team didn't address a point or counterpoint of the outline is a bigot

sounds about right

Here, since you're too stupid to get past the pictures

But other teams who have prepared for a traditional policy debate are frustrated when they encounter a meta-debate, or an alternative stylistic approach in competition. These teams say that the pedagogical goals of policy debate are not being met—and are even being undermined. Aaron Hardy, who coaches debate at Northwestern University, is concerned about where the field is headed. “We end up … with a large percentage of debates being devoted to arguing about the rules, rather than anything substantive,” he wrote on a CEDA message board last fall.

Critics of the new approach allege that students don’t necessarily have to develop high-level research skills or marshal evidence from published scholarship. They also might not need to have the intellectual acuity required for arguing both sides of a resolution. These skills—together with a non-confrontational presentation style—are considered crucial for success in fields like law and business.

Hardy and others are also disappointed with what they perceive as a lack of civility and decorum at recent competitions, and believe that the alternative-style debaters have contributed to this environment. “Judges have been very angry, coaches have screamed and yelled. People have given profanity-laced tirades, thrown furniture, and both sides of the ideological divide have used racial slurs,” he said.

To counter this trend, Hardy and his allies want to create a “policy only” space in which traditional standards for debate will be enforced. However, this is nearly impossible to do within the two major debate associations, CEDA and the National Debate Tournament (NDT), as they are governed by participants and have few conduct enforcement mechanisms. For instance, while CEDA and NDT’s institutional anti-harassment policy would normally prohibit the term “nigga” as it was used at the recent Indiana University tournament finals, none of the judges penalized the competitors that used it. In fact, those debaters took home prizes.

If it's a piece of fucking shit, you can find a piece of fucking shit dimocrap scumbag at its core.


And you can always find a piece of shit dimocrap scumbag defending it
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Here, since you're too stupid to get past the pictures

But other teams who have prepared for a traditional policy debate are frustrated when they encounter a meta-debate, or an alternative stylistic approach in competition. These teams say that the pedagogical goals of policy debate are not being met—and are even being undermined. Aaron Hardy, who coaches debate at Northwestern University, is concerned about where the field is headed. “We end up … with a large percentage of debates being devoted to arguing about the rules, rather than anything substantive,” he wrote on a CEDA message board last fall.

Critics of the new approach allege that students don’t necessarily have to develop high-level research skills or marshal evidence from published scholarship. They also might not need to have the intellectual acuity required for arguing both sides of a resolution. These skills—together with a non-confrontational presentation style—are considered crucial for success in fields like law and business.

Hardy and others are also disappointed with what they perceive as a lack of civility and decorum at recent competitions, and believe that the alternative-style debaters have contributed to this environment. “Judges have been very angry, coaches have screamed and yelled. People have given profanity-laced tirades, thrown furniture, and both sides of the ideological divide have used racial slurs,” he said.

To counter this trend, Hardy and his allies want to create a “policy only” space in which traditional standards for debate will be enforced. However, this is nearly impossible to do within the two major debate associations, CEDA and the National Debate Tournament (NDT), as they are governed by participants and have few conduct enforcement mechanisms. For instance, while CEDA and NDT’s institutional anti-harassment policy would normally prohibit the term “nigga” as it was used at the recent Indiana University tournament finals, none of the judges penalized the competitors that used it. In fact, those debaters took home prizes.

If it's a piece of fucking shit, you can find a piece of fucking shit dimocrap scumbag at its core.


And you can always find a piece of shit dimocrap scumbag defending it

They are doing what Democrats do. You can see it here. They dont debate, which involves logic and facts. They spew crap and try to drown out the other side. That's all Dems can do: suppress someone else's speech. Because they damnsure can't win on logic and facts.
Yup. Rather than educate people, they are just catering to stupidity.

It makes the elitist pukes in power look more intelligent.
Why do Republicans care anyway what goes on in "elite" colleges and universities? They get everything they need from the Bible where debate isn't allowed.
Why do Republicans care anyway what goes on in "elite" colleges and universities? They get everything they need from the Bible where debate isn't allowed.

We care about what our country's youth are being exposed to.

And, BTW,

they still vote democrat

Now I remember where I have seen the young man from the Towson team. He was in a VICE documentary about Towson's White Students Union. The way he portrayed himself to be in that doc does not match the stupidity displayed on the CEDA debate. He is the head of the BSU at Towson.

[ame=]White Student Union (Documentary) - YouTube[/ame]

And no, I am not sticking up for the kid that started the WSU, just pointing out where I have seen the young brother before.

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