Meet the Real Hillary Clinton

What should she have done ? Throw the case ? Then you'd say she ha no integrity and betrayed her oath to represent her client .

Blame the DA . If you really care . But you don't , you just want to slander HILLARY .

Slander only happens if it is not true.

So what should she have done ?
Slandering the victim is not how an ethical attorney defends a client. Hillary accused the 12 year old victim of having a history of falsely accusing men of sexual assault, even though she had no evidence on which to base that. She even laughed about knowing the man was guilty, yet she still attacked the child's credibility.
Hillary is a liar, a drunk and a criminal under investigation by the F.B.I.. She is unfit for the office of president.
So now you have morphed this thread into a campaign slogan..I see you really cared about the case of rape...
The fact that Hillary Clinton has this story in her closet (and her closet is overflowing with such incriminating stories) makes it clear she is unfit for the office of president. I'm merely emphasizing the obvious. Look at her. She's a mess.
This story is nothing new, you have yet to prove where someone lied in a court of law...Something that will shatter your emotive cause....
So now you have morphed this thread into a campaign slogan..I see you really cared about the case of rape...
The fact that Hillary Clinton has this story in her closet (and her closet is overflowing with such incriminating stories) makes it clear she is unfit for the office of president. I'm merely emphasizing the obvious. Look at her. She's a mess.
This story is nothing new, you have yet to prove where someone lied in a court of law...Something that will shatter your emotive cause....
She made false accusations against the 12 year old in an attempt to destroy her testimony. The sad fact is that Hillary Clinton knew her client was guilty but didn't care. She didn't care about Benghazi either and lied about the reason it happened. Is this the kind of person America wants for president? Absolutely not.
I know the truth and so do you. You haven't got a leg to stand on, Ted. Keep the avatar photo. It's a perfect image of you!

Where's the transcript of her breaking legal ethics...

Clinton mounted a vigorous defense that included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Where did she said she lied there...
You've been given all the evidence you need on this very thread, Ted. If we gave you anymore you'd choke on it. As I said before, You haven't got a leg to stand on. Your avatar image is perfect. Keep it!
You've been given all the evidence you need on this very thread, Ted. If we gave you anymore you'd choke on it. As I said before, You haven't got a leg to stand on. Your avatar image is perfect. Keep it!
You'd never make it as a trial lawyer...
So now you have morphed this thread into a campaign slogan..I see you really cared about the case of rape...
The fact that Hillary Clinton has this story in her closet (and her closet is overflowing with such incriminating stories) makes it clear she is unfit for the office of president. I'm merely emphasizing the obvious. Look at her. She's a mess.
This story is nothing new, you have yet to prove where someone lied in a court of law...Something that will shatter your emotive cause....
She made false accusations against the 12 year old in an attempt to destroy her testimony. The sad fact is that Hillary Clinton knew her client was guilty but didn't care. She didn't care about Benghazi either and lied about the reason it happened. Is this the kind of person America wants for president? Absolutely not.

What lie did she tell...

And why was it not picked up by the prosecutor...

Be specific.

To help this is what was she said:
In a July 28, 1975, court affidavit, Clinton wrote that she had been informed the young girl was “emotionally unstable” and had a “tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing.”

“I have also been told by an expert in child psychology that children in early adolescence tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences and that adolescents in disorganized families, such as the complainant’s, are even more prone to exaggerate behavior,” Clinton said.

Clinton said the child had “in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body” and that the girl “exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.”

First Paragraph: she said she was 'informed', prove that wrong.

Second Paragraph: told by expert in child psychology, prove that wrong.

Third Paragraph: This is a a piece of factual information she actually claims. Now I am sure the prosecutor on the case could have objected to that and he didn't. Which asks why he didn't... Could it because it is true.. Either way, prove that wrong.
I know the truth and so do you. You haven't got a leg to stand on, Ted. Keep the avatar photo. It's a perfect image of you!

Where's the transcript of her breaking legal ethics...

Clinton mounted a vigorous defense that included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Where did she said she lied there...

According to the victim, who must be heard and believed, Clinton lied. How does such damning evidence get submitted to a court without collaborating evidence?
I know the truth and so do you. You haven't got a leg to stand on, Ted. Keep the avatar photo. It's a perfect image of you!

Where's the transcript of her breaking legal ethics...

Clinton mounted a vigorous defense that included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Where did she said she lied there...

According to the victim, who must be heard and believed, Clinton lied. How does such damning evidence get submitted to a court without collaborating evidence?
They have been given the truth right here on this thread. They don't want the truth because it proves their candidate is unfit for the office of president.
I know the truth and so do you. You haven't got a leg to stand on, Ted. Keep the avatar photo. It's a perfect image of you!

Where's the transcript of her breaking legal ethics...

Clinton mounted a vigorous defense that included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Where did she said she lied there...

According to the victim, who must be heard and believed, Clinton lied. How does such damning evidence get submitted to a court without collaborating evidence?
They have been given the truth right here on this thread. They don't want the truth because it proves their candidate is unfit for the office of president.

Her defense of the woman is disgusting. Blaming a 12 year old girl for being raped and in a coma for 5 days. The girl was way below the age of consent even if she did give consent.

By what I read, Mrs. Clinton may not have lied, except about the victim. What she did was minimize what the man did to a 12 YEAR OLD by blaming the victim.
What should she have done ? Throw the case ? Then you'd say she ha no integrity and betrayed her oath to represent her client .

Blame the DA . If you really care . But you don't , you just want to slander HILLARY .

Slander only happens if it is not true.

So what should she have done ?

Ever watch the movie "The Devil's Advocate?" She should have done what the lawyer did the second chance he got. That would have been moral, not just getting a child rapist off because that is her job.
I know the truth and so do you. You haven't got a leg to stand on, Ted. Keep the avatar photo. It's a perfect image of you!

Where's the transcript of her breaking legal ethics...

Clinton mounted a vigorous defense that included discrediting the child victim’s story by writing in an affidavit that the girl was "emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men" and had made "false accusations" in the past. The victim told Thrush in 2008 and the Daily Beast that Clinton made that up. But investigators in the case also found inconsistencies in the victim’s story, according to Thrush’s reporting.

Where did she said she lied there...

According to the victim, who must be heard and believed, Clinton lied. How does such damning evidence get submitted to a court without collaborating evidence?
They have been given the truth right here on this thread. They don't want the truth because it proves their candidate is unfit for the office of president.

Her defense of the woman is disgusting. Blaming a 12 year old girl for being raped and in a coma for 5 days. The girl was way below the age of consent even if she did give consent.

By what I read, Mrs. Clinton may not have lied, except about the victim. What she did was minimize what the man did to a 12 YEAR OLD by blaming the victim.
If she lied about the victim she lied. Hillary Clinton is a very evil individual. She is unfit for the oval office.
What should she have done ? Throw the case ? Then you'd say she ha no integrity and betrayed her oath to represent her client .

Blame the DA . If you really care . But you don't , you just want to slander HILLARY .

Slander only happens if it is not true.

So what should she have done ?

Ever watch the movie "The Devil's Advocate?" She should have done what the lawyer did the second chance he got. That would have been moral, not just getting a child rapist off because that is her job.
That would require a conscience which is something Hillary Clinton does not have. Imagine what she would do as president? It would be a literal nightmare. The woman cannot be trusted. She is a liar and a drunk. Definitely not presidential material.
What should she have done ? Throw the case ? Then you'd say she ha no integrity and betrayed her oath to represent her client .

Blame the DA . If you really care . But you don't , you just want to slander HILLARY .

You demoRATS are really a piece of heartless pedophile molesters like Hillary husband Bill Cosby Clinton which she also defended. I guess this is history repeating itself for how the Clintons were House of Cards.
there has never ever been a case where Bill Clinton was found to be sleeping with underage women....ALL of the instances with him and his weewee's attraction, have been with adults and yes Monica was an adult....around 23-25....he's not a pedophile nor is he attracted to teens.

STOP lying, pretty please.

And there are millions of women still married to husbands that have repeatedly cheated, for all kinds of different reasons, let alone their marriage vow of ''for better, for worse' until death do us part'.... it's none of my business nor will I or you ever truly know, why these millions of women have stayed with their husbands after they've repeatedly cheated on them....


How is it when Trump has affairs is it no ones fault.

When Bill Clinton has an affair it is Hillary's fault...

And this all from the christian boys...
Affairs? Broaddrick was not an affair. She was a rape victim and Hillary Clinton intimidated her into silence while knowing that her husband had raped the woman. Trump isn't raping his campaign workers. You're defending the indefensible. Wake up.

Have you any proof of Bill Clinton raping anyone?

There was a judge on that case and he accepted her defense. That's how the system works....

The right have spent so much time inventing lies, you forgot that you have no proof.

Clinton did her job on this case as a young lawyer...

It seems that you won't accept the fact checkers view on the case. The victim's story was full of holes and the prosecutor could have objected to Clinton's statements.
If this is all you got, then you got nothing. Her job was to defend him as best she could and there is nothing here to say she went overboard.

Another made up stories from the right... Why don't you have actual evidence to back your assumptions...
You sound desperate. Oh wait..........!
What should she have done ? Throw the case ? Then you'd say she ha no integrity and betrayed her oath to represent her client .

Blame the DA . If you really care . But you don't , you just want to slander HILLARY .

Slander only happens if it is not true.

So what should she have done ?
Slandering the victim is not how an ethical attorney defends a client. Hillary accused the 12 year old victim of having a history of falsely accusing men of sexual assault, even though she had no evidence on which to base that. She even laughed about knowing the man was guilty, yet she still attacked the child's credibility.
Hillary is a liar, a drunk and a criminal under investigation by the F.B.I.. She is unfit for the office of president.
so "innocent until proven guilty" is a mere slogan to you? :eusa_eh: Move to Russia Jerri :bye1:
So now you have morphed this thread into a campaign slogan..I see you really cared about the case of rape...
The fact that Hillary Clinton has this story in her closet (and her closet is overflowing with such incriminating stories) makes it clear she is unfit for the office of president. I'm merely emphasizing the obvious. Look at her. She's a mess.
This story is nothing new, you have yet to prove where someone lied in a court of law...Something that will shatter your emotive cause....
yeah Jerri We're all ears and YES, we'll need a link to the transcript proving your accusation mkaythanks
Jeremiah you are a conniving lying gossiping weasel and Satan's minion in sheep's clothing by wearing the name Jeremiah.

You could care less about the truth and your ilk will be brought down to below the ground and in to the Lake by the Lord. AMEN!!!

This case never went to trial, no one in a court of law or the public knew or heard a single accusation about this 12 year old and her attraction to older men until YOUR ROTTEN ILK brought this out in the open to try to disparage Clinton, and you and your ilk are still doing this to disparage Clinton while not giving a rat's ass about the woman who was raped as a child....

Please spare us your phoneyness....we're on to you!
What should she have done ? Throw the case ? Then you'd say she ha no integrity and betrayed her oath to represent her client .

Blame the DA . If you really care . But you don't , you just want to slander HILLARY .
She shouldn't have lied about victim. She does represent liberals to a tee, nothing but liars.

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