Meeting Putin, Philippines' Duterte rails at Western 'hypocrisy'


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte lashed out at Western "bullying" and "hypocrisy" during his first meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and said when it came to alliances, the United States could not be trusted.

In talks with Putin during an Asia-Pacific summit in Lima, Duterte held nothing back in his views about major powers like the United States, suggesting he is sticking to his guns on re-aligning foreign policy away from Washington, despite his warm words for incoming U.S. president, Donald Trump.

"Historically, I have been identified with the Western world. It was good until it lasted," he told the Russian leader.

"And of late, I see a lot of these Western nations bullying small nations. And not only that, they are into so much hypocrisy," he said, according to a transcript of Saturday's meeting provided by his office.

Putin congratulated Duterte on his May election win and said he had done a lot in a very short time to build trust and confidence between Russia and the Philippines.
Meeting Putin, Philippines' Duterte rails at Western 'hypocrisy'

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Some very interest words expressed in that meeting. If Trump is smart he will read the writing on the wall and make friends with those people. If Trump is serious about breaking America's corrupt government this will be his best chance of succeeding. I like many of the things Trump has said on the subject, but "going it alone" against the MIC could cost him his life and a replacement rogue American government similar to the Nazis.
Obviously, whatever Duterte is doin' is workin'...

Philippines police say drug raids netted $147m worth of meth
Tue, 27 Dec 2016 - Drugs officers say they have made the country's largest drugs bust, amid a brutal crackdown on users.
Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre said the haul was the biggest in the country's history. Mr Aguirre said 10 people had been charged. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has pursued a bloody war on drugs since taking office six months ago, encouraging police to shoot on sight. More than 6,000 drug users and dealers are suspected to have been killed by both police and vigilantes since the crackdown began.


Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Director General Ronald Dela Rosa (L) and Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Director General Isidro Lapena, display a bag full of methamphetamine hydrochloride​

'Biggest haul in history'

Barrels of chemicals used to produce methamphetamine, or "shabu" as it is known in the Philippines, were seized during a raid in the capital Manila, Mr Aguirre said. Six people were arrested the previous day, also in Manila, when 560kg (1,200lb) of suspected methamphetamine, worth an estimated $67m, was found in one raid. Mr Duterte has faced allegations of widespread human rights violations over his war on drugs and been accused of targeting low-level users and pushers rather than high-level dealers.

He has expressed few regrets about the policy, once saying: "Hitler massacred three million Jews... There's three million drug addicts. I'd be happy to slaughter them." He caused controversy earlier this month after admitting that, as mayor of the southern city Davao, he had personally killed three men he said were suspected of rape.[ He ran Davao for 20 years, earning the nickname "The Punisher" for his brutal approach to tackling crime. Critics say he supported death squads in the city and continues to do so as president.

Philippines police say drug raids netted £120m worth of meth - BBC News
Muslim rebels free cohorts from prison in Philippines...

Jailbreak alert: Armed men linked to Muslim rebels free more than 150 from prison in Philippines
Thursday 5th January, 2017 - In a dramatic and violent jailbreak, armed men linked to Muslim rebel groups are said to have barged into a prison in the Philippines on Wednesday.
According to reports, there were nearly 100 armed men that stormed into the North Cotabato District jail, Kidapawan in southern Philippines and opened fire on the jail officials, killing one prison guard. The North Cotabato jail has nearly 1,511 inmates, out of which 158 were freed by the armed men. Of the 158 prisoners that escaped, nine have reportedly been caught, while six have been killed in the operation. Two of those that escaped eventually surrendered. Peter Jon, warden at the jail was quoted as saying, "It's to rescue their comrades under our custody. It is a rescue operation. The (inmates) took chances because of the volume of fire... They used their bedding, piled them on top of each other to escape."

Nine prisoners that were caught were identified as Jason Angkanan, Wennie Curimo Rota, Faisal Tiburon, Joselito Tomines, Jerome Oguit, Melvin Antipuesto Canete, Richel Vales Flores, Joreste Robles Perdido, and Ruta Coremo. Out of them, Jason Angkanan, is known to be in possession of illegal drugs. In his statement to the police, he said that he had not conspired to run away, but was simply following other prisoners. Reading out an excerpt from his statement, the police said, "At about 1 a.m. of January 4, he was awaken by several gun burst and then he heard that some of the inmates shouted that they should go out from the custodial facility building for the attackers will burn it.”


Acting governor of North Cotabato, Shirlyn Macasarte revealed that her office had a whiff of a plan being hatched by the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) to free its members since last year. She said to a media channel, "They were involved in murders and at the same time I think they have experience in bomb making so we watched them closely.” In her statement, she added that the leaders of the attacks had links with the BOFF, which is a sub-group of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Nearly two years ago, members of the MILF and BIFF were said to be the masterminds behind the killing of 44 police commandos in a bid to acquire a bomb maker. While the government signed a peace-deal with the MILF in 2014, clashes have not ceased from the latter’s side. Over the last few years, Philippines has been witnessing a dangerous rise in Muslim insurgency.

Jailbreak alert Armed men linked to Muslim rebels free more than 150 from prison in Philippines

See also:

Russia offers Philippines arms and close friendship
Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2017 — Russia is ready to supply the Philippines with sophisticated weapons including aircraft and submarines and aims to become a close friend of the traditional U.S. ally as it diversifies its foreign ties, Russia’s ambassador said on Wednesday.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has thrown the future of Philippine-U.S. relations into question with angry outbursts against the former colonial power and some scaling back of military ties while taking steps to boost ties with China and Russia. Illustrating the transformation of Philippine foreign relations since Duterte took office in June, two Russian warships are on four-day visit to Manila this week, the first official navy-to-navy contact between the two countries. Russian Ambassador Igor Anatolyevich Khovaev took the opportunity to hold a news conference on board the anti-submarine vessel Admiral Tributs.

He said he understood that the Philippines was intent on diversifying its foreign partners. “It’s not a choice between these partners and those ones. Diversification means preserving and keeping old traditional partners and getting new ones. So Russia is ready to become a new reliable partner and close friend of the Philippines,” he said. “We don’t interfere with your relations with your traditional partners and your traditional partners should respect the interest of the Philippines and Russia.” The Russian navy visit comes less than a month after Duterte sent his foreign and defence ministers to Moscow to discuss arms deals after a U.S. senator said he would block the sale of 26,000 assault rifles to the Philippines due to concern about a rising death toll in a war on drugs launched by Duterte.

Khovaev said Russia had a range of weapons to offer. “We are ready to supply small arms and light weapons, some aeroplanes, helicopters, submarines and many, many other weapons. Sophisticated weapons. Not the second-hand ones,” Khovaev said. “Russia has a lot to offer but everything will be done in full compliance with international law.” He said it was too early to talk about the scope of military cooperation but, in a clear reference to the United States, said old allies should not worry. “Your traditional partners should not be concerned about the military ties ... If they are concerned, it means they need to get rid of clichés,” he said.

Rear Admiral Eduard Mikhailov, head of the Flotilla of the Russian Navy Pacific Fleet, said on Tuesday Russia wanted to hold maritime exercises with the Philippines to help combat terrorism and piracy. The United States and the Philippines have been holding naval exercises annually but Duterte has decided to reduce the number of exercises and to move naval drills away from the disputed South China Sea, to reassure China, which is suspicious of U.S. military movements in the disputed waters.

Russia offers Philippines arms and close friendship
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He better watch it or the Pope liable to send a exorcist after him...

Duterte orders free contraceptives for poor Filipinos
Jan. 12, 2017 - The order is expected to meet resistance from leaders of the country's Roman Catholic Church.
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte ordered government agencies to provide free contraceptives to the poor as part of an effort to remake the country's family planning policy. His executive order calls for funding to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies among the one quarter of the Philippine population living in poverty. The heavily Roman Catholic country of 103 million people is the only Asia-Pacific nation in which the rate of teen pregnancies has risen in the past 20 years, the United Nations reported.


A battle between Duterte's government and the church can be expected, CNN Philippines said; a 14-year campaign by Noynoy Aquino, Duterte's predecessor as president, to pass the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law, was slowed by church and pro-life groups. The law's full implementation has been held back by a 2015 temporary restraining order of the Supreme Court.

Strengthening the law is part of Duterte's plan to reduce poverty to 13 percent by the end of his term in 2022. Government economic manager Ernesto Pernia said that if the law is not properly implemented, the Philippines would be "unable to meet our poverty reduction target." Duterte's order Wednesday calls for a comprehensive review of those in need of government family planning services. "There is a plan in the next six months for local governments to go out in the field, to do house-to-house visits, identify those in need of family planning, [and work] with all these agencies," Pernia said Wednesday.

Duterte orders free contraceptives for poor Filipinos
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte lashed out at Western "bullying" and "hypocrisy" during his first meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and said when it came to alliances, the United States could not be trusted.

In talks with Putin during an Asia-Pacific summit in Lima, Duterte held nothing back in his views about major powers like the United States, suggesting he is sticking to his guns on re-aligning foreign policy away from Washington, despite his warm words for incoming U.S. president, Donald Trump.

"Historically, I have been identified with the Western world. It was good until it lasted," he told the Russian leader.

"And of late, I see a lot of these Western nations bullying small nations. And not only that, they are into so much hypocrisy," he said, according to a transcript of Saturday's meeting provided by his office.

Putin congratulated Duterte on his May election win and said he had done a lot in a very short time to build trust and confidence between Russia and the Philippines.
Meeting Putin, Philippines' Duterte rails at Western 'hypocrisy'

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Ah, the old "they're bullies, so I'm going to join with these other bullies", yeah, sure the US is hypocritical, but that's politics.

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