Megachurches Still Packing Them In!

I really don't care if you feel my First Amendment Rights are selfish. For now, they are still my rights. I know you probably care little for them.

I care more about the people who are going to die because you dumb-ass bible thumpers are more interested in praising your Sky Fairy than actually protecting lives.
Protect yourself and the stupid people can't hurt you

For what, protect yourself for what? A few more spins on this floating rock in space?

This is what I mean here...doomed to destruction

Damn right. I want to stay on this ride as long as possible.

And that right there, exactly, is the problem in 21st century America. Because we have become a post-Christian society, we have forgotten what freedom means to us. So we will ALL lose our freedom, we have lost "herd immunity freedom". Sure, we will be clinging to life after this. But what life?

We have forgotten that sometimes, life is not worth living. But whatever. Life can also be a very, very hard teacher.

Live free or die!

Yes indeed. Or the cry of my patriot forefathers: "Give me liberty or give me death!"

But not now. The cry of the 21st century American: "Big Daddy Govco, keep me safe! There's a virus out there and it's scaaaaarrrrry and I don't know what to do if you don't protect meeeeee"

Really shameful when you think about it
I don't expect the government to ever keep me safe.

I protect myself if you don't want to do that that's your problem

Sure you expect the government to keep you safe, don't you? We have protected religious freedom in the Constitution but you have a problem with it. What do you propose to do about it?

I don't care what your religion is but don't assume that other people don't think their life is worth living just because you think yours isn't

If you care so little for your own health and the people of your church care so little for theirs that's your problem so go to church and get everyone there sick IDGAF because I have never stepped foot in a church and don't plan to any time in my life

But don't tell me you can't practice your religion from home or in small groups because that is simply untrue

These people do not understand how disease is spread. They also do not understand that they can pray anywhere, even in their homes. The Creator/Supreme Being can hear you in your living room, your bedroom, your bathroom 24/7.
It takes a crowd to induce religious ecstasy. A neurological state indistinguishable from orgasm. Getting "the spirit" releases a powerful endorphin rush that can be terribly addictive. They have a deep physical need to get their spiritual rocks off.

You must have gone to the Roly-Poly church where they "Get the Spirit" and start speaking gibberish.
I went when I was around 12 with my friend, we ran home as fast as we could when they started trying to drown a kid.
We went around to all the churches when I was a kid.
Yes, that's the kind of churches that refuse to close. I have actually witnessed snake handling and speaking in tongues during my childhood.

See I don't know about that. My church "meets" only virtually now. But if churches wanted to meet, I would understand it. Throughout the history of Christendom, churches have met underground for all sorts of reasons even under horrible circumstances, even upon pain of death.

I draw the line of course if someone has an active infection or even if someone in their house does.
And if someone is infected, but has mild symptoms or NO symptoms, what then?

Well now, if someone is infected but has no symptoms how would they even know? But then how does the guy in the hardware store or the liquor store know either?
They DON'T, moron. But they can give it to someone else! Get it?? That's the problem. Why can't you fucking idiots even understand that?
Good to see we still have freedom of religion in America.

Yes, you are free to be as stupid as possible. This has nothing to do with "freedom of religion", and if you had half a brain, you'd know that. Hopefully there were a LOT of Trump voters in church yesterday.

Thank you for weighing in from Canada
Are the Canadian mega churches packing them in too, or is this just something exceptional with America.

Are there many--or any--actual Christians left in Canada? Not many, I would imagine. At all.

More than there are in the USA. You've demonstrated in spades you're not a Christian, given your attitude towards "loving one another as I have loved you", and "Do unto others".

Our Constitution requires that we "help one another" so that most Christian of principles is enshrined in our Constitution. It's not "every man for himself and screw you" that I see from "prosperity Christians" like Joel Osteen who locked his neighbours out of his church during the flooding in Houston,.

What are the two greatest Commandments of Jesus? In order. Cite them in order

Who the fuck do you think you are, that you can tell me what to do? The arrogance and condescension of those who claim morally superiority on the grounds of their right wing Christianity, is laughable.

What a beautiful Christian. I asked you to cite the Commandments of Jesus and you dropped an F bomb

There it is
These people who go to these mega-churches are being incredibly selfish. Whatever they contract while there they will carry with them to infect others.

One thing that I will never understand about the "religious" yahoos is their insistence on making a big public show about what they are doing. Total theatrics.

They don't understand that you can pray anywhere and at any time. They confuse show-time with prayer-time. How many times have I heard somebody say that they "can't pray" because they are being stopped by someone else, when, whatever you perceive to be the Creator/Supreme Being, is open 24/7 to hear you wherever you are.

The strongest quality of God, is that God is love. Putting others at risk to practice your religion, when others are staying home and use apps like Zoom to hold their services, doesn't seem like love.

The two things that Jesus commanded was to love God, with your whole heart, soul and mind, the second was to love your neighbor as yourself. They seem to have missed the second command.

What about people going to the pot dispensaries? Or to the store for ingredients for chocolate chip cookies? I mean where does all this virus-shaming end, now that we have all decided that every single move our neighbors make is LITERALLY our life-and-death business?

I really hate this aspect most of all

I posted earlier that pot and alcohol are not essential businesses. Churches can meet in various ways, short circuit TV, Internet broadcasting, Zoom apps. A loving God would not want his followers to risk their lives or others lives.

I know of a couple large churches that are using the internet. Another uses a Zoom app. The one I belong to use the Zoom app. God provides for his followers, putting ones life in unnecessary danger, is not trusting in God.

You obviously have never read the book of Acts or the Epistles, have you?

It's amazing to me, how many people know SO much about Christianity and yet, know less than nothing it would seem
Liquor stores and pot shops are essential, going to church is not? Why not make all three non-essential.

They can't, because Liquor and Pot Shops are taxed heavily and churches are not. The government is greedy, they want money, power and control.

I don't know about where you live but the liquor stores here aren't owned by the government.

Liquor is in the grocery stores here. Can't close the grocery stores so liquor is available to all.

The marijuana stores that can stay open are the ones that are also legally medical marijuanal and recreational stores. Not all stores are medical, those stores have to close. The medical ones are in the same classification as a pharmacy.

I know I can't afford to lose any more weight because of the damage 7 years of chemo did to my stomach. The only thing that keeps food in me is marijuana. Without it, whatever I swallow, comes back up. I'm already a size zero. I can't afford to lose more weight. I have to have access to the stores. Same with other medical marijuana patients. By the way, we medical marijuana patients don't pay the tax. The recreational users do pay a hefty tax.
These people who go to these mega-churches are being incredibly selfish. Whatever they contract while there they will carry with them to infect others.

One thing that I will never understand about the "religious" yahoos is their insistence on making a big public show about what they are doing. Total theatrics.

They don't understand that you can pray anywhere and at any time. They confuse show-time with prayer-time. How many times have I heard somebody say that they "can't pray" because they are being stopped by someone else, when, whatever you perceive to be the Creator/Supreme Being, is open 24/7 to hear you wherever you are.

The strongest quality of God, is that God is love. Putting others at risk to practice your religion, when others are staying home and use apps like Zoom to hold their services, doesn't seem like love.

The two things that Jesus commanded was to love God, with your whole heart, soul and mind, the second was to love your neighbor as yourself. They seem to have missed the second command.

What about people going to the pot dispensaries? Or to the store for ingredients for chocolate chip cookies? I mean where does all this virus-shaming end, now that we have all decided that every single move our neighbors make is LITERALLY our life-and-death business?

I really hate this aspect most of all

I posted earlier that pot and alcohol are not essential businesses. Churches can meet in various ways, short circuit TV, Internet broadcasting, Zoom apps. A loving God would not want his followers to risk their lives or others lives.

I know of a couple large churches that are using the internet. Another uses a Zoom app. The one I belong to use the Zoom app. God provides for his followers, putting ones life in unnecessary danger, is not trusting in God.

You obviously have never read the book of Acts or the Epistles, have you?

It's amazing to me, how many people know SO much about Christianity and yet, know less than nothing it would seem

Yes I have. The apostles were persecuted, much different than going to a place of worship and spreading the disease around. it's called love and caring for others. There are other ways to gather together without jeopardizing people's lives. Of course the donations might lag because of it. Not sure.

Being safe, loving and caring, I believe God would understand.
I really don't care if you feel my First Amendment Rights are selfish. For now, they are still my rights. I know you probably care little for them.

I care more about the people who are going to die because you dumb-ass bible thumpers are more interested in praising your Sky Fairy than actually protecting lives.
Protect yourself and the stupid people can't hurt you

For what, protect yourself for what? A few more spins on this floating rock in space?

This is what I mean here...doomed to destruction

Damn right. I want to stay on this ride as long as possible.

And that right there, exactly, is the problem in 21st century America. Because we have become a post-Christian society, we have forgotten what freedom means to us. So we will ALL lose our freedom, we have lost "herd immunity freedom". Sure, we will be clinging to life after this. But what life?

We have forgotten that sometimes, life is not worth living. But whatever. Life can also be a very, very hard teacher.

Live free or die!

Yes indeed. Or the cry of my patriot forefathers: "Give me liberty or give me death!"

But not now. The cry of the 21st century American: "Big Daddy Govco, keep me safe! There's a virus out there and it's scaaaaarrrrry and I don't know what to do if you don't protect meeeeee"

Really shameful when you think about it
I don't expect the government to ever keep me safe.

I protect myself if you don't want to do that that's your problem

Sure you expect the government to keep you safe, don't you? We have protected religious freedom in the Constitution but you have a problem with it. What do you propose to do about it?

I don't care what your religion is but don't assume that other people don't think their life is worth living just because you think yours isn't

If you care so little for your own health and the people of your church care so little for theirs that's your problem so go to church and get everyone there sick IDGAF because I have never stepped foot in a church and don't plan to any time in my life

But don't tell me you can't practice your religion from home or in small groups because that is simply untrue

These people do not understand how disease is spread. They also do not understand that they can pray anywhere, even in their homes. The Creator/Supreme Being can hear you in your living room, your bedroom, your bathroom 24/7.
It takes a crowd to induce religious ecstasy. A neurological state indistinguishable from orgasm. Getting "the spirit" releases a powerful endorphin rush that can be terribly addictive. They have a deep physical need to get their spiritual rocks off.

You must have gone to the Roly-Poly church where they "Get the Spirit" and start speaking gibberish.
I went when I was around 12 with my friend, we ran home as fast as we could when they started trying to drown a kid.
We went around to all the churches when I was a kid.
Yes, that's the kind of churches that refuse to close. I have actually witnessed snake handling and speaking in tongues during my childhood.

See I don't know about that. My church "meets" only virtually now. But if churches wanted to meet, I would understand it. Throughout the history of Christendom, churches have met underground for all sorts of reasons even under horrible circumstances, even upon pain of death.

I draw the line of course if someone has an active infection or even if someone in their house does.
And if someone is infected, but has mild symptoms or NO symptoms, what then?

Well now, if someone is infected but has no symptoms how would they even know? But then how does the guy in the hardware store or the liquor store know either?
you can be safer in a one on one interaction than you can among hundreds of people at the same time

I know we're the "Safe Space" century. Above all, everyone has to be "safe" your blankie and your teddy bear?

Don't need those i got a gun.
Apparently, SOME people aren't concerned about covid-19 because they have GOD on their side. Let's check back with them in a month or so, shall we? We'll see how that worked out by then. But if some of them die, they're all Christians so they'll be up in heaven, right? I guess.

Probably my least favorite part of this entire mess is Virus-Shaming

Shut up and let people live their lives, and you live yours

How many people will pass that virus on to someone else?

They have the right to put their own lives in jeopardy but not someone else.

If they get the virus at church then go about their daily lives, they will be spreading it all over the place.

How many innocent people will die?

Selfishness like this is inexcusable. No one has the right to put someone else's life in jeopardy.

But you're a conservative so are those christians. You people are the most selfish and self centered lazy people I've ever encountered.

This is interesting. So in two years, or three, when we're right back to 40,000 people dying from the regular seasonal flu, you're gonna sit at home all the time, right? I mean just in case you have a virus and don't know it. Wouldn't want to make someone with pre-existing conditions die right?
Don't you listen to what's being said?

The whole point of the measures being taken is to prevent medical services and hospitals from becoming overwhelmed. This is really only a concern for this one outbreak because no one has ever been exposed to this bug before

It's really not that hard to understand. And if you cared more for others than you do for yourself you might maybe want to try not to be a person whpo is getting other people sick.

DOesn't your god frown on that kind of selfishness?
These people who go to these mega-churches are being incredibly selfish. Whatever they contract while there they will carry with them to infect others.

One thing that I will never understand about the "religious" yahoos is their insistence on making a big public show about what they are doing. Total theatrics.

They don't understand that you can pray anywhere and at any time. They confuse show-time with prayer-time. How many times have I heard somebody say that they "can't pray" because they are being stopped by someone else, when, whatever you perceive to be the Creator/Supreme Being, is open 24/7 to hear you wherever you are.

The strongest quality of God, is that God is love. Putting others at risk to practice your religion, when others are staying home and use apps like Zoom to hold their services, doesn't seem like love.

The two things that Jesus commanded was to love God, with your whole heart, soul and mind, the second was to love your neighbor as yourself. They seem to have missed the second command.

What about people going to the pot dispensaries? Or to the store for ingredients for chocolate chip cookies? I mean where does all this virus-shaming end, now that we have all decided that every single move our neighbors make is LITERALLY our life-and-death business?

I really hate this aspect most of all

I suppose you think buying bread flour, eggs and butter while trying to at least practice social distancing and other measues so your family doesn't go hungry is more selfish than packing a church cheek to jowl
You cannot be forced to go to work and consulting can be done via the internet or telephone. And if you are fastidious in your own self protection the likelihood of getting infected is pretty low

Actually, I am working mostly from home now, but also have to make one appearence in the office a week. I'd rather be there full time, what I'm doing now isn't terribly efficient.
Apparently, SOME people aren't concerned about covid-19 because they have GOD on their side. Let's check back with them in a month or so, shall we? We'll see how that worked out by then. But if some of them die, they're all Christians so they'll be up in heaven, right? I guess.

I remember when I was a total piece of lowdown shit...I tried my hardest to lose faith...I hated believers..I hated knowing there were believers...Just knowing they existed made me feel like I should be and do better. Damn those pesky Christians!
LefTard Logic:
“Christian believers whom love God = BAD”
“Chicks with dicks, faggots, rug munchers, abortionists, wetbacks, drug users, criminals and degenerate pieces of shit = GOOD”

You filthy fucks can’t be taken seriously.
Clearly, you have "issues" with religion. I grew up without it, so I was able to look at it objectively.

No issues at all...I’m wise enough to know that nothing but good comes from true believers...Face it, that’s why you feel compelled to sow discord...fithly unaccountable degenerates can’t really spread their filth with those pesky believers standing in the way. I totally get it man.

There is a reason they really, really REALLY hate Christians but are totally fine with Muslims, if not completely stand up for them.

They usually don't want to explore those reasons too much
As I've posted elsewhere, I hate ALL religions equally. They all suck, and have been a monkey on the back of humanity for centuries.
Apparently, SOME people aren't concerned about covid-19 because they have GOD on their side. Let's check back with them in a month or so, shall we? We'll see how that worked out by then. But if some of them die, they're all Christians so they'll be up in heaven, right? I guess.

I remember when I was a total piece of lowdown shit...I tried my hardest to lose faith...I hated believers..I hated knowing there were believers...Just knowing they existed made me feel like I should be and do better. Damn those pesky Christians!
LefTard Logic:
“Christian believers whom love God = BAD”
“Chicks with dicks, faggots, rug munchers, abortionists, wetbacks, drug users, criminals and degenerate pieces of shit = GOOD”

You filthy fucks can’t be taken seriously.
Clearly, you have "issues" with religion. I grew up without it, so I was able to look at it objectively.

No issues at all...I’m wise enough to know that nothing but good comes from true believers...Face it, that’s why you feel compelled to sow discord...fithly unaccountable degenerates can’t really spread their filth with those pesky believers standing in the way. I totally get it man.

There is a reason they really, really REALLY hate Christians but are totally fine with Muslims, if not completely stand up for them.

They usually don't want to explore those reasons too much

Leftists have been programmed to HATE all things truly American and love all things detrimental to American virtue.
The Left is Americas worst enemy by far.
What do you know about leftists? The propaganda about the left from the right-wing?
Apparently, SOME people aren't concerned about covid-19 because they have GOD on their side. Let's check back with them in a month or so, shall we? We'll see how that worked out by then. But if some of them die, they're all Christians so they'll be up in heaven, right? I guess.

I think it's fine n dandy for MAGA-churches to pack Gomers in like sardines. But they must self quarantine in place for minimally 14 days and be tested prior to returning to the real world.

Cull the herd! :D


Am I the only person here that cares about human beings?

Am I the only person here who doesn't give a damn about political, religious or ethic differences?

These people can and will spread this disease to innocent. people who will die.

It doesn't matter what faith they are. It doesn't matter what political beliefs they have.

They are human beings. They will suffer and some will die.

People will leave that church infected then go spread it around everywhere they go. Innocent people will die.

Yes conservatives are stupid, selfish and lazy. That is no reason for them to suffer from this disease and die.

I so don't get the mindset that just because they are stupid, selfish and lazy it doesn't matter if they suffer and die. Or it doesn't matter if they spread that disease to others and they die.

It does matter.

That's why they need to stay there for a couple of weeks and test negative prior to leaving. People are such idiots. Here's Miami Beach late last week because Governor TrumpyBoy refused to shut down spring break. I care about human lives too - But probably some less than others.


Here's the difference between me and Leftists.

I worry a lot, lot more about Leftists want to rule every single aspect of my life indefinitely, including when and for what reason I can leave my house, than I do any of these people carrying to me a virus that could cost me my life.

The latter--very small odds.

The former--well, dang. Look at these boards. Jackbooted totalitarians swarming everywhere
That well-known leftist, Donald Trump, just extended the social distancing guidelines to April 30. Isn't HE the one telling you when and for what reason you can leave your house?
I really don't care if you feel my First Amendment Rights are selfish. For now, they are still my rights. I know you probably care little for them.

I care more about the people who are going to die because you dumb-ass bible thumpers are more interested in praising your Sky Fairy than actually protecting lives.
Protect yourself and the stupid people can't hurt you

For what, protect yourself for what? A few more spins on this floating rock in space?

This is what I mean here...doomed to destruction

Damn right. I want to stay on this ride as long as possible.

And that right there, exactly, is the problem in 21st century America. Because we have become a post-Christian society, we have forgotten what freedom means to us. So we will ALL lose our freedom, we have lost "herd immunity freedom". Sure, we will be clinging to life after this. But what life?

We have forgotten that sometimes, life is not worth living. But whatever. Life can also be a very, very hard teacher.

Live free or die!

Yes indeed. Or the cry of my patriot forefathers: "Give me liberty or give me death!"

But not now. The cry of the 21st century American: "Big Daddy Govco, keep me safe! There's a virus out there and it's scaaaaarrrrry and I don't know what to do if you don't protect meeeeee"

Really shameful when you think about it
I don't expect the government to ever keep me safe.

I protect myself if you don't want to do that that's your problem

Sure you expect the government to keep you safe, don't you? We have protected religious freedom in the Constitution but you have a problem with it. What do you propose to do about it?

I don't care what your religion is but don't assume that other people don't think their life is worth living just because you think yours isn't

If you care so little for your own health and the people of your church care so little for theirs that's your problem so go to church and get everyone there sick IDGAF because I have never stepped foot in a church and don't plan to any time in my life

But don't tell me you can't practice your religion from home or in small groups because that is simply untrue

These people do not understand how disease is spread. They also do not understand that they can pray anywhere, even in their homes. The Creator/Supreme Being can hear you in your living room, your bedroom, your bathroom 24/7.
It takes a crowd to induce religious ecstasy. A neurological state indistinguishable from orgasm. Getting "the spirit" releases a powerful endorphin rush that can be terribly addictive. They have a deep physical need to get their spiritual rocks off.

You must have gone to the Roly-Poly church where they "Get the Spirit" and start speaking gibberish.
I went when I was around 12 with my friend, we ran home as fast as we could when they started trying to drown a kid.
We went around to all the churches when I was a kid.
Yes, that's the kind of churches that refuse to close. I have actually witnessed snake handling and speaking in tongues during my childhood.

See I don't know about that. My church "meets" only virtually now. But if churches wanted to meet, I would understand it. Throughout the history of Christendom, churches have met underground for all sorts of reasons even under horrible circumstances, even upon pain of death.

I draw the line of course if someone has an active infection or even if someone in their house does.
And if someone is infected, but has mild symptoms or NO symptoms, what then?

Well now, if someone is infected but has no symptoms how would they even know? But then how does the guy in the hardware store or the liquor store know either?
They DON'T, moron. But they can give it to someone else! Get it?? That's the problem. Why can't you fucking idiots even understand that?
Good to see we still have freedom of religion in America.

Yes, you are free to be as stupid as possible. This has nothing to do with "freedom of religion", and if you had half a brain, you'd know that. Hopefully there were a LOT of Trump voters in church yesterday.

Thank you for weighing in from Canada
Are the Canadian mega churches packing them in too, or is this just something exceptional with America.

Are there many--or any--actual Christians left in Canada? Not many, I would imagine. At all.

More than there are in the USA. You've demonstrated in spades you're not a Christian, given your attitude towards "loving one another as I have loved you", and "Do unto others".

Our Constitution requires that we "help one another" so that most Christian of principles is enshrined in our Constitution. It's not "every man for himself and screw you" that I see from "prosperity Christians" like Joel Osteen who locked his neighbours out of his church during the flooding in Houston,.
Our Constitution requires that we "help one another"? You must be from another country. Or you'd think that under such a constitutional requirement, Joel Osteen would have been forced to help his neighbors during the flood.
I really don't care if you feel my First Amendment Rights are selfish. For now, they are still my rights. I know you probably care little for them.

I care more about the people who are going to die because you dumb-ass bible thumpers are more interested in praising your Sky Fairy than actually protecting lives.
Protect yourself and the stupid people can't hurt you

For what, protect yourself for what? A few more spins on this floating rock in space?

This is what I mean here...doomed to destruction

Damn right. I want to stay on this ride as long as possible.

And that right there, exactly, is the problem in 21st century America. Because we have become a post-Christian society, we have forgotten what freedom means to us. So we will ALL lose our freedom, we have lost "herd immunity freedom". Sure, we will be clinging to life after this. But what life?

We have forgotten that sometimes, life is not worth living. But whatever. Life can also be a very, very hard teacher.

Live free or die!

Yes indeed. Or the cry of my patriot forefathers: "Give me liberty or give me death!"

But not now. The cry of the 21st century American: "Big Daddy Govco, keep me safe! There's a virus out there and it's scaaaaarrrrry and I don't know what to do if you don't protect meeeeee"

Really shameful when you think about it
I don't expect the government to ever keep me safe.

I protect myself if you don't want to do that that's your problem

Sure you expect the government to keep you safe, don't you? We have protected religious freedom in the Constitution but you have a problem with it. What do you propose to do about it?

I don't care what your religion is but don't assume that other people don't think their life is worth living just because you think yours isn't

If you care so little for your own health and the people of your church care so little for theirs that's your problem so go to church and get everyone there sick IDGAF because I have never stepped foot in a church and don't plan to any time in my life

But don't tell me you can't practice your religion from home or in small groups because that is simply untrue

These people do not understand how disease is spread. They also do not understand that they can pray anywhere, even in their homes. The Creator/Supreme Being can hear you in your living room, your bedroom, your bathroom 24/7.
It takes a crowd to induce religious ecstasy. A neurological state indistinguishable from orgasm. Getting "the spirit" releases a powerful endorphin rush that can be terribly addictive. They have a deep physical need to get their spiritual rocks off.

You must have gone to the Roly-Poly church where they "Get the Spirit" and start speaking gibberish.
I went when I was around 12 with my friend, we ran home as fast as we could when they started trying to drown a kid.
We went around to all the churches when I was a kid.
Yes, that's the kind of churches that refuse to close. I have actually witnessed snake handling and speaking in tongues during my childhood.

See I don't know about that. My church "meets" only virtually now. But if churches wanted to meet, I would understand it. Throughout the history of Christendom, churches have met underground for all sorts of reasons even under horrible circumstances, even upon pain of death.

I draw the line of course if someone has an active infection or even if someone in their house does.
And if someone is infected, but has mild symptoms or NO symptoms, what then?

Well now, if someone is infected but has no symptoms how would they even know? But then how does the guy in the hardware store or the liquor store know either?
They DON'T, moron. But they can give it to someone else! Get it?? That's the problem. Why can't you fucking idiots even understand that?
Good to see we still have freedom of religion in America.

Yes, you are free to be as stupid as possible. This has nothing to do with "freedom of religion", and if you had half a brain, you'd know that. Hopefully there were a LOT of Trump voters in church yesterday.

Thank you for weighing in from Canada
Are the Canadian mega churches packing them in too, or is this just something exceptional with America.

There are no "mega churches" in Canada. "Prosperity Christianity" is frowned upon, and there is no "religious right" to speak of. Both are a strictly American thing.

That being said, the city churches went to live streaming services three weeks ago, when we closed the schools and restaurants, and told people to work from home, and this week, all gatherings of more than 10 people have been banned. Our local churches are closed but are offering telephone support and visitations if required.

We went from 0 to 23 cases in our county over the weekend, including a cluster of 9 cases in a nursing home about 30 miles away, so its here. I fully stocked my pantry over the weekend and found everything on my list. There are one per family limits on lots of things in the stores, but the only thing I had trouble finding was Kleenex.

I'm back home and staying there. I can survive for a month on the food and supplies I have, if I do without any additional fresh fruit and veggies. I had plans for Easter with my daughter and her family, who I haven't seen in nearly a month already, but that involves going into the city, which is the last place I want to be right now.

You have megachurches in Canada, you don’t have as many as the US, because your population and rural areas could not support them, however you have megachurches. Sometimes it seems you know little about Canada.

I really don't care if you feel my First Amendment Rights are selfish. For now, they are still my rights. I know you probably care little for them.

I care more about the people who are going to die because you dumb-ass bible thumpers are more interested in praising your Sky Fairy than actually protecting lives.
Protect yourself and the stupid people can't hurt you

For what, protect yourself for what? A few more spins on this floating rock in space?

This is what I mean here...doomed to destruction

Damn right. I want to stay on this ride as long as possible.

And that right there, exactly, is the problem in 21st century America. Because we have become a post-Christian society, we have forgotten what freedom means to us. So we will ALL lose our freedom, we have lost "herd immunity freedom". Sure, we will be clinging to life after this. But what life?

We have forgotten that sometimes, life is not worth living. But whatever. Life can also be a very, very hard teacher.

Live free or die!

Yes indeed. Or the cry of my patriot forefathers: "Give me liberty or give me death!"

But not now. The cry of the 21st century American: "Big Daddy Govco, keep me safe! There's a virus out there and it's scaaaaarrrrry and I don't know what to do if you don't protect meeeeee"

Really shameful when you think about it
I don't expect the government to ever keep me safe.

I protect myself if you don't want to do that that's your problem

Sure you expect the government to keep you safe, don't you? We have protected religious freedom in the Constitution but you have a problem with it. What do you propose to do about it?

I don't care what your religion is but don't assume that other people don't think their life is worth living just because you think yours isn't

If you care so little for your own health and the people of your church care so little for theirs that's your problem so go to church and get everyone there sick IDGAF because I have never stepped foot in a church and don't plan to any time in my life

But don't tell me you can't practice your religion from home or in small groups because that is simply untrue

These people do not understand how disease is spread. They also do not understand that they can pray anywhere, even in their homes. The Creator/Supreme Being can hear you in your living room, your bedroom, your bathroom 24/7.
It takes a crowd to induce religious ecstasy. A neurological state indistinguishable from orgasm. Getting "the spirit" releases a powerful endorphin rush that can be terribly addictive. They have a deep physical need to get their spiritual rocks off.

You must have gone to the Roly-Poly church where they "Get the Spirit" and start speaking gibberish.
I went when I was around 12 with my friend, we ran home as fast as we could when they started trying to drown a kid.
We went around to all the churches when I was a kid.
Yes, that's the kind of churches that refuse to close. I have actually witnessed snake handling and speaking in tongues during my childhood.

See I don't know about that. My church "meets" only virtually now. But if churches wanted to meet, I would understand it. Throughout the history of Christendom, churches have met underground for all sorts of reasons even under horrible circumstances, even upon pain of death.

I draw the line of course if someone has an active infection or even if someone in their house does.
And if someone is infected, but has mild symptoms or NO symptoms, what then?

Well now, if someone is infected but has no symptoms how would they even know? But then how does the guy in the hardware store or the liquor store know either?
They DON'T, moron. But they can give it to someone else! Get it?? That's the problem. Why can't you fucking idiots even understand that?
Good to see we still have freedom of religion in America.

Yes, you are free to be as stupid as possible. This has nothing to do with "freedom of religion", and if you had half a brain, you'd know that. Hopefully there were a LOT of Trump voters in church yesterday.

Thank you for weighing in from Canada
Are the Canadian mega churches packing them in too, or is this just something exceptional with America.

Are there many--or any--actual Christians left in Canada? Not many, I would imagine. At all.

More than there are in the USA. You've demonstrated in spades you're not a Christian, given your attitude towards "loving one another as I have loved you", and "Do unto others".

Our Constitution requires that we "help one another" so that most Christian of principles is enshrined in our Constitution. It's not "every man for himself and screw you" that I see from "prosperity Christians" like Joel Osteen who locked his neighbours out of his church during the flooding in Houston,.

What are the two greatest Commandments of Jesus? In order. Cite them in order

Who the fuck do you think you are, that you can tell me what to do? The arrogance and condescension of those who claim morally superiority on the grounds of their right wing Christianity, is laughable.

Your arrogance and condescension and claim to moral superiority being Canadian is no different than hers. She is claiming it on a religious level, your claim is on a country level.
I really don't care if you feel my First Amendment Rights are selfish. For now, they are still my rights. I know you probably care little for them.

I care more about the people who are going to die because you dumb-ass bible thumpers are more interested in praising your Sky Fairy than actually protecting lives.
Protect yourself and the stupid people can't hurt you

For what, protect yourself for what? A few more spins on this floating rock in space?

This is what I mean here...doomed to destruction

Damn right. I want to stay on this ride as long as possible.

And that right there, exactly, is the problem in 21st century America. Because we have become a post-Christian society, we have forgotten what freedom means to us. So we will ALL lose our freedom, we have lost "herd immunity freedom". Sure, we will be clinging to life after this. But what life?

We have forgotten that sometimes, life is not worth living. But whatever. Life can also be a very, very hard teacher.

Live free or die!

Yes indeed. Or the cry of my patriot forefathers: "Give me liberty or give me death!"

But not now. The cry of the 21st century American: "Big Daddy Govco, keep me safe! There's a virus out there and it's scaaaaarrrrry and I don't know what to do if you don't protect meeeeee"

Really shameful when you think about it
I don't expect the government to ever keep me safe.

I protect myself if you don't want to do that that's your problem

Sure you expect the government to keep you safe, don't you? We have protected religious freedom in the Constitution but you have a problem with it. What do you propose to do about it?

I don't care what your religion is but don't assume that other people don't think their life is worth living just because you think yours isn't

If you care so little for your own health and the people of your church care so little for theirs that's your problem so go to church and get everyone there sick IDGAF because I have never stepped foot in a church and don't plan to any time in my life

But don't tell me you can't practice your religion from home or in small groups because that is simply untrue

These people do not understand how disease is spread. They also do not understand that they can pray anywhere, even in their homes. The Creator/Supreme Being can hear you in your living room, your bedroom, your bathroom 24/7.
It takes a crowd to induce religious ecstasy. A neurological state indistinguishable from orgasm. Getting "the spirit" releases a powerful endorphin rush that can be terribly addictive. They have a deep physical need to get their spiritual rocks off.

You must have gone to the Roly-Poly church where they "Get the Spirit" and start speaking gibberish.
I went when I was around 12 with my friend, we ran home as fast as we could when they started trying to drown a kid.
We went around to all the churches when I was a kid.
Yes, that's the kind of churches that refuse to close. I have actually witnessed snake handling and speaking in tongues during my childhood.

See I don't know about that. My church "meets" only virtually now. But if churches wanted to meet, I would understand it. Throughout the history of Christendom, churches have met underground for all sorts of reasons even under horrible circumstances, even upon pain of death.

I draw the line of course if someone has an active infection or even if someone in their house does.
And if someone is infected, but has mild symptoms or NO symptoms, what then?

Well now, if someone is infected but has no symptoms how would they even know? But then how does the guy in the hardware store or the liquor store know either?
They DON'T, moron. But they can give it to someone else! Get it?? That's the problem. Why can't you fucking idiots even understand that?
Good to see we still have freedom of religion in America.

Yes, you are free to be as stupid as possible. This has nothing to do with "freedom of religion", and if you had half a brain, you'd know that. Hopefully there were a LOT of Trump voters in church yesterday.

Thank you for weighing in from Canada
Are the Canadian mega churches packing them in too, or is this just something exceptional with America.

Are there many--or any--actual Christians left in Canada? Not many, I would imagine. At all.

More than there are in the USA. You've demonstrated in spades you're not a Christian, given your attitude towards "loving one another as I have loved you", and "Do unto others".

Our Constitution requires that we "help one another" so that most Christian of principles is enshrined in our Constitution. It's not "every man for himself and screw you" that I see from "prosperity Christians" like Joel Osteen who locked his neighbours out of his church during the flooding in Houston,.

What are the two greatest Commandments of Jesus? In order. Cite them in order

Who the fuck do you think you are, that you can tell me what to do? The arrogance and condescension of those who claim morally superiority on the grounds of their right wing Christianity, is laughable.

Your arrogance and condescension and claim to moral superiority being Canadian is no different than hers. She is claiming it on a religious level, your claim is on a country level.

You're projecting that on me. A LOT of that goes on with Christianity. A LOT.

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