Megan Kelly confronts Donna Brazille

The whole candidacy of Hillary Clinton and those that support her are a criminal enterprise, from the way Debbie Wasserman fraudulently elevated Hillary to the nomination and on and on.
I wish Kelly had challenged her on her misuse of the past tense of the verb to be.
But qualifying for black, LaDonna doesn't have to follow rules of grammar.

I be
You be
He, she or it be
We be
Dey be
Y'all be


I be
You be
He, she..
It before o'clock. LOL
Walk that way Donna Brazile >>>>>>>> first door to the left......... yes there, right there.......follow Debbie Wasserman Schultz .... that's it! :mad-61:

Is anybody there in the Clinton camp that is not a crook?? :confused-84:

Is anybody there in the Clinton camp that is not a crook?? :confused-84:
Seriously, you have to ask that question?

Do libtards prefer unnatural behavior?


Yes, they prefer unnatural, irrational and self-loathing.
Walk that way Donna Brazile >>>>>>>> first door to the left......... yes there, right there.......follow Debbie Wasserman Schultz .... that's it! :mad-61:

Is anybody there in the Clinton camp that is not a crook?? :confused-84:

Wait,Wait........Donna says she will not be persecuted.
Donna Brazille...No wonder the Liberals hate that Trump has standards when it comes to women's looks; what a dog!
Donna Brazille is proven to be a liar. Since she is black though...she will not be held accountable.

Donna Brazile Freaks Out After Megyn Kelly Asks How She Got Debate Question in Advance

I watched that live last night. I've seen Brazille in countless sticky situations in the past and never even paused to answer a question.

Last night she looked like a deer in the headlights. Pretty much confirmed that the video was real even though she tried like hell to try to say it was doctored, but that was nothing less then pathetic.

Then when Kelly went after her about giving Clinton the debate question she looked and sounded sheepish.

Her hands are caught in the cookie jar and there is no way to get out of it.

I doubt we see her as a staple on the Sunday morning shows any longer.
Donna sold her integrity if she ever had any for a few pieces of broken mirror.
Her career is over.
But she does look like she can whip up a wicked batch of fried chicken.
My crystal ball sees a bright future for Donna having her own food truck at a truck stop in S. Nevada.
She'll maybe hook-up with the negro bitch that lost Baltimore tens of millions of dollars to settle law suits by the LEO's there.

hehheh Yeh she got dat aunt jemimah look....'I will not be prosecuted' least not as long as the democrats have anything to say about it.
Walk that way Donna Brazile >>>>>>>> first door to the left......... yes there, right there.......follow Debbie Wasserman Schultz .... that's it! :mad-61:

Is anybody there in the Clinton camp that is not a crook?? :confused-84:

Wait,Wait........Donna says she will not be persecuted.

These thugs think they are above the Law.

That's what is so infuriating and so totally unfair.

Don't Americans mind? don't Americans care?

....sometimes I truly believe they deserve all the shit that will come if Hitlery becomes President.
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