Megan Kelly on Anderson Cooper

If Megyn Kelly leaves Fox then put Shannon Bream in her spot!

Or Patti Ann Browne


saggy tits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Not the lung-warts you're used to eh, champ?
she must be a short timer with Fox. In a classy non agressive way, she laid in to Fox network AND Donald Trump last night .. if you have an IQ over 70 her new book might be worth a read. Interesting insider info on the story between her and Captn' Pissant.

Holding up real well for a 46 year old too.

not sure if I've ever mentioned this before, but

My IQ is 122, yours?

it shows too.
Do you know how good 122 is?
The only thing I really have a problem with regarding Kelly is her 'self-promotion'. This is not a sexist comment, as I am talking about self-professed 'journalists' making themselves bigger than the news and the stories they are supposed to be reporting.

Many people will say Fox NEWS is a News show. I understand many refuse to do so, and it can be argued after this election whether any TRUE 'News' shows actually exist; HOWEVER...

If you are a NEWS Media Outlet then the biggest thing you should be promoting / focusing on is THE NEWS. Kelly, God Bless her, has cultivated her own looks, personality, and style into being much bigger than the news - into a 'star'.

She clearly has aspirations to become a 'Sean Hannity' or other 'Star' who has their own TV shows. That's fine - more power to you....but if your job is to be a 'news anchor' or a 'reporter', have the professionalism to do your job, which is to focus on the NEWS, not yourself. (Again, I would say this to anyone sitting in the 'Anchor' chair or working as a reporter.

I am an 'old school' journalist - the 5 'W's, where the news anchors valued their honesty and reputation, when they wanted to be the person who came into your living room every night, built a trust with you, and actually told you what was going on without lying to you or pushing some agenda.

Now we have 'News' channels like CNN who came out on their broadcast and actually declared, "We have done everything we can to help Hillary Clinton - we have given her a pass on every scandal...'

Now we have 'journalists' like Kelly who are more focused on making herself the next 'Barbara Walters' than focusing on the news. I hate to tell Kelly but SHE - specifically her - means nothing to me. I care about the NEWS. I would not blink an eye, would not miss her at all, if they replaced her with ANYONE.

I don't watch the news to see 'my favorite reporter'. I do not have News Stars trading cards. I do not play 'Fantasy Media Personnel' each week. It's all about the NEWS and who I can trust to provide me the news honestly.

So, no offense Ms. Kelly, you are me. Good luck in the future.
Quite a rant, for a woman who gave one interview to promote her new book. Which all Fox authors get to do, including O'Reilly, Perino, Juan Williams....
Do you not like her because she was mean to Donald? Aw, gee. He was so mean back that she had to hire security.

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