Meghan markle's father accuses daughter of cheapening royal family and making it shabby

I want to know what this Thomas Markle did to raise his daughter, love her as a father, and help her. He seems like he was a sperm donor who wasn't there for her and didn't give a damn. If he wants to be in the limelight, then he should get into it. I noticed that he wasn't there to walk his daughter down the aisle when she married a grandson of the Queen of England.
Meghan Markle's Father Accuses Daughter of "Cheapening" Royal Family and "Making It Shabby"

Meghan Markle’s father spoke to reporters this week following the news that Prince Harry and Princess Meghan were stepping away from the Royal Family.

LOL we know there is a bigger story behind this than we are being told Hmmmm funny the move to Canada don't yah say...
He must be a racist, right Tommy Tainant.

Scared she's going to pop out a little Liam Gallagher

Where was he that he could not walk his daughter up the church steps to her wedding, and walk his daughter down the aisle? Dance with her at the reception? No pride there. No dad. Her mother was there. No dad. where was this freak?
Meghan Markle's Father Accuses Daughter of "Cheapening" Royal Family and "Making It Shabby"

Meghan Markle’s father spoke to reporters this week following the news that Prince Harry and Princess Meghan were stepping away from the Royal Family.

LOL we know there is a bigger story behind this than we are being told Hmmmm funny the move to Canada don't yah say...
He must be a racist, right Tommy Tainant.

Scared she's going to pop out a little Liam Gallagher

Where was he that he could not walk his daughter up the church steps to her wedding, and walk his daughter down the aisle? Dance with her at the reception? No pride there. No dad. Her mother was there. No dad. where was this freak?

Is he black? Maybe she didn't want him in the family photos?
Meghan Markle's Father Accuses Daughter of "Cheapening" Royal Family and "Making It Shabby"

Meghan Markle’s father spoke to reporters this week following the news that Prince Harry and Princess Meghan were stepping away from the Royal Family.

LOL we know there is a bigger story behind this than we are being told Hmmmm funny the move to Canada don't yah say...
He must be a racist, right Tommy Tainant.

Scared she's going to pop out a little Liam Gallagher

Where was he that he could not walk his daughter up the church steps to her wedding, and walk his daughter down the aisle? Dance with her at the reception? No pride there. No dad. Her mother was there. No dad. where was this freak?

Recovering from a heart attack.

Where was the PR team from the Royal Family, guiding him on how things are done in the UK? He was left to flounder, pursued by paparazzi, not knowing what to do.
Meghan Markle's Father Accuses Daughter of "Cheapening" Royal Family and "Making It Shabby"

Meghan Markle’s father spoke to reporters this week following the news that Prince Harry and Princess Meghan were stepping away from the Royal Family.

LOL we know there is a bigger story behind this than we are being told Hmmmm funny the move to Canada don't yah say...
He must be a racist, right Tommy Tainant.

Scared she's going to pop out a little Liam Gallagher

Where was he that he could not walk his daughter up the church steps to her wedding, and walk his daughter down the aisle? Dance with her at the reception? No pride there. No dad. Her mother was there. No dad. where was this freak?

Recovering from a heart attack.

Where was the PR team from the Royal Family, guiding him on how things are done in the UK? He was left to flounder, pursued by paparazzi, not knowing what to do.

There is something fishy about this guy that causes me to doubt that his absence was due to a medical problem. He's making public accusations against his daughter, which is wildly inappropriate.

However, this link is to Gateway Pundit, which is the equivalent of a supermarket tabloid. This raises a lot of doubt. He might just be looking for a way to cash in.
Meghan Markle's Father Accuses Daughter of "Cheapening" Royal Family and "Making It Shabby"

Meghan Markle’s father spoke to reporters this week following the news that Prince Harry and Princess Meghan were stepping away from the Royal Family.

LOL we know there is a bigger story behind this than we are being told Hmmmm funny the move to Canada don't yah say...
He must be a racist, right Tommy Tainant.

Scared she's going to pop out a little Liam Gallagher

Where was he that he could not walk his daughter up the church steps to her wedding, and walk his daughter down the aisle? Dance with her at the reception? No pride there. No dad. Her mother was there. No dad. where was this freak?

Recovering from a heart attack.

Where was the PR team from the Royal Family, guiding him on how things are done in the UK? He was left to flounder, pursued by paparazzi, not knowing what to do.

There is something fishy about this guy that causes me to doubt that his absence was due to a medical problem. He's making public accusations against his daughter, which is wildly inappropriate.

However, this link is to Gateway Pundit, which is the equivalent of a supermarket tabloid. This raises a lot of doubt. He might just be looking for a way to cash in.

You're entitled to your view.
My guess it the marriage will not last.

I've so far had little to say about this whole mess.

As an American, British royalty means nothing to me. The statement in our Declaration of Independence, about all men being created equal, is a specific rejection of the concept of royalty and nobility as found in European nations, which holds some people to be better than others, simply for having been born into the right families; and as an American, I reject the very idea that the Queen,or anyone else in the royal family, is any better than a common subject of that country, simply by being born or married into royalty.

Now, from that point of view, what I see as a sad situation is that Harry's birth family, and his wife, cannot get along, and he's been apparently forced to choose one or the other. I say that his birth family is absolutely wrong for forcing him to make that choice, and having been put into that position, he has made what is clearly the only right and honorable choice by choosing to preserve his marriage, and his relationships with his wife and his child.

If I were British, I would be deeply ashamed of the royal family for their hostility toward Harry's marriage and family.

And it sounds to me like Harry's father-in-law isn't much better. A pox on both sets of in-laws. I just hope that Harry and Meghan find somewhere where they can have a peaceful, happy family life, free of the shame that both their sets of parents have brought them.
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My guess it the marriage will not last.

I've so far had little to say about this whole mess.

As an American, British royalty means nothing to me. The statement in our Declaration of Independence, about all men being created equal, is a specific rejection of the concept of royalty and nobility as found in European nations, which holds some people to be better than others, simply for having been born into the right families; and as an American, I reject the very idea that the Queen,or anyone else in the royal family, is any better than a common subject of that country, simply by being born or married into royalty.

Now, from that point of view, what I see as a sad situation is that Harry's birth family, and his wife, cannot get along, and he's been apparently forced to choose one or the other. I say that his birth family is absolutely wrong for forcing him to make that choice, and having been put into that position, he has made what is clearly the only right and honorable choice by choosing to preserve his marriage, and his relationships with his wife and his child.

If I were British, I would be deeply ashamed of the royal family for their hostility toward Harry's marriage and family.

And it sounds to me like Harry's father-in-law isn't much better. A pox on both sets of in-laws. I just hope that Harry and Meghan find somewhere where they can have a peaceful, happy family life, free of the shame that both their sets of parents have brought them.

Well, the Royal Family didn't consider Thomas Markle equal. Prince Harry never even met him. I watched the documentary, and I felt sorry for him.

Seems to me, English and American are like oil and water. Don't mix too well. Cultural differences run deep.
How is it possible to cheapen that family ?

What's that got to do with it?
Its the op narrative. Its laughable to think anybody could cheapen the clowns in that circus.

Your usual axe to grind.
Well, Phil is a serial racist, Charles is an adulterer who will one head up the C of E. Margaret was a drunken loafer and Andrew is a person the FBI are keen to speak to over paedo allegations. Nobody has a perfect family but the idea that she is dragging this crowd down is delusional.
Its outdated, elitist and the whole thing needs to be binned.
Well, the Royal Family didn't consider Thomas Markle equal.

Right. Because they are “royal”, and he is not. Under British culture, that makes them better. Under American culture, that just makes them arrogant self-centered snobs with a greatly-exaggerated sense of their own importance.
My guess it the marriage will not last.

I've so far had little to say about this whole mess.

As an American, British royalty means nothing to me. The statement in our Declaration of Independence, about all men being created equal, is a specific rejection of the concept of royalty and nobility as found in European nations, which holds some people to be better than others, simply for having been born into the right families; and as an American, I reject the very idea that the Queen,or anyone else in the royal family, is any better than a common subject of that country, simply by being born or married into royalty.

Now, from that point of view, what I see as a sad situation is that Harry's birth family, and his wife, cannot get along, and he's been apparently forced to choose one or the other. I say that his birth family is absolutely wrong for forcing him to make that choice, and having been put into that position, he has made what is clearly the only right and honorable choice by choosing to preserve his marriage, and his relationships with his wife and his child.

If I were British, I would be deeply ashamed of the royal family for their hostility toward Harry's marriage and family.

And it sounds to me like Harry's father-in-law isn't much better. A pox on both sets of in-laws. I just hope that Harry and Meghan find somewhere where they can have a peaceful, happy family life, free of the shame that both their sets of parents have brought them.
None of them are worth much but in this instance the press is the biggest culprit. The Royal family is basically a long running soap opera for the cheap papers. They are generally racist rags who licked their lips when a black woman showed up
Having a baby makes folk re-appraise their lives and I suspect they just thought fuck it. Her Mam seems a dignified sort but her Dad just seems to be low rent trash.
How is it possible to cheapen that family ?

What's that got to do with it?
Its the op narrative. Its laughable to think anybody could cheapen the clowns in that circus.

Your usual axe to grind.
Well, Phil is a serial racist, Charles is an adulterer who will one head up the C of E. Margaret was a drunken loafer and Andrew is a person the FBI are keen to speak to over paedo allegations. Nobody has a perfect family but the idea that she is dragging this crowd down is delusional.
Its outdated, elitist and the whole thing needs to be binned.

Aside from your lurid preoccupations, everything was fine till they got people's back up by preaching to people about carbon footprints, while flying around frequently in private jets.

Once a member of the 'Club', you don't proclaim your political preferences, or bias to the public. It's part of the deal.

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