Megyn Kelly Audience Boos and Laughs at Lanny Davis For Seeking Donations For Michael Cohen


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Megyn Kelly Audience Boos and Laughs at Lanny Davis For Seeking Donations For Michael Cohen

So why, exactly, has Lanny Davis been all over television and radioWednesday morning — hours after his client, Michael Cohen, accepted a deal to plead guilty on eight counts of various violations?

The answer came into focus a bit on Megyn Kelly Today, as the lawyer made a direct appeal to viewers to give money to Cohen so that he can “continue to tell the truth.”

“Could I take one opportunity to remind everyone that Michael Cohen has suffered a tragic and difficult experience with his family,” Davis said. “He’s without resources, and we’ve set up a website called, that we’re hoping that he will get some help from the American people so he can continue to tell the truth.”

The audience straight up laughed at Davis’s plea for cash.

“I don’t know if they’re ready to donate, Lanny,” host Megyn Kelly said.

But that didn’t stop the attorney from trying to get in the pockets of those watching at home.

“I would say the reaction of your audience may be they are not as interested in getting the truth out about Donald Trump as many other people in the country,” Davis said. “Approximately 60 percent of the country would not have the reaction of your audience.”

This last comment brought murmurs and boos from a clearly skeptical crowd.
Lanny Davis' last statement is true.

Trumpers do not care about the truth about Orange Donald as does Real America.
Approximately 60%????? is this guy for real? Lanny the liar.....he is another one that would be in prison if this were a just nation.....
Cohen has only himself to blame.

He should have known better than to get involved with the Trump criminal organization.
Cohen has only himself to blame.

He should have known better than to get involved with the Trump criminal organization
Yeah because the butthurt dems and the swamp will ruin you...just what the dems love....banana republic type of government....go after your political enemies with a vengeance....the people see it...they don't like it....the American people know unfairness when they see it....each step forward against Trump is another win for a Trump re election....
Cohen has only himself to blame.

He should have known better than to get involved with the Trump criminal organization.

Yes I agree, I guess once they get the taste of money they have to keep it up, same with Trump. They live beyond their means. Cohen will tell the truth as he is going to need to make a deal , regardless. That is his only hope. I also can't wait for Trump Jr to get whats coming and the Kushners. Also Wilbur Ross. All crooks.
That is a reason to put someone in jail. They had best build a whole lot more. In MI they are closing them as crime is way down
The dems have changed the don't have to be guilty to be prosecuted these days....both sides can play that way....
Lanny Davis' last statement is true.

Trumpers do not care about the truth about Orange Donald as does Real America.
how much did you donate jake?.....
Cohen has only himself to blame.

He should have known better than to get involved with the Trump criminal organization.

Yes I agree, I guess once they get the taste of money they have to keep it up, same with Trump. They live beyond their means. Cohen will tell the truth as he is going to need to make a deal , regardless. That is his only hope. I also can't wait for Trump Jr to get whats coming and the Kushners. Also Wilbur Ross. All crooks.
They live beyond their means.
like many Americans do....
It boggles the mind that these idiots break the law and then DUMBFUCKS freely give them money when they beg.

Simply unreal.

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