Megyn Kelly Gives Dinesh D'Souza The Friendliest Of Post-Guilty Plea Interviews

If this isn't a case of RW media owership trying to spin an obvious story into something it's not I don't what is.

Megyn Kelly Gives Dinesh D'Souza The Friendliest Of Post-Guilty Plea Interviews

I've never seen a better case of A$$kissing such as Megyn Kelly performed last night, she gently held his right cheek, then his left cheek, puckered up, and went in for the gusto!

Megyn Kelly seems to be sinking to deeper and deeper depths of sleazy journalism.



Actually she's doing exactly what Foxnews is paying her to do, so at least in that sense she's doing a great job.
If this isn't a case of RW media owership trying to spin an obvious story into something it's not I don't what is.

Megyn Kelly Gives Dinesh D'Souza The Friendliest Of Post-Guilty Plea Interviews

I've never seen a better case of A$$kissing such as Megyn Kelly performed last night, she gently held his right cheek, then his left cheek, puckered up, and went in for the gusto!

Megyn Kelly seems to be sinking to deeper and deeper depths of sleazy journalism.



Actually she's doing exactly what Foxnews is paying her to do, so at least in that sense she's doing a great job.
Has Obama been charged and pleaded GUILTY to a crime?

Right...I didn't think so.



1. He made sure his records were blocked before he ran for office.

2. No, he will not admit that the ACA is unconstitutional and pushing partisan agenda is in violation of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service. Clearly the bill was passed with a well-established bias based on beliefs for and against it along party lines.

So Obama is guilty of putting party before govt duty to represent the public equally without "discrimination by creed" which the ACA clearly does, and which opponents whose beliefs are violated by it have clearly voiced publicly, legally and politically.

So he cannot claim "he didn't know" that people's beliefs were violated and excluded.
He does not count those beliefs as valid and protected under law, which is the same as discriminating against people as "unequal."

And no, he will not admit this is wrong, which makes it worse.
It is a dangerous practice to put political position and favor with the media
before the laws of governance that are supposed to be checking govt against abuse.

It is even worse to be in denial about it, to be so biased you cannot even see that you are violating the beliefs of other people -- so how can such a person serve in public office?

Obama was quick to stand up for unconstitutional issues with the Arizona immigration bill, and even delegated resources to pursue those legal claims.

It is purely by political agenda he would not equally push for constitutional corrections to conflicts with the ACA -- given well-established publicly and legally expressed objections on the basis of people's personal beliefs and liberties that were deprived by imposing mandates under penalty. This clearly shows a political bias based on his personal beliefs that are not supposed to influence govt duty, much less executive and legislative decisions.

Clearly a conflict of interest with partisan affiliation and related financial/political support.

I think the main reason this is not acknowledged in public is that the most vocal critics are discredited as partisan also, so the objections are dismissed as "equally political." While the rest of the people who are not just objecting for political reasons are NOT in public office or any official position, so those petitions and protests aren't weighed in either.

People are only looking at this issue as conflicting parties trying to use it as leverage
against each other politically.

In the meantime, people whose beliefs are violated by imposing the mandates by federal govt under penalties that deprive citizens of rights and discriminate against creed,
have no recourse, defense or protections but are stuck while the politicians fight it out.

If we were smart, maybe the members of both parties, who want either Singlepayer or Free Market health care should BAND together and SUE both party leaders and Congress members for imposing unconstitutional mandates, instead of finding ways to fund reform WITHOUT violating civil rights and liberties, costing taxpayers 24 billion shutting down the govt over this conflict; and demand 24 billion in credit to invest in setting up separate health care systems according to the political beliefs of both parties respectively, letting members choose and participate voluntarily.

Both major parties can pay back their members 12 billion each to set up health care systems that represent our values, and quit trying to abuse govt to impose one policy for all when people clearly have different beliefs equally protected by law from discrimination.
It's a question of intent, as Dinesh said.

See, he just accidentally gave large sums to his friends and then told them to contribute the same amount to his candidates. Anyone could have done it. Happens to me all the time.

Anyways conservatives, good luck with the whole "BUT EVERYONE DOES IT!" defense. Given that almost nobody does it, your little act just makes you look even more corrupt.
It's a question of intent, as Dinesh said.

See, he just accidentally gave large sums to his friends and then told them to contribute the same amount to his candidates. Anyone could have done it. Happens to me all the time.

Anyways conservatives, good luck with the whole "BUT EVERYONE DOES IT!" defense. Given that almost nobody does it, your little act just makes you look even more corrupt.

Maaan! I wish I had friends like that who
"accidentally" gave me thousands of dollars!

What party do I sign up for to get this benefit?
It's a question of intent, as Dinesh said.

See, he just accidentally gave large sums to his friends and then told them to contribute the same amount to his candidates. Anyone could have done it. Happens to me all the time.

Anyways conservatives, good luck with the whole "BUT EVERYONE DOES IT!" defense. Given that almost nobody does it, your little act just makes you look even more corrupt.

I'm a pure moderate and political agnostic which means I see both sides as greedy, corrupt, selfish, self serving, etc
Prove your highlighted statement.
Why do any of you watch any of this tripe on TV? Oh yeah, I forgot "ammunition" for the eternal game of partisan politics............ Loosers.
Its old news and it says more about the Obama Regime and their EXTREMELY selective choice in law enforcement

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