Melania goes to holocaust museum


Well, I think there were "Camps" how they died, and how many died could be a subject of debate, however.
. No thought to it, there definitely were camps, and the Holocaust is real. My grandfather was a soldier who entered one of the camps that was liberated. He had pictures of bodies stacked like cord wood. Said the place had a stench he would never forget.
Do these Holocaust museums cover Polish Catholic, Gypsy, Gay, mentally challenged, and mentally disturbed individuals also killed by the Nazis in the German death camps?

I have to admit...

That one made me think...

You have a point.
Do these Holocaust museums cover Polish Catholic, Gypsy, Gay, mentally challenged, and mentally disturbed individuals also killed by the Nazis in the German death camps?
Yad Vashem in Israel does, but I can't speak for the others. This year for the first time Europeans acknowledged that they murdered Gypsies, too, but their deaths have always been mourned in Israel along with the Jewish deaths. Efforts to civilize the Europeans appear to be making a difference.

What Europeans do you speak of?

The camps were by German Nazis, overwhelmingly.

Who runs the camps, now? Do you really think anything is done in these "Museums" without Jewish approval?
Do these Holocaust museums cover Polish Catholic, Gypsy, Gay, mentally challenged, and mentally disturbed individuals also killed by the Nazis in the German death camps?

I have to admit...

That one made me think...

You have a point.
. We're not those people Jewish regardless of the labels he used ??? Hitler had it out for the Jews regardless of any labels attached to them. Right ?
Do these Holocaust museums cover Polish Catholic, Gypsy, Gay, mentally challenged, and mentally disturbed individuals also killed by the Nazis in the German death camps?

I have to admit...

That one made me think...

You have a point.
. We're not those people Jewish regardless of the labels he used ??? Hitler had it out for the Jews regardless of any labels attached to them. Right ?

Neo-Nazis almost all believe that Hitler was fighting the New World Order, and that's why he went after Jews, and Freemasons.

I'm a Polish Fascist, so naturally oppose Neo-Nazis, who are Germanicentric.

However, it's possible that Nazis were fighting the New World Order.

I tend to hold much more questionable views, however, more align with the Jew Henry Makow who's obsessive about the New World Order, who believes Hitler was necessary to bring forward Israel, not only to get immigration moving along, but to bring forward justification for Israel by the UN.

If you follow people like Jewish bankers like the Warburg's financing the Nazis, and doing nothing to halt the Holocaust, or how Jewish Zionists financed Hitler in the Haavara Agreement, or how Prescott Bush financed the Nazis, and raised a Zionist son, and a Zionist grand-son.

Yeah, I really do wonder, WTF?
Good for her.

Its a bit Princess Di but you have to support an abused woman.

You want to talk about an abused woman…

Call crooked hillary clinton, her picture is

beside the word in the dictionary.

bill sluts around on her like a horny tom cat.

She got her ass kicked by the two most unlikely

candidates in history and now half the

Country wants her in jail……….

Princess Di’s ass would have made hillary a Sunday face..

This is one abused "rode hard and put up wet" woman....
Do these Holocaust museums cover Polish Catholic, Gypsy, Gay, mentally challenged, and mentally disturbed individuals also killed by the Nazis in the German death camps?
Yad Vashem in Israel does, but I can't speak for the others. This year for the first time Europeans acknowledged that they murdered Gypsies, too, but their deaths have always been mourned in Israel along with the Jewish deaths. Efforts to civilize the Europeans appear to be making a difference.

What Europeans do you speak of?

The camps were by German Nazis, overwhelmingly.

Who runs the camps, now? Do you really think anything is done in these "Museums" without Jewish approval?
Anti semitism has long been a core value of European culture and the Holocaust was just a full expression of importance of anti semitism to Europeans; it was not just a German anomaly as some try to pass it off. You can put down your copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; there is no Jewish influence over European attempts to distance themselves for the Holocaust.
Good for her.

Its a bit Princess Di but you have to support an abused woman.

You want to talk about an abused woman…

Call crooked hillary clinton, her picture is

beside the word in the dictionary.

bill sluts around on her like a horny tom cat.

She got her ass kicked by the two most unlikely

candidates in history and now half the

Country wants her in jail……….

Princess Di’s ass would have made hillary a Sunday face..

This is one abused "rode hard and put up wet" woman....
No woman has been as abused by the media as much as Malania Trump has. She had to sue one news outlet to make them stop lying.

Ironically, those very same media outlets want her to believe them when they tell lie #563,782 about her husband.
If you follow people like Jewish bankers like the Warburg's financing the Nazis, and doing nothing to halt the Holocaust, or how Jewish Zionists financed Hitler in the Haavara Agreement, or how Prescott Bush financed the Nazis, and raised a Zionist son, and a Zionist grand-son.

Prescott did NOT finance the Nazis. He was a member of the board of directors of the Union Banking Corporation.

Union Banking Corporation [edit]
Bush was a founding member and one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share out of 4,000 as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.[6][7] In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders.[8] A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II.[6] Journalist Duncan Campbell pointed out documents showing that Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder of a number of companies involved with Thyssen.[6]

According to journalist Joe Conason, Prescott Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial, and he was not a Nazi sympathizer.[9] Historian Herbert Parmet agreed with that assessment.[7]

Why are you so desperate?
Just sad. There is no reason for anyone to make light of this. I could get to the Holocaust Museum any time I want to. It's just a metro ride away. But I never could bring myself to do it. No one can apologize for anything that happened before one was even born. But it always seemed to me that you can't go there without feeling that you have to beg for forgiveness from some Great Spirit of the Universe for man's incredible inhumanity to man. Who knows about this Melania, except that she posed nearly nude and then married a promiscuous, but rich, cretin. I don't know what is in her mind. All that I can say is good for her for going.
Do these Holocaust museums cover Polish Catholic, Gypsy, Gay, mentally challenged, and mentally disturbed individuals also killed by the Nazis in the German death camps?

yes they do.....all the victims----and even jews since they were not created by Polacks
Melania seems to be doing a kind of catholic penance-----look at those SHOES!!!!
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I join other members in praising our elegant First Lady's visit to the museum.

She is the prefect role model for all American girls and women. She has class.


What the Nazis did was unspeakable, and -- above all -- it was unbelievable that any nation (especially an advanced culture like Germany's) could ever even think of such a thing.

But it DID happen.

So in my opinion, we should be understanding with the Israelis when they say that they must take all precautions to prevent its reoccurrence.

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