Meltdown: Friend of Clintons Arrested for Threatening President Elect Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
If the parties were reversed, this would be a big story, with lots of chin-pulling about “inflammatory rhetoric."

Florida man charged with threatening to kill President-elect Trump at his inauguration on Twitter was a close family friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

"The man arrested by Miami Beach police Tuesday for allegedly threatening President-elect Donald Trump online is a member of a prominent northeast family close to Bill and Hillary Clinton. He once gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee, has learned. . . . Puopolo reportedly admitted to posting a video to Twitter, saying: ‘This is the 16th of January 2017, I will be at the review/ inauguration and I will kill President Trump, President elect Trump today.'”
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If the situation was reversed, I wouldn't think it was a big deal. I don't think it's a big deal now.
I really don't understand the batshit crazy reactions... I mean I wasn't happy with Obama, but I didn't have a psychotic meltdown over it. We lost, it was over.... move on and let's see what happens.
If the parties were reversed, this would be a big story, with lots of chin-pulling about “inflammatory rhetoric."

Florida man charged with threatening to kill President-elect Trump at his inauguration on Twitter was a close family friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

"The man arrested by Miami Beach police Tuesday for allegedly threatening President-elect Donald Trump online is a member of a prominent northeast family close to Bill and Hillary Clinton. He once gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee, has learned. . . . Puopolo reportedly admitted to posting a video to Twitter, saying: ‘This is the 16th of January 2017, I will be at the review/ inauguration and I will kill President Trump, President elect Trump today.'”

Just more violent scum that should be deported to Cuba or Mexico and have their US Citizenship revoked.
If the parties were reversed, this would be a big story, with lots of chin-pulling about “inflammatory rhetoric."

Florida man charged with threatening to kill President-elect Trump at his inauguration on Twitter was a close family friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

"The man arrested by Miami Beach police Tuesday for allegedly threatening President-elect Donald Trump online is a member of a prominent northeast family close to Bill and Hillary Clinton. He once gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee, has learned. . . . Puopolo reportedly admitted to posting a video to Twitter, saying: ‘This is the 16th of January 2017, I will be at the review/ inauguration and I will kill President Trump, President elect Trump today.'”
He's not their long time butler?
well these people have been acting like trump stole the election. It's what bat shit crazy people who think they own what others own do. So these mental midgets all believed they were deserved of a president hitlery. So they wish to steal it back. they have treated conservatives with such disdain for so many years and we've allowed it, they feel obligated to it. All you have to do is listen to those provoking it like John Lewis, and Podesta and Schumer and all of them. They feel they were victims of the election and we are all criminals.
Another example of how the Liberals have been driven bat-shit crazy over Hillary's loss.
From the Thread 'Blue State Blues: Obama, the god that failed':

"It is common, among partisans on both sides, to believe that a big election win in a particular year guarantees their party will stay in power for a very long time. Where Democrats differ from Republicans, however, is they believe they are entitled to rule." (Not 'represent'!)

"Obama convinced Democrats they would govern for 40 years — and that if they were displaced, it would be by a new party, not today’s GOP. As his policies collapsed, and he lost Congress, he hovered above it all — “sort of God,” a Newsweek editor said."


"But time, and term limits, happened to Obama. He is mortal. He is the 'god' that failed.

And they cannot handle it."
Dem's need to pull their head out of their ass. Their rhetoric on law enforcement resulted in cops being hunted and killed. Do they want to trigger some nut job like this? Assholes!

He paid a $25 million dollar settlement, which according to you conservatives, is admission of guilt. He was also convicted of unfair housing practices in New York and paid a big fine.

His Foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fined by the IRS for making illegal political contributions, and for engaging in politics (illegal for a non-profit), and using a charitable foundation for settling business disputes.

The list goes on and on.
Mental illness strikes even the rich and influential.

Uh-huh, along with pure, unadulterated stupidity.

No nothing can top the pure, unadulterated stupidity of electing a convicted conman and grifter to the office of President of the United States.
LOL, thanks for the practical demonstration of what a complete lack of perspective looks like.

BTW Allow me to be the first to welcome you to Earth where things don't always turn out the way you'd like them to.

"I guess in the end, it doesn’t matter what we wanted. What matters is what we chose to do with the things we had." -- Mira Grant, Deadline

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