Melting Arctic & Greenland Ice Sheets - Forget Computer Models and Science Deniers

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Melting Arctic & Greenland Ice Sheets - Forget Computer Models and Science Deniers

What will people do when all the filed science is in? Will they argue over the supposed political ideology of the researchers? Will they attack the newer models the new data is fed into? Will we have to see with our own eyes our world change in disastrous ways?

Oh it's not gonna be the end of the world, but being penny wise and pound foolish about costs today versus costs tomorrow is stupid, stupid, stupid, and not very smart or wise

On the Greenland Ice Sheet — The midnight sun still gleamed at 1 a.m. across the brilliant expanse of the Greenland ice sheet. Brandon Overstreet, a doctoral candidate in hydrology at the University of Wyoming, picked his way across the frozen landscape, clipped his climbing harness to an anchor in the ice and crept toward the edge of a river that rushed downstream toward an enormous sinkhole.

If he fell in, “the death rate is 100 percent,” said Mr. Overstreet’s friend and fellow researcher, Lincoln Pitcher.

But Mr. Overstreet’s task, to collect critical data from the river, is essential to understanding one of the most consequential impacts of global warming. The scientific data he and a team of six other researchers collect here could yield groundbreaking information on the rate at which the melting of Greenland ice sheet, one of the biggest and fastest-melting chunks of ice on Earth, will drive up sea levels in the coming decades. The full melting of Greenland’s ice sheet could increase sea levels by about 20 feet.

“We scientists love to sit at our computers and use climate models to make those predictions,” said Laurence C. Smith, head of the geography department at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the leader of the team that worked in Greenland this summer. “But to really know what’s happening, that kind of understanding can only come about through empirical measurements in the field.”​
So you admit that not all the "filed" science is in? :dunno:

While that's coming in, and the jury is still out... let's spend hundreds of trillions of dollars, destroy entire industries, and de-employ tens of millions worldwide. Because that is precisely what will have to be done in order to theoretically reduce mean global temperatures by... .018 degrees celsius. :lol:

What I think a lot of the climate change people forget is that a lot of us don't deny that the weather changes.

Greenland has seen this before. It has been nice and temperate there, and folks herded sheep. But then things changed, so they left. Maybe the warm temps will bring them back? But the fact of the matter is, not everyone believes that humans cause huge shifts in temperature. Why? Because huge shifts happened before industrialization, why shouldn't they happen afterwords. We are awfully arrogant to think we affect the temperature of things as big as planets to such an extreme degree.
Cold Snap Drove Vikings From Greenland, Study Suggests
Cold Snap Drove Vikings From Greenland, Study Suggests
“The record shows how quickly temperature changed in the region and by how much," study researcher Yongsong Huang, of Brown University, said in a statement. “It is interesting to consider how rapid climate change may have impacted past societies, particularly in light of the rapid changes taking place today.”

They recreated the climate during a span of 5,600 years, through the mid-1300s, using data from lakes near the Norse settlement in western Greenland. The ice cores reflect air temperatures from when the ice was deposited. The researchers determined that the local temperatures plunged several degrees over the span of a few decades, a cold snap called the "Little Ice Age." [Records Melt Away on Greenland Ice Sheet]
So, what this really says, is that the Danes can start recolonizing! :party:
So you admit that not all the "filed" science is in? :dunno:

While that's coming in, and the jury is still out... let's spend hundreds of trillions of dollars, destroy entire industries, and de-employ tens of millions worldwide. Because that is precisely what will have to be done in order to theoretically reduce mean global temperatures by... .018 degrees celsius. :lol:

Field science solidifies or corrects things. But that is not the question. What will you end up denying and why, for what reasons, because you don't like the science?
So you admit that not all the "filed" science is in?.
\While that's coming in, and the jury is still out... let's spend hundreds of trillions of dollars, destroy entire industries, and de-employ tens of millions worldwide. Because that is precisely what will have to be done in order to theoretically reduce mean global temperatures by... .018 degrees celsius..
(Childish Emoiticons deleted)
No one is disputing Greenland is Melting. (there is dispute on the poles)
Greenland alone melting would raise Sea Level 24 feet.
24 feet wipes out USA's East Coast, China's East Coast, UK/London, Alot of USA West Coast, the Mediterranean Coast..
to name just a few.
Unless you advocate forcing everyone in the u.s. and europe to become an organic subsistence farmer, there is nothing we can do that will have any measurable impact on the climate models. Activity in china, india, and Africa will far outweigh any reduction in global CO2 that we might induce. Rather than crippling our domestic coal industry for no rational purpose, we should be using our vast engineering and manufact u ring capacity to develop ountermeasures for rising temperatures and oceans - includington relocating communities in endangered locations to safe ones.

One cannot help but note that ALL of the AGW alarmists are political Leftists who coincidentally abhor industrial development and look to Government for every "solution" in life.
Unless you advocate forcing everyone in the u.s. and europe to become an organic subsistence farmer, there is nothing we can do that will have any measurable impact on the climate models. Activity in china, india, and Africa will far outweigh any reduction in global CO2 that we might induce. Rather than crippling our domestic coal industry for no rational purpose, we should be using our vast engineering and manufact u ring capacity to develop ountermeasures for rising temperatures and oceans - includington relocating communities in endangered locations to safe ones.

One cannot help but note that ALL of the AGW alarmists are political Leftists who coincidentally abhor industrial development and look to Government for every "solution" in life.
Their fixes won't work. It's pretty well known when you get beyond the politics.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work
You didn't read the article. Either that, or you were too stupid to understand it. 2011 information and projections were ludicrously wrong. I'm not addressing "Standard fixes" to reduce CO2 emissions; I assume they will continue to rise. I'm suggesting that we address the actual developments through engineering, as they occur.

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