'Member when Obama leaked his opponent's sealed divorce papers to win Senate seat?

I 'member

Leaking to destroy his political opponent is BHOs signature move.

A Refresher on Obama's Senate Race

Obama won the Democratic Party senatorial primary after one of the leading candidates imploded in a mess of divorce papers strategically leaked

Taping Trump, and leaking that it was being done is classic Obama election strategy

Thank you for the reminder. Obabble was begat in a corrupt swamp.
I 'member

Leaking to destroy his political opponent is BHOs signature move.

A Refresher on Obama's Senate Race

Obama won the Democratic Party senatorial primary after one of the leading candidates imploded in a mess of divorce papers strategically leaked

Taping Trump, and leaking that it was being done is classic Obama election strategy


What a pile of bull.

Look everybody -- what the OP snipped:

Obama won the Democratic Party senatorial primary after one of the leading candidates imploded in a mess of divorce papers strategically leaked by his ex-wife.


Nope....he got a democrat judge to open up the divorce papers....private information forced open by a democrat judge...
Thank you for the reminder. Obabble was begat in a corrupt swamp.

so, yes, I got a black eye ITT

I still think Obama is underhanded & corrupt (but then, I think most pols are on both sides)

the article I linked did not prove my point & I was lazy by copying someone else on another forum

so, there you have it :banghead:
Morons....a democrat judge forced sealed divorce papers into the public to attack the Republican...

Court sets release of Ryan's divorce file

Dealing a blow to the U.S. Senate candidacy of Republican Jack Ryan, a California judge ruled that several sealed divorce records likely to embarrass the candidate and his ex-wife should be opened to the public.


But Schnider said he had weighed the public interest of disclosure against the private interests of the Ryans and their child. "In the end," Schnider found, "the balance tips slightly to the public.


He acknowledged that in approving the release of the documents, "the nature of publicity generated will become known to the child and have a deleterious effect on the child."
You purposefully cut that line off, mid sentence. That is POS behaivor.

u mad baw?

someone in Obama's circle leaks damaging info on his opponent

he has deniability, but still greatly benefits

wash, rinse, repeat
Nope...Jerry Ryan did. You are a liar.
Attorneys for the Tribune and WLS-Ch. 7 sought release of the records, but the Ryans had fought disclosure because they said it could harm their son. The Ryans decided not to appeal Schnider's ruling. Ryan file a bombshell
Who is the liar
“Those records were under seal, but as The New York Times noted: “The Tribune reporter who wrote the original piece later acknowledged in print that the Obama camp had ‘worked aggressively behind the scenes’ to push the story.” Many people said Axelrod had “an even more significant role — that he leaked the initial story.”

can you link something to affirm this?
It's an Ann Coulter opinion piece.
Debunked long, long ago. Like much of the bile she spews.
“Those records were under seal, but as The New York Times noted: “The Tribune reporter who wrote the original piece later acknowledged in print that the Obama camp had ‘worked aggressively behind the scenes’ to push the story.” Many people said Axelrod had “an even more significant role — that he leaked the initial story.”

can you link something to affirm this?
It's an Ann Coulter opinion piece.
Debunked long, long ago. Like much of the bile she spews.

Moron...it is from the Chicago Tribune......
Thank you for the reminder. Obabble was begat in a corrupt swamp.

so, yes, I got a black eye ITT

I still think Obama is underhanded & corrupt (but then, I think most pols are on both sides)

the article I linked did not prove my point & I was lazy by copying someone else on another forum

so, there you have it :banghead:

Here you go, from the NYT:

Axelrod is known for operating in this gray area, part idealist, part hired muscle. It is difficult to discuss Axelrod in certain circles in Chicago without the matter of the Blair Hull divorce papers coming up. As the 2004 Senate primary neared, it was clear that it was a contest between two people: the millionaire liberal, Hull, who was leading in the polls, and Obama, who had built an impressive grass-roots campaign. About a month before the vote, The Chicago Tribune revealed, near the bottom of a long profile of Hull, that during a divorce proceeding, Hull’s second wife filed for an order of protection. In the following few days, the matter erupted into a full-fledged scandal that ended up destroying the Hull campaign and handing Obama an easy primary victory. The Tribune reporter who wrote the original piece later acknowledged in print that the Obama camp had “worked aggressively behind the scenes” to push the story. But there are those in Chicago who believe that Axelrod had an even more significant role — that he leaked the initial story. They note that before signing on with Obama, Axelrod interviewed with Hull. They also point out that Obama’s TV ad campaign started at almost the same time. Axelrod swears up and down that “we had nothing to do with it” and that the campaign’s television ad schedule was long planned. “An aura grows up around you, and people assume everything emanates from you,” he told me.

Barack Obama - David Axelrod - Obama's Narrator - Ben Wallace-Wells
I 'member

Leaking to destroy his political opponent is BHOs signature move.

A Refresher on Obama's Senate Race

Obama won the Democratic Party senatorial primary after one of the leading candidates imploded in a mess of divorce papers strategically leaked

Taping Trump, and leaking that it was being done is classic Obama election strategy


What a pile of bull.

Look everybody -- what the OP snipped:

Obama won the Democratic Party senatorial primary after one of the leading candidates imploded in a mess of divorce papers strategically leaked by his ex-wife.


What the OP said was true but the link he provided (CBS News) was not accurate. The story about the messy divorce was first leaked to the newspapers and it wasn't by the parties to the divorce. Here's what really happened:

“Let’s take a romp down memory lane and review the typical Obama campaign strategy. Obama became a U.S. senator only by virtue of David Axelrod’s former employer, the Chicago Tribune, ripping open the sealed divorce records of Obama’s two principal opponents.

“One month before the 2004 Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate, Obama was down in the polls, about to lose to Blair Hull, a multimillionaire securities trader. But then the Chicago Tribune leaked the claim that Hull’s second ex-wife, Brenda Sexton, had sought an order of protection against him during their 1998 divorce proceedings.

“Those records were under seal, but as The New York Times noted: “The Tribune reporter who wrote the original piece later acknowledged in print that the Obama camp had ‘worked aggressively behind the scenes’ to push the story.” Many people said Axelrod had “an even more significant role — that he leaked the initial story.”

“Both Hull and his ex-wife opposed releasing their sealed divorce records, but they finally relented in response to the media’s hysteria — 18 days before the primary. Hull was forced to spend four minutes of a debate detailing the abuse allegation in his divorce papers, explaining that his ex-wife “kicked me in the leg and I hit her shin to try to get her to not continue to kick me.”

There are many other links, but this one pretty much tells you what really happened.


After all this, the thread basically null and voided, with the OP owning up, screwloose professor pops in with an Ann Coulter riff of raff crap. Without naming his source.


I read about this story as it was developing and it is simply not true that the wife was the one who “leaked” the story. No one knows for sure who did but many suspect that it was Obama's man Axelrod.

“Many in Chicago still remember Obama's 2004 senate primary race, where Axelrod's man trailed millionaire Blair Hull, until the Chicago papers reported that Hull's ex-wife had filed a protection order during their divorce.

“Obama's team certainly pushed the story. Axelrod has always denied that it originated with him. Not everyone who was there believes him.”

David Axelrod: Can the 'Axe' cut it as Barack Obama bids for US election victory?

PS: Ann Coulter is one of the most credible sources when it comes to simply reporting the news. You may not like her analysis of the news, but you cannot dispute the accuracy of her reports. I would certainly place more trust in her than any of the left-wing talking-heads in the MSM. I've read her books and I know the quality of her research.

You can have the last word. I am done with this thread.

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