Memorializing Obama

You're just upset that he was a pretty damn good president when it's all said and done.

A total an unmitigated failure as a President, and an invidious back-stabbing snake as a human being.

I certainly invite you to either prove otherwise, or to admit you are simply trying to hide your embarrassment for supporting such a low-life.

Prove otherwise? How about you prove YOUR accusations.
You would still believe Bubba, if not for the stained blue dress. That should tell you something, but it won't.

Do you think that dress will be in the Smithsonian some day?

Was Monica Lewinsky raped?
The most enduring aspect of President Obama's legacy?

Conservatives have raised hyperbole to new, dizzying heights! According to those mouth breathers, President Obama DESTROYED everything he touched. Like King Midas in reverse, if you ask today's un-nuanced Conservative, Obama turned the skies to poison and the sea to fire.

This was the man you're side claimed was God.

Now the best you can do is claim that criticism is hyperbolic.

I certainly invite you to either prove otherwise, or to admit you are simply trying to hide your embarrassment for supporting such a low-life.
See! Hyperbole!

This was the man you're side claimed was God.

Dear Lord but you're predictable.

1. So....give the opportunity to prove other than as I posted about the dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be, you punted.
The only conclusion possible it always...I am 100% correct and accurate...and you, the very opposite

2. "This was the man you're side claimed was God."
You must mean this:

a. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

b. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."
"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

You dopes aren't saying that anymore, are you.

The only hope for you is seppuku.
Don't put it off.

You're criticizing me for not refuting your hyperbole?

Shouldn't you be more careful waddling around out in that ledge?

then go for it, disprove the points in the OP.
It's the responsibility of the OP to present her, well, let's call it an 'argument', that the President of the United States of America is, in fact, a "dirt-eating, low-life cyrpto Islamist.

Pushing back against irrational hyperbole is like sweeping a rising tide from the beach. If you're amenable to that level of rhetoric, I suggest rational arguments aren't your cup of tea.
The most enduring aspect of President Obama's legacy?

Conservatives have raised hyperbole to new, dizzying heights! According to those mouth breathers, President Obama DESTROYED everything he touched. Like King Midas in reverse, if you ask today's un-nuanced Conservative, Obama turned the skies to poison and the sea to fire.

This was the man you're side claimed was God.

Now the best you can do is claim that criticism is hyperbolic.

I certainly invite you to either prove otherwise, or to admit you are simply trying to hide your embarrassment for supporting such a low-life.
See! Hyperbole!

This was the man you're side claimed was God.

Dear Lord but you're predictable.

1. So....give the opportunity to prove other than as I posted about the dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be, you punted.
The only conclusion possible it always...I am 100% correct and accurate...and you, the very opposite

2. "This was the man you're side claimed was God."
You must mean this:

a. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

b. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."
"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

You dopes aren't saying that anymore, are you.

The only hope for you is seppuku.
Don't put it off.

You're criticizing me for not refuting your hyperbole?

Shouldn't you be more careful waddling around out in that ledge?

"You're criticizing me for not refuting your hyperbole?"

Which of this is my hyperbole???

a. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

b. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."
"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas
And here I thought you disdained the media for being dishonest.

Now you're clinging to their message as the basis of your 'argument'.
This was the man you're side claimed was God.

Now the best you can do is claim that criticism is hyperbolic.

I certainly invite you to either prove otherwise, or to admit you are simply trying to hide your embarrassment for supporting such a low-life.
See! Hyperbole!

This was the man you're side claimed was God.

Dear Lord but you're predictable.

1. So....give the opportunity to prove other than as I posted about the dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be, you punted.
The only conclusion possible it always...I am 100% correct and accurate...and you, the very opposite

2. "This was the man you're side claimed was God."
You must mean this:

a. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

b. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."
"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

You dopes aren't saying that anymore, are you.

The only hope for you is seppuku.
Don't put it off.

You're criticizing me for not refuting your hyperbole?

Shouldn't you be more careful waddling around out in that ledge?

"You're criticizing me for not refuting your hyperbole?"

Which of this is my hyperbole???

a. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

b. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."
"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas
And here I thought you disdained the media for being dishonest.

Now you're clinging to their message as the basis of your 'argument'.

I stated that your side claimed Obama was God.

And I proved it.

And you responded with the air.

1. Remember the run-up to the election, when Liberals made every comparison between Obama and God???

a. The White House released a photo of Obama with a halo around his head:
Photostream: Business and Pleasure in August | The White House
Crowned! Romney Gets the Obama ?Halo? Treatment in New Pics |

b. . "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."

"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

c. Spike Lee said President Barack Obama is "not perfect," but that expectations for his first term"were way too high."
“He was a savior, black Jesus,” the actor-director told CNN's Don Lemon in an interview airing in its entirety Saturday. “Look, I don't care who it was. Expectations were way too high.”
Spike Lee: Barack Obama is 'not perfect' -

d. "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
-- Barack Obama

e. "Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
-- Ezra Klein

The rational folks just shook their heads.....or laughed at the insanity of Liberals.

And even Liberals no longer make that kind of allusion today.....


The bus from the loony hatch just got here!
And here comes more Obama-nee-Jesus:

2. "MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who said during the 2008 presidential campaign that Democrat candidate Barack Obama gave him a “thrill up his leg,” is at it again,
this time using biblical language to describe President Obama coming to the MSNBC studios to do an interview with him.

3.Matthews gleefully told his reporter colleagues after the interview: ‘He came amongst us.

4. Corn said he “saw a president who remains frustrated with the political media culture that he has to work within and that he’s looking to rally people, students, reporters, people within the media.”

“David Corn, you skeptic, he came to us today. He came amongst us,” Matthews replied.

5. Columnist Mary Katharine Ham got right to the point of Matthews’ reaction to Obama.

“And, lo, the president came upon them, and the glory of the president shone round about them: and they were sore afraid,” she wrote, satirizing on the story of the birth of Jesus in the New Testament.

6. Messianic references to Obama seem to be multiplying of late. It was just days ago when WND reported a new lesson plan for American school students, offered on an open marketplace for educators, was suggesting such a reference. Chris Matthews: ?Obama came amongst us?

And he turned into a lying fraud with an unbroken record of failure in both domestic and foreign policy.

You guys must feel like total imbeciles, huh?
This was the man you're side claimed was God.

Now the best you can do is claim that criticism is hyperbolic.

I certainly invite you to either prove otherwise, or to admit you are simply trying to hide your embarrassment for supporting such a low-life.
See! Hyperbole!

This was the man you're side claimed was God.

Dear Lord but you're predictable.

1. So....give the opportunity to prove other than as I posted about the dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be, you punted.
The only conclusion possible it always...I am 100% correct and accurate...and you, the very opposite

2. "This was the man you're side claimed was God."
You must mean this:

a. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

b. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."
"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

You dopes aren't saying that anymore, are you.

The only hope for you is seppuku.
Don't put it off.

You're criticizing me for not refuting your hyperbole?

Shouldn't you be more careful waddling around out in that ledge?

then go for it, disprove the points in the OP.
It's the responsibility of the OP to present her, well, let's call it an 'argument', that the President of the United States of America is, in fact, a "dirt-eating, low-life cyrpto Islamist.

Pushing back against irrational hyperbole is like sweeping a rising tide from the beach. If you're amenable to that level of rhetoric, I suggest rational arguments aren't your cup of tea.

As I never use vulgarity....this is a pretty accurate description of the one your side called 'god'...

"dirt-eating, low-life cyrpto Islamist."

You're just upset that he was a pretty damn good president when it's all said and done.

I offered this...
I certainly invite you to either prove otherwise, or to admit you are simply trying to hide your embarrassment for supporting such a low-life.

I see you've declined the invitation.

We both know what that means.
The most enduring aspect of President Obama's legacy?

Conservatives have raised hyperbole to new, dizzying heights! According to those mouth breathers, President Obama DESTROYED everything he touched. Like King Midas in reverse, if you ask today's un-nuanced Conservative, Obama turned the skies to poison and the sea to fire.

I offered this...
I certainly invite you to either prove otherwise, or to admit you are simply trying to hide your embarrassment for supporting such a low-life.
The OP offers lots of grist for your mill.....

I see you've declined the invitation.

We both know what that means.
And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -
And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -
And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -

Tons of lies, you mean. It's a waste of time to reply to a pathological like yourself. Might as well be replying to a door knob.
You're just
upset that he was a pretty damn good president when it's all said and done.

Only if you wear it.

A total an unmitigated failure as a President, and an invidious back-stabbing snake as a human being.

I certainly invite you to either prove otherwise, or to admit you are simply trying to hide your embarrassment for supporting such a low-life.

Prove otherwise? How about you prove YOUR accusations.
You would still believe Bubba, if not for the stained blue dress. That should tell you something, but it won't.

Do you think that dress will be in the Smithsonian some day?
And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -
And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -

Tons of lies, you mean. It's a waste of time to reply to a pathological like yourself. Might as well be replying to a door knob.

"Tons of lies, you mean. It's a waste of time to reply...."

Look up the word 'diaphanous'....

It explains your post.
And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -
And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -

Tons of lies, you mean. It's a waste of time to reply to a pathological like yourself. Might as well be replying to a door knob.

"Tons of lies, you mean. It's a waste of time to reply...."

Look up the word 'diaphanous'....

It explains your post.

How so? Explain, pleease. I take it to mean I can see through things.

The word that describes you is sophist.
You sond ingenue and solicitous.

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