Memorials, Hoodies, & Peckers


Sep 23, 2010
Just so I’m not misunderstood in this thread. Instead of removing a “contentious phrase” from the Martin Luther King Memorial remove the whole damned thing. Leaving it there brings the country one step closer to combing religion and government. That, in itself, is a violation of the First Amendment. Don’t expect members of Congress to remove it. They are all philosophically closer to theocratic government than they will ever be to the American people.


WASHINGTON — The Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin finished removing a contentious phrase on the memorial for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington at the end of the month.

Sculptor Removes Phrase From Memorial to King
Critics of the memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said a phrase carved into the statue misrepresented his statement.
Published: August 1, 2013

The monument turns King into an Oriental-looking white guy; so screw the black racists who are sure to crawl out from under their rocks over my comments. A CHINESE GUY DID IT!

The MLK Memorial is a national disgrace as is the federal holiday honoring King’s birth. Congress gave the country that one, too. Ronald Reagan opposed it but signed it in the face of a veto-proof majority in Congress. The problem then, and now, is that King was a street hustling preacher not much different than the rest of them except that he made the big time.

It’s no wonder Barack Taqiyya looks up to King. Preacher Taqiyya got to be president using some of King’s methods. Happily, few Americans bought his pathetic moralizing the way so many were fooled by King. Had King lived, I’m sure he never would have been able to sustain the image he cultivated. Throughout America’s history many Americans had no use for bible-thumping preachers, yet for some unknown reason the King spin machine got away with selling MLK as being different than bible-thumping race hustlers like Father Divine, Aimee Semple McPherson, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright.

The trouble with King is that he was a Christian preacher. Socialists/Communists and limousine liberals hate Christians; so why do they piss their pants at the mention of King’s name? Some actually have an organism whenever they hear the phrase “I have a dream.” Could it be racism? Put it in perspective this way:

Imagine how the Left would react if a holiday was named after Billy Graham or foreign-born Mother Cabrini; two Christians who did a lot more for this country than King ever did.

Bottom line: Nobody, black or white, whose only claim to fame is moralizing should be honored with tax dollar expenditures. If King’s admirers in the private sector want to worship him let them do so out of their own pockets —— AND NOT ON PUBLIC LAND.

NOTE: President Eisenhower’s proposed memorial is a design-disgrace; doubly so because it is not going to be on the National Mall:

It will occupy a four-acre site just off the Mall and within sight of the Capitol.

If no one told me it is a memorial to Eisenhower, I never would have guessed it from these photos:



Putting Eisenhower’s name to a piece of nothing and calling it a memorial is nice work if you can get it. Dare I say this one is about money. The Gehry monstrosity:

. . . will cost US taxpayers more than $100 million, so, while acting as our aesthetic tutors, our avant-guardians also feast off our taxes.

A Monstrosity, Not a Monument
By Tom Bethell from the December/January issue

The American Spectator : A Monstrosity, Not a Monument

Ike’s memorial is scheduled to open in 2017 if the opposition, including the Eisenhower family, can’t stop it.

Where was the ACLU when King’s Memorial was put on the National Mall? Liberals, usually led by the ACLU, scream bloody murder every time they find a Christian symbol in a government building, or on public land. King’s monument is the latter; so where is the Left’s outrage?

Even if King’s monument is dedicated to him as an individual rather than to his religion it does not belong on public land. Honoring individuals on public land should be restricted to individuals who contributed to all Americans. Before King, presidents and veterans were honored with a spot on the National Mall; so one would think members of Congress would want to stick with the tradition. King did not qualify. He was a dirty little moralist whose racist message was not as obvious as is Jeremiah Wright’s; nevertheless, it was racism wrapped in pretty words much like Barack Taqiyya’s campaign rhetoric.

Incidentally, Smithsonian Museums are located on the National Mall. I read a headline that said the Smithsonian will display Trayvon Martin’s hoodie. In the interest of fair and balanced, I suggest the knife Lorena Bobbitt used to cut off John’s pecker’s also be displayed. I would suggest the pecker itself, but I don’t think it is available.

Being a news story appears to be the Smithsonian’s only criterion. Bobbitt’s little blow for feminism was of national interest, while every television network turned the Zimmerman case into a national story. Had the networks not given the entire case so much coverage, it would have remained local news. I doubt if the Smithsonian would display any item reported in a local story.


Nine out of ten stories about MLK refer to him as one of America’s greatest leaders. MLK was not a national leader by any stretch of the imagination. Leader implies he led the nation. He might have been a spiritual leader to some, but he was still an opportunistic street hustling preach to a substantial number of Americans. I suppose that will be forgotten in the fullness of time.

No preacher, or spiritual leader if you prefer, belongs on the National Mall because not a one of them leads everybody. Hell, King did not lead anywhere near a majority of Americans.

The only possible good that can come out of keeping King’s Memorial on the National Mall is that future visitors might compare him to the others who are honored there. Once the comparison is made the obvious question will be “What the hell did this guy ever do?”

Hypocrisy reigns supreme

Barack Taqiyya slobbered all over MLK’s memorial, but he objected to a prayer at the WWII Memorial —— a prayer by FDR no less!

“It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation’s distinguished World War II veterans,” Johnson said. “President Roosevelt’s prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression.”

Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial

Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I guess Barack Taqiyya only respects race hustlers like MLK and hate mongers like Jeremiah Wright.

Let me close by saying “I have a dream.” Call in the Army Corps of Engineers and dynamite that memorial out of existence.
Last edited:
Just so I’m not misunderstood in this thread. Instead of removing a “contentious phrase” from the Martin Luther King Memorial remove the whole damned thing. Leaving it there brings the country one step closer to combing religion and government. That, in itself, is a violation of the First Amendment. Don’t expect members of Congress to remove it. They are all philosophically closer to theocratic government than they will ever be to the American people.


WASHINGTON — The Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin finished removing a contentious phrase on the memorial for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington at the end of the month.

Sculptor Removes Phrase From Memorial to King
Critics of the memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said a phrase carved into the statue misrepresented his statement.
Published: August 1, 2013

The monument turns King into an Oriental-looking white guy; so screw the black racists who are sure to crawl out from under their rocks over my comments. A CHINESE GUY DID IT!

The MLK Memorial is a national disgrace as is the federal holiday honoring King’s birth. Congress gave the country that one, too. Ronald Reagan opposed it but signed it in the face of a veto-proof majority in Congress. The problem then, and now, is that King was a street hustling preacher not much different than the rest of them except that he made the big time.

It’s no wonder Barack Taqiyya looks up to King. Preacher Taqiyya got to be president using some of King’s methods. Happily, few Americans bought his pathetic moralizing the way so many were fooled by King. Had King lived, I’m sure he never would have been able to sustain the image he cultivated. Throughout America’s history many Americans had no use for bible-thumping preachers, yet for some unknown reason the King spin machine got away with selling MLK as being different than bible-thumping race hustlers like Father Divine, Aimee Semple McPherson, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright.

The trouble with King is that he was a Christian preacher. Socialists/Communists and limousine liberals hate Christians; so why do they piss their pants at the mention of King’s name? Some actually have an organism whenever they hear the phrase “I have a dream.” Could it be racism? Put it in perspective this way:

Imagine how the Left would react if a holiday was named after Billy Graham or foreign-born Mother Cabrini; two Christians who did a lot more for this country than King ever did.

Bottom line: Nobody, black or white, whose only claim to fame is moralizing should be honored with tax dollar expenditures. If King’s admirers in the private sector want to worship him let them do so out of their own pockets —— AND NOT ON PUBLIC LAND.

NOTE: President Eisenhower’s proposed memorial is a design-disgrace; doubly so because it is not going to be on the National Mall:

It will occupy a four-acre site just off the Mall and within sight of the Capitol.

If no one told me it is a memorial to Eisenhower, I never would have guessed it from these photos:



Putting Eisenhower’s name to a piece of nothing and calling it a memorial is nice work if you can get it. Dare I say this one is about money. The Gehry monstrosity:

. . . will cost US taxpayers more than $100 million, so, while acting as our aesthetic tutors, our avant-guardians also feast off our taxes.

A Monstrosity, Not a Monument
By Tom Bethell from the December/January issue

The American Spectator : A Monstrosity, Not a Monument

Ike’s memorial is scheduled to open in 2017 if the opposition, including the Eisenhower family, can’t stop it.

Where was the ACLU when King’s Memorial was put on the National Mall? Liberals, usually led by the ACLU, scream bloody murder every time they find a Christian symbol in a government building, or on public land. King’s monument is the latter; so where is the Left’s outrage?

Even if King’s monument is dedicated to him as an individual rather than to his religion it does not belong on public land. Honoring individuals on public land should be restricted to individuals who contributed to all Americans. Before King, presidents and veterans were honored with a spot on the National Mall; so one would think members of Congress would want to stick with the tradition. King did not qualify. He was a dirty little moralist whose racist message was not as obvious as is Jeremiah Wright’s; nevertheless, it was racism wrapped in pretty words much like Barack Taqiyya’s campaign rhetoric.

Incidentally, Smithsonian Museums are located on the National Mall. I read a headline that said the Smithsonian will display Trayvon Martin’s hoodie. In the interest of fair and balanced, I suggest the knife Lorena Bobbitt used to cut off John’s pecker’s also be displayed. I would suggest the pecker itself, but I don’t think it is available.

Being a news story appears to the Smithsonian’s only criterion. Bobbitt’s little blow for feminism was of national interest, while every television network turned the Zimmerman case into a national story. Had the networks not given the entire case so much coverage, it would have remained local news. I doubt if the Smithsonian would display any item reported in a local story.


Nine out of ten stories about MLK refer to him as one of America’s greatest leaders. MLK was not a national leader by any stretch of the imagination. Leader implies he led the nation. He might have been a spiritual leader to some, but he was still an opportunistic street hustling preach to a substantial number of Americans. I suppose that will be forgotten in the fullness of time.

No preacher, or spiritual leader if you prefer, belongs on the National Mall because not a one of them leads everybody. Hell, King did not lead anywhere near a majority of Americans.

The only possible good that can come out of keeping King’s Memorial on the National Mall is that future visitors might compare him to the others who are honored there. Once the comparison is made the obvious question will be “What the hell did this guy ever do?”

Hypocrisy reigns supreme

Barack Taqiyya slobbered all over MLK’s memorial, but he objected to a prayer at the WWII Memorial —— a prayer by FDR no less!

“It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation’s distinguished World War II veterans,” Johnson said. “President Roosevelt’s prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression.”

Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial

Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I guess Barack Taqiyya only respects race hustlers like MLK and hate mongers like Jeremiah Wright.

Let me close by saying “I have a dream.” Call in the Army Corps of Engineers and dynamite that memorial out of existence.

First of all, I think far too much money was spent on MLK's memorial, but that is not because I do not respect MLK as one of my prime inspirations. That is because a sculpted block of stone should never cost tens of millions of dollars, at least not in this economic climate. I'm not sure what all the money went towards, but it seemed excessive to me.

Second, I would understand your concern if this was a memorial for, say, Malcolm X, as he was much more militant and radical than MLK. Malcolm wanted change "by any means necessary", including rioting and violence, while MLK preached non-violent protest.

In terms of this memorial turning our government into a theocracy, that's ridiculous. How many memorials in D.C. honor religious people? Not preachers perhaps, but deeply religious former American leaders nonetheless. I see little difference, at least not one that matters. If MLK's worst crime was that he was a Christian preacher, then let the memorial stand.

MLK may not have been a leader to all Americans, but he was a leader to all those who felt violence was never a way to solve a problem. My favorite quote of his is actually on my wall, saying : "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

Even if you do disagree with the man and the establishment of the memorial, your hateful rhetoric is, once again, completely unproductive to the discussion. MLK, though he should not be the only one to get credit for the Civil Rights movement, was a symbol of the struggle and certainly deserves to be honored as such. As does Thurgood Marshall, and even Malcolm X, who eventually came to renounce much of his more hateful speech after leaving the Nation of Islam.

How about we take Columbus day off the calendar, and leave MLK day right where it is. Columbus was some clueless European prick that thought he was in India. MLK was, and is, an inspiration to millions to this very day.
Just so I’m not misunderstood in this thread. Instead of removing a “contentious phrase” from the Martin Luther King Memorial remove the whole damned thing. Leaving it there brings the country one step closer to combing religion and government. That, in itself, is a violation of the First Amendment. Don’t expect members of Congress to remove it. They are all philosophically closer to theocratic government than they will ever be to the American people.


WASHINGTON — The Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin finished removing a contentious phrase on the memorial for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington at the end of the month.

Sculptor Removes Phrase From Memorial to King
Critics of the memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said a phrase carved into the statue misrepresented his statement.
Published: August 1, 2013

The monument turns King into an Oriental-looking white guy; so screw the black racists who are sure to crawl out from under their rocks over my comments. A CHINESE GUY DID IT!

The MLK Memorial is a national disgrace as is the federal holiday honoring King’s birth. Congress gave the country that one, too. Ronald Reagan opposed it but signed it in the face of a veto-proof majority in Congress. The problem then, and now, is that King was a street hustling preacher not much different than the rest of them except that he made the big time.

It’s no wonder Barack Taqiyya looks up to King. Preacher Taqiyya got to be president using some of King’s methods. Happily, few Americans bought his pathetic moralizing the way so many were fooled by King. Had King lived, I’m sure he never would have been able to sustain the image he cultivated. Throughout America’s history many Americans had no use for bible-thumping preachers, yet for some unknown reason the King spin machine got away with selling MLK as being different than bible-thumping race hustlers like Father Divine, Aimee Semple McPherson, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright.

The trouble with King is that he was a Christian preacher. Socialists/Communists and limousine liberals hate Christians; so why do they piss their pants at the mention of King’s name? Some actually have an organism whenever they hear the phrase “I have a dream.” Could it be racism? Put it in perspective this way:

Imagine how the Left would react if a holiday was named after Billy Graham or foreign-born Mother Cabrini; two Christians who did a lot more for this country than King ever did.

Bottom line: Nobody, black or white, whose only claim to fame is moralizing should be honored with tax dollar expenditures. If King’s admirers in the private sector want to worship him let them do so out of their own pockets —— AND NOT ON PUBLIC LAND.

NOTE: President Eisenhower’s proposed memorial is a design-disgrace; doubly so because it is not going to be on the National Mall:

If no one told me it is a memorial to Eisenhower, I never would have guessed it from these photos:



Putting Eisenhower’s name to a piece of nothing and calling it a memorial is nice work if you can get it. Dare I say this one is about money. The Gehry monstrosity:

Ike’s memorial is scheduled to open in 2017 if the opposition, including the Eisenhower family, can’t stop it.

Where was the ACLU when King’s Memorial was put on the National Mall? Liberals, usually led by the ACLU, scream bloody murder every time they find a Christian symbol in a government building, or on public land. King’s monument is the latter; so where is the Left’s outrage?

Even if King’s monument is dedicated to him as an individual rather than to his religion it does not belong on public land. Honoring individuals on public land should be restricted to individuals who contributed to all Americans. Before King, presidents and veterans were honored with a spot on the National Mall; so one would think members of Congress would want to stick with the tradition. King did not qualify. He was a dirty little moralist whose racist message was not as obvious as is Jeremiah Wright’s; nevertheless, it was racism wrapped in pretty words much like Barack Taqiyya’s campaign rhetoric.

Incidentally, Smithsonian Museums are located on the National Mall. I read a headline that said the Smithsonian will display Trayvon Martin’s hoodie. In the interest of fair and balanced, I suggest the knife Lorena Bobbitt used to cut off John’s pecker’s also be displayed. I would suggest the pecker itself, but I don’t think it is available.

Being a news story appears to the Smithsonian’s only criterion. Bobbitt’s little blow for feminism was of national interest, while every television network turned the Zimmerman case into a national story. Had the networks not given the entire case so much coverage, it would have remained local news. I doubt if the Smithsonian would display any item reported in a local story.


Nine out of ten stories about MLK refer to him as one of America’s greatest leaders. MLK was not a national leader by any stretch of the imagination. Leader implies he led the nation. He might have been a spiritual leader to some, but he was still an opportunistic street hustling preach to a substantial number of Americans. I suppose that will be forgotten in the fullness of time.

No preacher, or spiritual leader if you prefer, belongs on the National Mall because not a one of them leads everybody. Hell, King did not lead anywhere near a majority of Americans.

The only possible good that can come out of keeping King’s Memorial on the National Mall is that future visitors might compare him to the others who are honored there. Once the comparison is made the obvious question will be “What the hell did this guy ever do?”

Hypocrisy reigns supreme

Barack Taqiyya slobbered all over MLK’s memorial, but he objected to a prayer at the WWII Memorial —— a prayer by FDR no less!

“It is unconscionable that the Obama administration would stand in the way of honoring our nation’s distinguished World War II veterans,” Johnson said. “President Roosevelt’s prayer gave solace, comfort and strength to our nation and our brave warriors as we fought against tyranny and oppression.”

Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial

Obama Admin Opposes Prayer at WWII Memorial | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I guess Barack Taqiyya only respects race hustlers like MLK and hate mongers like Jeremiah Wright.

Let me close by saying “I have a dream.” Call in the Army Corps of Engineers and dynamite that memorial out of existence.

First of all, I think far too much money was spent on MLK's memorial, but that is not because I do not respect MLK as one of my prime inspirations. That is because a sculpted block of stone should never cost tens of millions of dollars, at least not in this economic climate. I'm not sure what all the money went towards, but it seemed excessive to me.

Second, I would understand your concern if this was a memorial for, say, Malcolm X, as he was much more militant and radical than MLK. Malcolm wanted change "by any means necessary", including rioting and violence, while MLK preached non-violent protest.

In terms of this memorial turning our government into a theocracy, that's ridiculous. How many memorials in D.C. honor religious people? Not preachers perhaps, but deeply religious former American leaders nonetheless. I see little difference, at least not one that matters. If MLK's worst crime was that he was a Christian preacher, then let the memorial stand.

MLK may not have been a leader to all Americans, but he was a leader to all those who felt violence was never a way to solve a problem. My favorite quote of his is actually on my wall, saying : "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

Even if you do disagree with the man and the establishment of the memorial, your hateful rhetoric is, once again, completely unproductive to the discussion. MLK, though he should not be the only one to get credit for the Civil Rights movement, was a symbol of the struggle and certainly deserves to be honored as such. As does Thurgood Marshall, and even Malcolm X, who eventually came to renounce much of his more hateful speech after leaving the Nation of Islam.

How about we take Columbus day off the calendar, and leave MLK day right where it is. Columbus was some clueless European prick that thought he was in India. MLK was, and is, an inspiration to millions to this very day.

How about we take everything off the calendar except Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veteran's Day.

If you want a day off to commemorate your hero, god, or whatever you negotiate with your employer or use a vacation day.
Ah the maturity of the Obamacult fanatics!!
Childish rants to avoid adult acceptance of the truth.

Childish rants? When I respond to someone as puerile as you I need to be childish so you will understand. Sorry for using all these multi syllable words. I hope I did not confuse you.

That would be posting an honest factual statement about your messiah.
The divisive, hate filled, corrupt tyrant you idolize.

put down the crack pipe, bro.
[ame=]Pride - U2 - Martin Luther King - YouTube[/ame]

U2- Pride(In the Name of Love)

A little reminder of what it really was all about. I can remember taking a road trip to Florida and seeing gas stations with Men's, Women's and Colored bathrooms. A few years later the Colored rooms were gone. He had a lot to with that and it had a big effect om me. I salute you, MLK.
Although the Bible that Micheal King thumped forbids monuments, a statue of some kind made by a black artist, an Italian might have to train one, might have made sense if Micheal King exposed the true history of slavery, the true reason for the holocaust known as the civil war, the true reason for the South's inappropriate policies as a result of the North's war on the South. Then he would have been a hero worth commemorating. The fact is he just read his handlers stuff just like OBama. does.
A little reminder of what it really was all about.

To konradv: This is what it was always about:

'Black mob violence' – the forbidden words
Exclusive: Colin Flaherty notes killing of Australian just 1 of hundreds of similar attacks
Published: 22 hours ago

?Black mob violence? ? the forbidden words

So you're saying it's all about proving that blacks are violent? That's the epitome of racism. We get where you're coming from.
Hoodie wars!

Police Search For Men Seen Carrying AK-47s « CBS Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Police are searching for two men carrying AK-47s near Frankstown Avenue.

Officials say two black males wearing hoodies were reportedly seen carrying AK-47s around noon and heading toward the bus stop at Standard Avenue and Frankstown Road.

They are wearing hoodies, isn't that sacred or something?

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