Memories from the Good ole Days

A pack of cigarettes in a vending machine cost two dimes and you got two pennies back in the pack. Those friendly Texaco servicemen wiped your windshield while you waited for them to fill your tank at .25 per gal.
A pack of cigarettes in a vending machine cost two dimes and you got two pennies back in the pack.
I quit smoking when smokes were $1.65 in the pull handle old mechanical machine. I bought smokes for I think it was $0.65 while I was in the Marine Corps.
Periodically, I still see those rubber things that people keep their change in. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

I quit smoking when smokes were $1.65 in the pull handle old mechanical machine. I bought smokes for I think it was $0.65 while I was in the Marine Corps.

I remember when I was 7 years old going to the corner Gas Station and telling them I needed a pack of Pall Malls for my Aunt
They would sell them to me
This almost cause me PTSD flashback. I used to work with a label making Nazi. She tried to label every file, in/out basket and on and on with exactly what was suppose to be in that certain space. She even labled the coffee cup tray. Every few months I would wait till she got them all made and all was perfect in her world and, when she wasn't at work for some reason, I moved them all around. Cracked me up. I think she still hates me.
I remember when I was 7 years old going to the corner Gas Station and telling them I needed a pack of Pall Malls for my Aunt
They would sell them to me

Why wouldn't they? The smokes were for your aunt- not you.

Although when I was growing up in Ohio, store clerks demanded notes from the adults to verify that the kid had permission to buy tobacco.
Marine Corps C-ration meals came with a little box with 4 cigarettes.
i went in in 1980. We did not get smokes in our C-rats routinely, but occassionally there would be smokes. I guess left over from the 60's.

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